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This is not an attempt to gain an internet fanbase, this is an objective. Most humans are stupid and pathetic. I'm looking foward to the negativity aimed at us in the guestbook from all the diehard trendies, it lets us know that we pissed you off and wasted your time. The same way you waste our space in society.

What is in, What is out.
Whats hot and whats not.
Whats this hype about?
A religion called pop.
Are you a slave to the trend.
Did you sell your soul to fit in?
Do you know who you are?
or did conformity take you too far?
to remember your true self.
craving attention from everyone else.
think of your friends.
but remember, your life is pretend.
cause your mind don't think, its controlled by the trend.
they don't like you
cause there is no you.
your body is just an empty shell.
on the media's puppet strings of hell.
The truth may hurt, but theres no need to fear.
Cause Operation Trend-Kill is here...