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Oklahoma City Bombing 1995 the Untold Story and WACO CAMP Told by John G. Peeler, former CIA, FBI, ATF Agent who went uncover and attemped to warn the Nation, The Whitehouse, and others please listen to his taped interview and see as we connection the dots to this major conspraicy against the American People and the Public
Oklahoma City Bombing 1995 the Untold Story and WACO CAMP Told by John G. Peeler, former CIA, FBI, ATF Agent who went uncover and attemped to warn the Nation, The Whitehouse, and others please listen to his taped interview and see as we connection the dots to this major conspraicy against the American People and the Public
On my April 20th., 2005 I had a former CIA,FBI,AFT Agent who was uncover with the KKK and Aryan Nation investigating their organizations... while doing this he saw much and knew too much about WACO and the Oklahoma City Bombings, His name is John G. Peeler of Little Rock Ark, and was a personal guard to the former Governor Bill Clinton, and also then worked in uncover operations within the government until it all can apart when he saw what was being planned for Ok City in 1995, which April 19th marked its anniversery, and also in the same week the WACO Nightmare happened, which Peeler knew about and was asked to go in and kill David Koresh but refused! Then there was Ok City, Peeler became friendly with McVeigh and other and has many fact to share.... He is no later an agent and those who sought to shut him up have his son under lock and key in Little Rock Ark for a murder without a body, crime scene, no DNA, Blood nothing just the testimony from Peelers Son's Ex Wife, nothing and this man has been in jail for over 9 yrs on a LIFE SENTENCE! Hear John Peeler here on the Audio and tell others and ask the question this could be me, WHERE ARE THE CIVL RIGHT LAW'S IN THIS COUNTRY? And why is the Public Ok with this until it happens to THEM!
Mc Veigh's Final Statement
Mc Veigh's Final Statement 
A this point he did not care about living, he was at WACO and saw liquid Naplam used on the children within many being BLACK! The Tank sat over the basement door stopped anyone from getting out! Men attempted to jump over the fence to get their wive and children out only to be shoot to death by those who claimed to come to protect the families from a child molester, the fact was David wife was the alleged Child he raped and another man was mad at him because he got the compound from his mother.... McVeigh saw all of these things before and after, then he left and joined up with Nichols group, finding out in the end that there was no escape from this hatred, with criminal intent by those is served.