Chibi Gokus Stats

PL: 9000
HP: 4500 KI: 4500

Kamehameha: beam: 20ki
Super Kamehameha: beam strong: 70ki
Dragon Punch: punch with dragon power:30ki
Final flash: good beam:30ki
Flash Sword: builds energy in a sword and slashes verry fast: 100ki
Heal: Heals a quater of hp: 100ki
Spirit Bomb: Big ball of ki: 40ki
zanzokun: fast dodge: 100ki
Burning attack: fire attack: 250ki
finishing move
Total Killer: kills opponent instantley ... everyone but c.goku has to be ded and this attack will take all ki and hp and put pl to 1: all ki

(need uyr job)

100 gp per job post