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Association of Thai Ridgeback Owners & Fanciers

Association of Thai Ridgeback Owners Code of Ethics & Recommended Practices

Introduction: As a breeder, exhibitor or owner, the Thai Ridgeback enthusiast is often confronted with the decision and courses of action which can impact not only the health and well-being of his/her own dogs, but also the continued preservation of the Thai Ridgeback breed as a whole. In a sincere effort to aid both the novice and the long-time fancier, ATRO hereby sets forth these voluntary guidelines, representing a distillation of the personal codes of conduct and valid concerns of its members.

Article I - Breeding Considerations

Section 1 Prerequisites. The first and foremost consideration should always be the desire to preserve and advance the breed. Every breeding should be done selectively, incorporating:

A. Careful analysis of the temperament of the sire and dam, including all possible research into the temperaments in their individual backgrounds.

B. Careful study of canine anatomy, the breed standard, the breed's history and function and the basic principles of genetics. Application of these studies to a thorough research of the pedigrees of the prospective parents.

C. Ethical breeders should discuss openly and honestly the genetic and physical problems that have occurred in their lines. This should include the potential of these problems to be passed on, especially in cases where testing can indicate only that a dog is currently free of a problem, but cannot determine that the problem or the ability to pass it on will not be inherited. Stud dogs or brood bitches who produce offspring of consistently poor quality or with genetic problems known to be inherited in the breed are therefore of no value as breeding stock and should not be used again.

Section 2 Legal Requirements. Every potential breeder must be aware that the United Kennel Club requires (UKC Rules Applying to Registration and Discipline) that all breeders keep accurate and thorough breeding records and follow such practices as will preclude any possibility of error in identification of an individual dog or doubt as to the parentage of a particular dog or litter. Contact UKC as to what are considered acceptable methods of identification.

Section 3 Health And Husbandry. All dogs and bitches should receive Routine health checks and/or be examined by a veterinarian before breeding to determine that they are healthy and mature enough for this purpose. In addition. to but not limited to, the following are recommended:

A. Owners of the sire and dam should exchange health information, i.e.: certification by a veterinary ophthalmologist that the dog or bitch is reasonably clear of PPM and currently clear of PRA; sufficiently documented testing in both dogs' ancestry to insure that they are; OFA certification for dogs and bitches over two years old; negative brucellosis, heartworm, and fecal exams. All dogs/puppies should be checked and monitored for Dermoid Sinuses DS.

B. Breeding should be undertaken only when the breeder is in a position to properly care for the bitch and litter. The breeder should recognize that it may be necessary to house offspring for some time and that he/she must be prepared to provide suitable facilities and socialization during this period.

C. Bitches should not be bred at their first season, preferably not before the age of two years; bitches should also be bred no more than once per year.

D. Stud dogs should be bred selectively. The stud owner should discourage the individual who wants to breed the pet quality bitch or one unsuitable for the stud in question, and explain why this is necessary.

E. The stud owner also should ascertain that the owner of the bitch has the required knowledge and the necessary facilities to care for the puppies for however long it may take to properly place them.

Article II - Selling And Sales Practices

Section 1 Legal Requirements. Problems resulting from sales and sales agreements are perhaps the greatest source of dissatisfaction and ill will in any breed. It's important that the seller be honest with both the buyer and him/herself.

A. Every person who sells or places a dog should provide the new owner with a registration application, a signed transfer or signed agreement between buyer and seller documenting the transfer of ownership (UKC Rules Applying to Registration and Discipline).

B. All agreements and stipulations should be recorded either in sales contracts or by a simple written exchange of mutual expectations. The UKC will only uphold a legal judgment obtained in a court of law; it cannot adjudicate sales contracts or agreements.

Section 2 Breeding Arrangements. Breeding arrangements are often confusing; they are best written and agreed upon by both seller and buyer.

A. Breeding arrangements should never be required which compel the pet buyer to breed a dog or bitch. It is strongly advised that all puppies graded as "pets" be sold on spay/neuter contracts with an UKC "Limited Registration".

B. Breeding arrangements "instead of" cash payment are discouraged. Such arrangements "in addition to" a selling price are usually made on an animal of such superior quality that it is necessary for the breeder/seller to maintain said animal as part of a well-planned ongoing breeding program.

Section 3 Educational Responsibility. The ethical breeder/seller should be honest in informing the prospective of the Thai Ridgeback's particular personality and idiosyncrasies. He/she should also disclose all breed health problems as well as each specific animal's physical, mental and nutritional needs and history.

Section 4. Conditions Of Sale. In order to expedite sales, sale prices of dogs and puppies should not be dropped lower than what is customary in any locality. This is not the practice of an ethical breeder.

A. No puppy should be released or shipped to a new home without having received vaccinations in accordance with local veterinary recommendations. New owners should be provided with a three generation pedigree, complete inoculation records including booster due dates, name and address of the seller's veterinarian, and complete written instructions on diet and care.

B. Any health guarantee should allow the buyer a specified period of time (usually three days to one week) within which to have the puppy examined by a veterinarian of their choice.

C. Ethical breeders do not consign Thai Ridgebacks to pet stores, animal brokers or commercial kennels.

D. All breeders should be careful in the placement of their stock and should not knowingly deal with unethical persons. An ethical breeder should not sell to nor aid in procuring a Thai Ridgeback for any person who he/she has reason to believe will not provide the proper care and environment, or who may use the dog in any fashion that is detrimental to the breed.

Article III - Lifetime Responsibility

Section 1. A responsible breeder should be willing to take back, rehabilitate (if possible) and re-place in a suitable home any dog he/she has bred and sold when the original purchaser is unable to keep the dog at any time during the dog's lifetime. Contracts and written agreements should preclude the dog being resold and require its return to the breeder in all cases. If an animal is beyond rehabilitation, the breeder should be willing to either advise humane euthanasia or be responsible for such if the owner is unwilling or unable to do so.

Article IV - Advertising

Section 1. All advertising of puppies, adults or stud service should be factual and without misleading implications. Likewise, advertising of show wins and breeding records should be neither false nor misleading.

Section 2. All advertising and promotion, written and/or oral, should be confined to the specific aspects of the seller's stock and should not allude in a derogatory way to the methods, animals or reputations of other breeders.

Article V - Sportsmanship

The term "sportsmanship" might be strictly defined as the art of playing fair; accepting defeat without complaint and victory without boastfulness. However, the following additional concepts of sportsmanship, when practiced, can enhance the pleasures of participation and the respect afforded the Thai Ridgeback fancy.

Section 1. Courtesy: Every Thai Ridgeback enthusiast should conduct him/herself at all times in such a manner as to reflect positively on the sport of breeding and showing dogs in general and on the Thai Ridgeback breed in particular.

A. You alone are responsible for cleaning up after your dogs: Anywhere, and at Anytime!

B. Whether in the ring, seated ringside, traveling, staying at hotels/motels or dining out, DO NOT be so rude as to leave your animals unattended to inflict damage to the environs or excessive noise on other people (or dogs!).

Section 2. Experienced breeders and exhibitors should willingly offer the novice advice, constructive criticism or assistance with problems when requested to do so. However, keep in mind that unsolicited "constructive criticism" can cause great pain.

Section 3. In the course of any contact, whether in person, by telephone or by mail, an ethical breeder should never refer in a derogatory way to the methods, animals or reputations of other breeders or competitors.

Section 4. Malicious criticism (hurtful or mean-spirited comments) should never be made.

© Copyright 1993-2006

Association of Thai Ridgeback Owners & Fanciers (ATROWORLD) All Rights Reserved Notice: Copyright to all photographs and written information displayed on this site are owned by the writer and photographer. You may not sell, publish, license or otherwise distribute any of these photographs or this written information without obtaining written permission.

Four Acceptable Colors

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Black
  • Yellow

More Thai Ridgeback Information

Association of Thai Ridgeback Owners Home
Reputable US Breeders
Thai Ridgeback Breed Information
Mother Land of the Thai Ridgeback
Land of Bellehound
British Association of Thai Ridgeback
Thai Ridgeback Club of Canada
National Canine Association
International All Breed Canine Association
Wild Animal Rescue of Thailand
SOI Dog Rescue
CCK9s New Leash on Life Thai Ridgeback Rescue
