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Bearded Dragons

My name is Frank and I have started a Bearded Dragon breeding and caring ranch. I accept beardies from anyone who can no longer care for the one(s) they have. However unfortunately I cannot keep this ranch running because I siumply do not have the funding.I would really appreciate it if you would contribute some money to this fund. Please email me for information on how to donate to this ranch or how to buy a bearded dragon from us at I will also take any questions or comments you have about bearded dragons from that same email address. It is entirely up to you to choose if you would like to contribute or not, but I would consider it a personal favor to me and maybe, If I get all the money I need ,maybe I can send everyone who contributed a baby dragon free of charge. Thank You, Frank

Here are some links you can check out.

You can read a caresheet here.
Here you can buy crickets.
