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Hakuna Matata

Worked with flash some today and made banner it's on links section cuz i was testing it gonna make a better one soon and going to add more friend infos too heh jordan isn't my ONLY friend heh so keep coming back it works real good (that's what they say at AA meetings) Peace love and herpes Arjay


Added Writings section and did some editing and then I plan on doing more soon... have a good one love arjay


How is it going everyone? Just checking in on my site today i am planning on adding some pictures and umm maybe a new section..... ohh the mystery! Tommorrow is my birthday. and i'm bored so yeah have a great one peace.. Arjay


Life is hell... added pics started working on many new things for site it's going well thinking of adding something new but not sure if angelfire can handle it so yeah i will figure it out and if you have anything you want to send me send it to ~Keep the pimp hand strong...


Well lets see.. I cleaned up quite i bit got some pictures up corrected the links page and all around made everything alot better. And as of yet girls still use me and make me their slave...... ~Arjay


More updating done still working on everything and getting a grasp on the coding stuff but it's fun and hopefully i'll have a first rate site soon! thanks and have a wonderful day!


Today i'm just starting my site and i'm learning how to do html so i mean things will get better so come back later to see what i can do.....

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