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Poetry Written By Me

WOSIB - Fantasy  


Hello Again these three poems on this page were written by me I hope you like them tell me what you think of them when you are done looking at my page.
Thanks Again for visiting my page.


I Will Always Love You!!!
Everybody says that I don't love you!
But they are wrong I do love you!
And will always love you!
I hope you will forgive me,
for all of the things that I've done wrong!
It is all so confusing everything changed,
and it all happened way to fast!
Tell me how come it has to be like this,
does it really have to end this way?
I hate the fact that this is ending,
esspecially this way!!
Can you please just think about things!
I miss you with all my heart please forgive me!
Just give me one more chance,
I promise I will not do stupid things anymore!
Just one more chance please!
Written By
Torey Erdmann


Love is anything and everything,
that anyone and everyone in life!
You always need something in life,
and you always need to live!
When love comes into your path,
you have to take it or loose it!
If you don't take it you'll be sorry,
because you may never get another chance!
Also if it doesn't work out you,
may have another so keep your feelings alert!
There are always many things that happen!
Some things are meant to be,
and some things that sren't meant to be!
Written By
Torey Erdmann


Life is one of those things that's very weird,
things alway's happen that aren't supose to happen!
Some things that happen are supose to happen,
and they make things that are good happen!
some things that are not meant to happen,
but things always happen even if they are not meant to be!
There are always things that do happen,
and they don't go the way you want them to!
But some things happen to teach lessons,
and some things happen because they are meant to be!
This is the way all things happen in life,
because that is the way things happen!
Written By,
Torey Erdmann
