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There's not much here, there never will be

This is just a site for me to upload mp3s on request for my friends. This is not to promote piracy; only as a sampler song from albums convincing my friends to buy and support the singers who dedicate so much of their life to music.



Vas - Veiled

Quatrain 185 by Jalal al-Din Rumi: (Lyrics for Vas - Veiled)

ay jân ze del-e to bar del-e man râhast
vaz jostan-e ân râh delam âgâh ast
zirâ del-e man cho âb sâfi o khvosh ast
âb-e sâfi âyeneh-dâr-e mâh ast.
ay yâr, ay yâr

O my soul, there is a link between your heart and mine
And my heart is looking for that path
My heart is clear and pure like water
And pure water is a perfect mirror for moonlight.
O Beloved.