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The Respiratory System:Brenn Wilknison- ALexander Ko- Michael Bironeau
The Respiratory system

Function of the Respiratory system

The Nose - Usually air will enter the respiratory system through the nostrils. 
           The nostrils then lead to open spaces in the nose called the nasal 
           passages. The nasal passages serve as a moistener, a filter, and to 
           warm up the air before it reaches the lungs. The hairs existing 
           within the nostrils revents various foreign particles from entering. 
           Different air passageways and the nasal passages are covered with 
           a mucous membrane. Many of the cells which produce the cells that 
           make up the membrane contain cilia. Others secrete a type a sticky 
           fluid called mucus. The mucus and cilia collect dust, bacteria, and 
           other particles in the air. The mucus also helps in moistening the air. 
           Under the mucous membrane there are a large number of capillaries. The 
           blood within these capillaries helps to warm the air as it passes 
           through the nose. The nose serves three purposes. It warms, filters, 
           and moistens the air before it reaches the lungs. You will obviously 
           lose these special advantages if you breath through your mouth. 
Pharynx and Larynx - Air travels from the nasal passages to the pharynx, or more 
                     commonly known as the throat. When the air leaves the pharynx 
                     it passes into the larynx, or the voice box. The voice box is 
                     constructed mainly of crtilage, which is a flexible connective 
                     tissue. The vocal chords are two pairs of membranes that are 
                     stretched across the inside of the larynx. As the air is exspired, 
                     the vocal chords vibrate. Humans can control the vibrations of the 
                     vocal chords, which enables us to make sounds. Food and liquids 
                     are blocked from entering the opening of the larynx by the epiglottis 
                     to prvent people from choking during swallowing. 
Trachea - The larynx goes directly into the trachea or the windpipe. The trachea is 
          a tube approximately 12 centimeters in length and 2.5 centimeters wide. 
          The trachea is kept open by rings of cartilage within its walls. Similar 
          to the nasal passages, the trachea is covered with a ciliated mucous 
          membrane. Usually the cilia move mucus and trapped foreign matter to the 
          pharynx. After that, they leave the air passages and are normally swallowed. 
          The respiratory system cannot deal with tabacco smoke very keenly. Smoking 
          stops the cilia from moving. Just one cigarette slows their motion for 
          about 20 minutes. The tabacco smoke increases the amount of mucus in the 
          air passages. When smokers cough, their body is attempting to dispose of 
          the extra mucus. 
Bronchi - Around the center of the chest, the trachea divides into two cartilage-ringed 
          tubes called bronchi. Also, this section of the respiratory system is lined 
          with ciliated cells. The bronchi enter the lungs and spread into a treelike 
          fashion into smaller tubes calle bronchial tubes. 
Bronchioles - The bronchial tubes divide and then subdivide. By doing this their walls 
              become thinner and have less and less cartilage. Eventually, they become 
              a tiny group of tubes called bronchioles. 
Alveoli - Each bronchiole ends in a tiny air chamber that looks like a bunch of grapes. 
          Each chamber contains many cup-shaped cavities known as alveoli. The walls of 
          the alveoli, which are only about one cell thick, are the respiratory surface. 
          They are thin, moist, and are surrounded by several numbers of capillaries. 
          The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and air occurs through 
          these walls. The estimation is that lungs contain about 300 million alveoli. 
          Their total surface area would be about 70 square meters. That is 40 times 
          the surface area of the skin. Smoking makes it difficult for oxygen to be 
          taken through the alveoli. When the cigarette smoke is inhaled, about 
          one-third of the particles will remain within the alveoli. There are too 
          many particles from smoking or from other sources of air pollution which can 
          damage the walls in the alveoli. This causes a certain tissue to form. This 
          tissue reduces the working area of the respiratory surface and leads to the 
          disease called emphysema.

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