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Alexander Jonathan Garth
Julius Grant




Site Copyright © arienpegasus
Pictures from


(04/072004) Arien

*sob* I've decided to drop Gene and Arien due to some dumb reasons, you wouldn't want to know about it. Anyway, I've come up with a new character... Presenting... *drum roll* Julius Grant !!!

(25/06/2004) Arien

Alas !!!!!! Yes! I have finished all the individual layout !!!! *dies*

(24/06/2004) Arien

Wohoo !!! I Finally finished my very own layout !!! So... yeah! I'm real exited about this !!! ^^

But I'm still trying to work out with the character pages, and yes I'm making individual layout for each of my characters. So, at the moment, they are still in their old layout. And I felt like a nerd already... XP

(20/06/2004) Arien

Was that a flicker of anxiety I see?
Hiding deep inside the innocence that had forever held you to your ground…
Was that a tout of hope I see?
Emerging from a drowning conscience…
Yet would it suffice to battle your destiny…
That was already foreordained?

Ach !! I was in my poetic mood !! So yeah... ^^ Anyway, this page is the main page that will lead you to my character's page. I hope you guys aren't gonna kill me for kept changing my URLs. Can't help it you know. I'm just being picky and yeah... paranoid of being imperfect. I'm a PERFECTIONIST? Blehh... XP

I'm still doing some more improvement in the character's page. Some of the description would be just as the same as the old ones, which I'm afraid I myself has grown tired of. So... since I'm definitely in my creative mood, I'm going to redo all the character description (just the wordings, but not the character's fact itself). Bear with me... ^^

Anyway, I may put in more of my poetic mood into words (which doesn't normally happens though... ><). And I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed letting it flow through the words... Peace..