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Argentwing's Site of Stuff

Hello crazy peoples. My name is Argentwings. Well, not really, but I'm not telling you what my real name is. Anyway, I am 15 years old, female, insane, and live in the Bay Area in California. I love reading, singing, talking, drawing, wolves, fantasy, vampires, writing, musicals, cats, acting, my friends (that means Anna, Kelly, Carolyn, Leslie, Hannah, Katiye, Elizabeth, Ashlie, Katie, Kit, and Chrissy), and Asher. (Ask me about that last one later.) I am very prone to obsessions--currently I am obsessed with the following: Dragonlance, Asher, ElfQuest, Asher, Anne Rice, Asher, Monty Python, Asher, Anita Blake, Asher, Friends, and Asher. See what I mean?

My Favorite Authors, In No Particular Order

Great Links

Elfwood--fantasy and sci-fi art and fiction--absolutely fabulous!
pretty much what it looks like: lots of fanfiction. My pen name is Gwen Moongoddess if you want to check out my stories.