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Anywayz sorry abt the website its a lil crap at the moment... going 2 upgrade soon lah... just dun have the time ok sorry dude

Oh well i can tell you abit of history first of all, back in the olden days where Dinosaurs ruled the world there was a man called GOD. It was he who created us he who created the world, he is the alpha, the omega the beginning and the end, he is our saviour and our friend.

From time to time people's hearts change from good to evil from evil to good, this is because without pain there is no love, and without love there is no life.

So what is life? Why are we on Earth? That I cannot understand but all I know is we are here for a purpose here on his very planet created by god we are here to love one another to care for one another not only to be with them but forever cherish them and do anything for them no matter what if it means death this is the true meaning of love what more can I say?
