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As a part of the University of California Davis Young Scholars Program, participants were required to construct web pages describing their research projects and detailing their findings. This webpage is about the research conducted by Julian Smoller in the laboratory of Dr. Pamela Pappone in the Section of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behaviour. It presents the findings of preliminary experiments designed to investigate the effects of bg MeATP and apyrase on the extracellular ATP concentrations of brown adipocytes. The links represent the various sections of a research paper written about these findings. 



Fat Tissue

Leptin and Adiponectin

ATP Signaling

P2 Receptors

Aims of Research

Cell Isolation and Culture



BG MeATP Experiment 1

BG MeATP Experiments 2 and 3

Apyrase Experiment



Works Cited

YSP Website

UCD Website