My 411

Are you really going to read this? If you aren't then i recommend you make haste and get away from here. It's quite long and tedious; and i'm a very boring person for you to get to know if you don't have the patient ... if you're not up to the challenge then go away! Shoo ... shoo ... :)

Welcome! [to those that have decided to stay]

Name: ask me ^_^ [but i won't tell you anyway ... hehehe]

Age: between 1980 and 1990

Gender: do you even have to ask that?

Location: somewhere on Earth, more specifically? I'm lying around on the sofa watching TV in a house somewhere in Canada =)

Personality: i'm lovable, adorable, etc. .... hehehe ^_^ no, that's not true ... i'm a funny person if you know me ... and dead boring if you don't ... lol ... :)

Favourite food: anything edible ... spicy, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter [why couldn't they change the word "bitter" into something starting with the letter "s"? then it would be the 5s and all i have to tell you is the "5s"...]

Favourite colours: can't you tell? well it's white, black, and blue

Favourite movies: no romance plz ... to heartbroken to watch those, nothing but tears and tears ... too sad or too happy

Favourite music: classical, operas, and jazz ... hehehe ^_^ ok maybe not the latter two but definitely classicals. Try it, they're good :) i must say i like anything with beat and an easy tune so i could sing-a-long ;)

Hobbies: sit around doing nothing :) yes i know i'm a lazy bum ... hehehe

Interests: nothing at the moment ... let me think about it then i'll tell you

Sports: any hockey fans out there? I love hockey but play soccer ... hehehe ... ironic eh? i love soccer too [if i didn't say that my friends will kill me] volley-ball, basketball, tennis, badminton, and definitely cycling ... too much? i think not :)

Likes: i'm an anime fanatic!!! Of course, you people already knew that .. right? Hehehe ... =) I like $$ of course ... games ... and stuff ... you know just stuff, can't think right now

Dislikes: bugs and dolls ... they're just utterly horrible ... i'm sorry if i offense any of you who like bugs or dolls ... reasons why i hate dolls: their eyes and their human-like looks ... bugs: they fly and they bite

Well ... i guess that's pretty much it ... i feel like i've just advertised myself ... hmmm but i'm not for sale :) I have nothing else to say ...

One little fact about this site: i got the idea of making my own webpage at the beginning of December 2000, but i've actually started building it at the end of the school year [June 2001] told you i'm lazy ... hmmm that's it people hope you enjoy it ... i sure didn't, have to think of all the silly things to say to make you happy ... ... very exhausting .... ok buh bye. Have a great day.

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