What a bad day!

Mood: ...bite me!
Song: Strong Enough - Stacie Orrico
Day's Rating: 6.25/10.00

LOOK!! I actually made my own site blog thingy. haha...well cause xanga is down...again...i decided to rely on my self and blog on my own sites...soo tada...this was a day's work. haha...well...*thinks*...today was pretty bad i felt like barfing and breaking things. BLEH...well DMV TEST coming soon...*panics* well hope you guys like this...hehe...so...tkd was okay. it made me feel sooo much better but got me even more tired. haha well...ttyl...more to come soon. ENJOY

Richard @ August 11, 2003 - 10:00 PM PST[]
















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Name: Richard // Chibi
Blessed on: 05.14.88
Reppin: Temple City // 626
AIM: aznxdarkrice

...more to come...

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