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Spheres Selected -


Correspondence - 
Entropy        - 
Forces         - 
Life           - 3
Matter         - 1
Mind           - 
Prime          - 2
Spirit         - 
Time           - 

Tradition Selected - Any

Author = All

Listing all rotes that are possible with the above sphere ratings.  This was done by Rote Online Data Base.

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Spheres : Life : 1 

Tradition : Verbena

Rote : Blood Sight

This rote allows Verbena to sense how healthy a person is, what diseases (if any) she has, whether she is insane or pregnant, or how old she really is, and alerts him to they presence of any foreign substances including bullets, drugs and alcohol.  The Verbena also use this rote to determine someone lineage. {Each success provides one fact about the targets physical state.}

Tradition Book : Verbena pg 63


Spheres : Matter : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Analyze Composition

The subject knows the chemical composition of any item she chooses to analyze.


Author : Deird'Re Brooks

Spheres : Life : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Analyze DNA

Maps and analyzes the DNA of any living being the mage uses this effect upon. Pinpoints harmful genes, whether recessive, dominant, single or paired.


Author : Deird'Re Brooks

Spheres : Matter : 1 Life : 1
Tradition :
Rote : Detect Poison

Allows the Mage to analyze food or drink and determine if ingestion would be harmful.


Author : Deird'Re Brooks

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition :
Rote : Enhanced Senses

Provides 1 extra dot of Perception in any one sense per success rolled in the test.

Author : Deird'Re Brooks

Spheres : Matter : 1 Life : 1
Tradition :
Order of Hermes
Rote : Horn of the Unicorn

An old hermetic rote to find out if food or drink would be harmful (poisoned, spoiled or very unhealthy). The mage draws a pentagram over the food, while naming five revealing spirits. If the food is harmful, the plate or cup will shudder, as if they were revealed.


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Matter : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Pattern weave

The mage can perceive a broken or disassembled item as its whole, or unassembled parts as the assembled device. Adds one die per success to any attempts to repair or build.

Spheres : Matter : 1
Tradition :
Cult of Ecstasy
Rote : Pattern weave

The mage can see a disassembled or shattered object in its whole form or as it should be. Cult of Ecstasy use to reflect the image of the parts in their ring, and see the whole in the reflection. Sons of Ether just measure things with their meters, while Choristers touch the parts, seeing how they should fit together. [Each success will give one extra dice in repairing or building the object. Very useful for furniture from IKEA.]


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Author : Deird'Re Brooks

Spheres : Prime : 2 Life : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Restore Pattern

Many patterns which are disturbed and damaged by Magick can be strengthened again if the quintessence lost is replaced before they settle into a new pattern. This rote has many uses. One use is as countermagick against Magick seeking to destroy a pattern, by healing the damage and strengthening it before the changes even become real (it wont work on any pattern that has already been changed, since it now is a new, stable, pattern).


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Infection

Creates the microbes/bacteria/viral of a virulent disease upon the targeted person, infecting him with the disease in question. Candy created this as a means to test her immunization Rote.


Author : Deird'Re Brooks

Spheres : Prime : 2 Life : 3
Tradition :
Sons of Jupiter

Created by Arctus, this simulated the Vampiric Blood Bond by ladening the mage's blood with his own quintessence. [The person still needs to taste the Blood three times for it to be effective, and the mage will have to sacrifice a point of blood, along with the accompanying injury.]


Author : Jack Dracula

Spheres : Prime : 2
Tradition :
Order of Hermes
Rote : Break the Flow

The mage can disturb the flow of quintessence which sustains a magickal effect. This is done by disturbing it so it won't discharge into its target, but into something else or just into reality in general. This will disrupt the Magick for a short while (some types of Magick may even be dispelled by this). This of course only works on Magick which is fuelled by a flow of quintessence or is upheld by a concentrating mage. It will temporarily break down a barrier, make an eternal flame go out or turn a temporarily boosted Life- mage normal. Hermetic mages usually perform this by "cutting off" the power with their seal, while intoning the name of a powerful god or force. [ Each success removes one success from the affected magickal effect. If it is of the type which demands constant influx of quintessence to function and remain in existence, like a flame or ward, it may be completely dispelled if all successes are removed. Matter and Life Magick will return to normal function as power returns.]


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Prime : 2
Tradition :
Cult of Ecstasy
Rote : Aura of Power

The mage channels quintessence into himself and his surroundings. He cannot control where it goes or how it manifests, and it will spread. The result will be that the mage will be quite noticeable, and appear more "real" than the background. It gives a definite impression of power. The negative side is that the quintessence attracts lots of "little nasties" and can suddenly ground into patterns, turning them more real too. Cult of Ecstasy perform this rote by watching light reflecting in the surface of a drink and then make a silent toast to themselves. [ Each success will give on extra dice on social rolls. ]


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Revenge of the galloping bowels

Originally developed by a Verbena witch as revenge for against an overly amorous suitor. This Rote simply kills off all of the sybiotic microorganisms within the target's gastro-intestinal tract, result of days of diarrhea and intense pain and agony. The Euthanatos were so impressed with this Rote after seeing it in action they simply adapted it when using Entropy in place of Life. [For each success after the first the mage may either the length of the target's suffering or the amount of pain the target must endure.]


Author : Stephen Johnson

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition :
Rote : Fanning Passions Flames

This is a rote of relatively recent origins, supposedly inspired by a lonely Verbena one night while she wandered through the romance section of a bookstore. The Cult of Ecstasy swears by this rote and it is often the first rote a Disciple if Life is taught in the Tradition when they begin working with complex lifeforms. Simply put, this rote inspires complete sexual arousal within the target beyond the point of rational thought. The Mage performing this rote is often attacked by the target of the rote, who upon it's completion, is literally panting in animal heat. [This rote requires only one success as it is a very simple tweaking of the target's Life Pattern, once the Mage knows where to perform the manipulation. Interestingly this rote only becomes vulgar if witnessed by the Awakened, sleepers invariably dismissing the extreme reaction as lust at first sight or for some other reason while silently wishing things like that happened to them. For every success beyond the first the Mage may increase either the length or depth of the target's passion. Note that the passion generated by this rote is neither directed or discriminating! The target could just as easily focus on an eighty year old as the Mage performing the rote.]


Author : Stephen Johnson

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition : Any
Rote : Water Breathing

An excellent example of using different spheres for the same effect! Using the Matter 2/Prime 2 effect, you conjure air inside your mouth or lungs ("Boy, he sure can hold his breath a long time thanks to all those tuba lessons as a child!"). With the Life 3 effect, you modify your lungs to take oxygen from water. With the Forces 3/Prime 2 effect (and here's where it starts to stretch!) you generate electrical current inside your mouth to cause electrolysis, breaking water down into hydrogen and oxygen. Just silly enough to work!


Author : Daniel P. Anderson

Spheres : Life : 1
Tradition :
Rote : Frostegalder

By singing this song, the mage is protected from cold and freezing. The mage sings the galder to his flesh and limbs, making them liven up and get warm again.


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Blessing of Baphomet

All kinds of life in the vicinity of the mage start to grow and multiply faster. Flowers bloom, crops become bountiful, all female beings become fertile. A place where this rote has been used often sometimes looks like a jungle, filled with wines and insects.


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 2 Prime : 2
Tradition : Order of the Eternal Dawn
Rote : Mark the Blood

The mage "marks" the blood of a person. This marking will be passed on to the children, and so on. Sometimes this marking is bound to a special trait. The mark can be read by Life 1. Different markings have different meanings, and are used to keep track of certain traits. Mages have also found that there exist other markings in several bloodlines, which they have not put there. Some believe that there must have been other mages doing the same thing as they in the past. Other explain it away as a "lusus naturae", a strange but useless natural phenomenon.


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition :
Rote : Simulate

Sometimes mages have to appear more hurt than they are, for example during medical examinations. Using this rote the mage can simulate all kinds of diseases and wounds, or make wounds appear healed. Verbena usually wash themselves with blood and paint their new appearance using it and special herbs. The results look like the real thing, but are no real wounds (if the mage doesn't want to be *too* realistic, of course). By adding Mind 1 the mage can imprint the correct responses too, like appearing in pain or shivering when touched in certain spots.


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition :
Rote : Eternal Youth

The mage simply stops ageing. This requires almost constant low- level concentration, but is often coincidentally explained using a healthy diet involving certain herbs and blood.


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition :
Rote : Bath of Beauty

The Verbena have never underestimated the power of youth and beauty, and have developed this rote. The mage fills the cauldron with blood, which is consecrated. Then the mage washes himself from head to feet in the blood while invoking the powers of youth and life. [ Each success triples the number of years the mage rejuvenates (1 success 1 year, 2 3 years, 3 9 years, 4 27 years...). If the mage wants to continue rejuvenating another bath is required, and so on. These changes have the same weakness as Improve Self, they suffer from Pattern Bleeding.]


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition :
Rote : Enchanted Senses

The mage gives himself the sight of the Eagle, the smell of the Dog, the taste of the Rat and the hearing of the Cat. Verbena use to do this by anointing eyes, ears, fingers, nose and tongue with blood while visualising the power and sounds of the different animals.


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Mead of blood

This rote may have started as a kind of travesty of the Catholic Mass. By pouring mead into the bowl and adding a few drops of blood, the priest can turn it into blood. However, it doesn't have to look like blood or taste like it, the priest can make it appear to be normal mead. Afterwards, the mead can be used instead of blood as a foci, be imbibed as a source of strength or even used as sustenance for vampires (although practically no modern kindred know about this. Only the oldest Scandinavian Methuselahs have tasted such mead).


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition :

Waking up to find herself being examined in the emergency ward of a hospital, a young Verbena decided to freak out the medical staff for the hell of it. A pinprick-wound in her thumb pumped out narrow spurts of blood to up to six feet away, whilst she sat there nonchalantly watching the horrified looks on the nurse's face. To top it all off, Chloe sneezed a three-pound blood-clot onto the curtain used to cordon her off from the rest of the ward. Splat. [Prime 2 fuels the creation of a few pints of the mage's own blood. This is, of course, somewhat vulgar. But fun.]


Author : The rote library

Spheres : Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : enchant bullet.

By priming bullets with Quintessence they now do aggravated damage, or get the ability to wound non-materialized spirits.


Author : Mathias Bengtsson

Spheres : Life : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : recognizer

Add any effect previously mentioned, but it only works against a certain Kind of target. Like Creatures (Vampires, Werewolves), people with a certain faith (I'm not going to go into on this one) or a specific person (Samuel Haight) A good way to avoid Accidents (so you dont kill your cabal members by mistake)


Author : Mathias Bengtsson

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition : Any
Rote : "poison" bullets

These bullets continue to do damage even afterwards, roll Stamina difficulty 8 to avoid taking one health level of damage. Goes on for Successes number of turns.


Author : Mathias Bengtsson

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition : Any
Rote : healing bullets

These bullets dont hurt you, instead they heal you, weird. (just make sure you load the correct bullet. "We had him, he was almost dead, but now he's standing up" You "Uh-oh")


Author : Mathias Bengtsson

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition :
Rote : Couvade

The entire army of Ulster was brought to its knees by the use of this Verbena rote in the fifth century. While it has never again been used on such a scale, it remains a potent spell, as many of the Tradition's enemies have discovered to their discomfort. It transfers physical pain from one target, usually the caster, to another. In the case of the Irish army, they were forced to experience labor pains, but the pains of battle injuries are the most common sensation. (If successful, the target will suffer all the pain and wound penalties experienced by the person he is connected to, although the wounds themselves are not transferred. Hollow Ones have developed a similar spell they call the Corsican Game.)


Author : Andrew E. Larsen

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition :
Rote : Drawing Out Blood

As the Verbena like to say, 'Blood calls to blood', and this brutal rote is an application of that idea. The witch bleeds herself and then uses the blood to draw blood out from the target. If the target already has injuries, they will bleed copiously. If they don't, they spontaneously start hemorrhaging from various orifaces. Repeated use of this effect is generally fatal to the target, but that's the point. (This rote does a level of damage for each success, and cannot be soaked. Exactly how the bleeding occurs determines whether the rote is vulgar or not.)


Author : Andrew E. Larsen

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition :
Sons of Ether
Rote : Dr Goldburg's Wonderful Pan-Sufficient Survival Pill

Dr Goldburg specialized in Umbral exploration and discovered many fascinating phenomena and strange lifeforms, until his ill-fated journey to Rigel 3, when a particularly strange lifeform discovered him. But his legacy lives on in the form of his many inventions to make planetary exploration easier. This tiny blue pill provides its user with complete nourishment for 1 day.


Author : Andrew E. Larsen

Spheres : Life : 1
Tradition :
Celestial Chorus
Rote : Prayer of Healing Revelation

Please refer to MtA-1:p198
Please refer to MtA-2:p.201


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Little Good Death

Please refer to MtA-1:p198
Please refer to MtA-2:p.202


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Heal Simple Creature

Please refer to MtA-1:p199
Please refer to MtA-2:p.202


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Matter : 1
Tradition :
Rote : Fragment of Dream

Please refer to MtA-1:p202
Please refer to MtA-2:p.206


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Matter : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Analyze Substance

Please refer to MtA-1:p202
Please refer to MtA-2:p.206


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Prime : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Sense Quintessence

Please refer to MtA-1:p210
Please refer to Mta-2:p.214


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 1
Tradition :
Virtual Adepts
Rote : Genetic Scan

Please refer to MtA-1:p198
Please refer to MtA-2:p.201


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Mold Tree

Please refer to MtA-1:p199
Please refer to MtA-2:p.202


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Ho Tien Chi

Please refer to MtA-1:p199
Please refer to MtA-2:p.202


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition : Any
Rote : Better Body

Please refer to MtA-1:p199
Please refer to MtA-2:p.202


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Prime : 1
Tradition :
Cult of Ecstasy
Rote : The Rush

Please refer to MtA-1:p210
Please refer to Mta-2:p.214


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Prime : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Hearts Blood

Please refer to Mta-2:p.214


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Enchant Weapon

Please refer to Mta-2:p.214


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Flesh Toy

Please refer to MtA-1:p224


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Do: Dragon Fist

Please refer to tBoS:p147


Author : White Wolf
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Detect Life

With this rote, a mage can tell when other life-forms are around.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Prime : 1
Tradition :
Rote : Detect Curse/Blessing

With this rote, a mage can tell whether an individual has a curse or a blessing on them. With three mor more successes, the mage will also be able to tell the nature of the curse/blessing. With six or more successes, the mage can tell the exact wording of the curse/blessing.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Detox I

This rote allows the mage to detoxify a target of all contaminants. This rote requires physical contact to make it work. (and it's not particularly pleasant for the target).


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Dry Out Lungs

This rote allows the mage to extract any unecessary moisture from their own lungs. this rote is usually used in conjunction with "Water rebreather"


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition : Any
Rote : Anasthetic Touch

This rote allows the mage to deaden the nerves in any area he touches. While the applications for use in a combat situation are obvious, this rote is most often used as an aid to healing. By deadening the nerves in a specifc area, the patient need not feel the pain or discomfort of surgery.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Daze

For the cost of 1 quintessence, this rote creates a small amount of sedatives in the targets body. The target must recieve at least as many successes as the Magick with Stamina difficulty 7. A botch or a failure makes the victim fall unconscious. less successes than the Magick gives a -1 to all dice pools (except arete) until the poisions are purged from the body. Combined with Mind or Matter the difficulty raises to 8 and with both to 9.


Author : Mathias Bengtsson

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Alter Pheremone

This rote adds or alters a persons' distinct pheremonal signature. Pheremone's are often thought to be the key to animal attraction. So, changing a person's pheremones will change the nature of the people he attracts... and distracts.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Prime : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Anti Magic Defence System

This system is used to prevent mages from using Magick or transporting quintessence in restricted areas. They are mostly wired up to alarms, security doors and stun gas delivery systems, but other (nastier) systems can be connected. The AMDS consists of arrays of detectors, which detect flows of quintessence. A surge of quintessence is reported to a central unit, which sound the alarm and immediately activate defence systems. A classic use is for directing Subsonic Pain Inductors (SPIs), small devices which send a subsonic beam at a human target and induce agonising pain (Life 4, damage pain only). The NWO Re-education division uses cells with AMDS-SPI equipment to keep mages under control. Each use of Magick brings instant agony, and the threshold sensitivity is slowly increased, forcing the mage to stop using Magick even at a subconscious level.


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Induce Backlash

Many mages choose not to wait for Paradox to strike, and deliberately induce a Paradox backlash on themselves, preferably while they are somewhere safe, like their sanctum. The strength of the backlash is still rolled randomly. No matter what the circumstances, this Rote always counts as Vulgar, even in the Umbra or in a mage's Sanctum. Thus, the rote always adds at least one point of Paradox to the mage's total pool. Heaven help the mage that botches this effect.


Author : Unknown

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Create New Virus

This rote allow the creation of a virus. Given the nature of the virus, it is quite possible that the virus could be customized to interact with a specific life pattern. If the virus is customized to wrk on a specific individual life pattern there is a +1 modifier to the difficulty. This rote requires a five-minute session (or an expenditure of a quintessence point) to meditate on the nature of the virus, then it can be created.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Tailor Existing Virus

This rote allows the mage to alter an existing physical virus, and reweave its patterns into another virus. SHe cannot make it disappear, but she can turn a virus into a mutated version, or even change a harmful virus into a benign one.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2 Prime : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Roses Grow

This simple rote allows the mage to bring a simple form of beauty to the otherwise harsh environment. Frustrated with the inability to grow a garden in her new apartment in downtown Toronto, Larissa Iozzo decided to do something about it after listening to the concrete blonde song, "Roses Grow". She added some of her own garbage to the growing pile between buildings (on which her window overlooked), which contained some of her own bloodm having been ritualizedand impregnated with spells. After the next rainfall, small, extremely resilient tendrils pushed their way to the surface. within a week from their surfacing, bright red, vibrant roses bloomed from the garbage heap.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2 Prime : 1
Tradition :
Virtual Adepts
Rote : Reflex Booster

adds 1 dice per three successes to initiative rolls during one scene.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Contraceptive

If the mage doesn't want to be pregnant she won't be. Similarly, this could work on a male mage, and sterilize his sperm before it ever enters her body.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Contraceptive II

This rote prevents pregnancy, but also prevents the transferance of any disease organisms. All foreign patterns (with the exception of the individual the mage is mating with) is kept away from the body.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Enhance Liver

Change the liver so it can more efficiently handle the poisons that flow through the body.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Scent of Running Water

This rote allows the mage to mask his scent completely. He cannot be tracked by scent, even by a werewolf, if this is used.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Mothers Touch

This rote allows the mageto heal up to successes/2 wound levels.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Fluid Grace

This rote increases the acrobatic ability of the target. for every three successes, add one dice to any roll requiring dexterity.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Sate Kindred

Create blood within the kindred. Area of effect is touch. dangerous if the kindred is frenzying, but will aid in their battle to regain themselves.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Blood Movement

When she was very young, Larissa Iozzo, a Verbena, was really frightened because she had just been bitten by a vampire. Luckily, her fairly cool head prevailed. She had the sense to direct all the alien blood in her system to her arms, where she hesitantly opened her arm up with a knife. She was able to ensure that only the vampire's blood was extracted, essentially allowing her to avoid a portion of a blood-bond.


Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Mitchell's Thorny Travel

This rote causes a path to become overgrown with briars, thorn bushes and even small treees to impede travel.


Author : Unknown

Spheres : Prime : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Sense Paradox

The description of prime 5 hints at a positive/negative relationship between Paradox and Quintessence. Couldn't you sense paradox just like yousense quintessence?


Author : Unknown

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 2
Tradition : Any
Rote : Abra-Cadabra!

It says you can conjure simple life forms (i.e. invertebrates), but it does not say how big you can make them...thus, observe folks, the Scorpion the size of a Bear! Or a sea urchin as big as a barrel (which appears about twelve feet above someone's head), or your friendly neighborhood hornet as long as a '57 Chevy! If they argue that you can't conjure something larger than it's original shape, try pointing out that level 2 life let's you alter simple patterns! You might need forces or matter to allow the creature a feasible chance to survive being crushed under it's own weight or letting said giant hornet still fly, but that up to your ST. (Ever see a black widow as big as a Winnebago? Trust me, folks, it ain't pretty.) This also acts as a lovely diversion, but is nearly impossible to make coincidental.


Author : Unknown

Spheres : Matter : 1
Tradition :
Rote : Ettergalder

This galder was used by the legendary Egil Skallagrimson when he suspected that his drink was poisoned. He sung it to the mug, and it shattered, showing that the contents were poisoned.


Author : Anders Sandberg
Web Page :

Spheres : Prime : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Blazing Sword

This rote charges the Dancer's blade with Quintessence, allowing her to spend one point of Quint each time she strikes, thus causing Aggravated Wounds. It lasts for two rounds per success.


Author : Deird're Brooks

Spheres : Life : 3
Tradition : Any
Rote : Fortify the Body

Each success adds one wound level, which has a wound modifier of 0. This effect will not last longer than a scene or Quintessence Leakage will occur. As such, this can be a dangerous effect to use unless the Mage can be healed before the duration expires.


Author : Deird're Brooks

Spheres : Prime : 2
Tradition :
Rote : Chi Fist

This rote is extremely common among the Akashik brotherhood, although other tradition variants exist. The Akashiks teach the rote as a deep-breathing technique that allows the student to focus his Ch'I, or mystical energy, into his fists, causing them to blaze with energy and cause severe damage to his foes. (System: as per the Enchant Weapon effect under prime 2)


Author : Kyle Felker
Web Page :

Spheres : Life : 3 Prime : 1
Tradition :

This rote draws on the free quintessence in one's pattern and uses the stuff to "over-heal" one's body. This allows muscles to strengthen and solidify, while bones harden and become heavier. When correctly cast, the mage will find herself capable of huge leaps and furious, strong strikes. It is also much easier to absorb the shock of damage and falls. The Progenitors have produced nearly identical effects with Forces 2, Life 1 and Prime 1. Move over, Garou!


Author : Zach Archer

Spheres : Prime : 1 Life : 1
Tradition : Any
Rote : Baptism

During the burning times members traveled widely as monks, priests, healers, and midwives, looking for lost cubs, kinfolk, and such. With a difficulty of 6, this rote reveals if infant is bete, kinfolk, OR has a strong avator, more successes, more information, with five revealing(if posotive, only one success is required for a negative non-bete, non-kinfolk, weak avator result)tribe, auspice, if kinfolk or bete, and if strong avator(stronger the avator, more likely to awaken, 0 being not at all very likely, and five guarenteed to awken.) essense and strenth of avator.


Author : BTomlin101