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This form of Haiku poetry originates from the Renga. The Haiku is a type of Japanese poetry that is short in length and has been around the longest. Basho, the famous Japanese poet, contributes to making this type of poetry well known. Even though it survives all these years, people still enjoy writing this form of poetry today.

The structure of the Japanese Haiku has changed tremendously overtime. In the fifteen century, the original form contains up to one hundred verses. Each verse still had a specific number of syllables similar to the Renga. Two poets working together on one poem create the first Haikus. The more recent Haiku consists of seventeen syllables. Over time, the Haiku has changed its structure, but one thing that has never changed is the set number of syllables.

In order to write a Haiku one must be in a state of relaxation. One might want to listen to some Japanese inspirational music to help with ideas. Haikus can be written about anything. Most people write their Haikus on nature and their daily lives. The three lines of the Haiku create a feeling that describes a poet's emotions.


Another type of Japanese poetry is the Tanka. It is older than the famous Haiku but not as well known. The Tanka has been a well-known type of poetry in Japan for about 1300 years. After every special event or occasion a Tanka is written about the event. Tanka tends to be longer than the Haiku so it allows the poet to express his feelings in more depth. Typically the Tanka is written about one's feelings. In order to write this type of poetry, one must write about something that they have a great love for and are passionate about. For example subjects can be about nature, a place, family, a loved one, or their own daily life, most likely whatever you feel is right. A well-written Tanka creates a vivid image that is related to emotions. This type of poetry gives poets the opportunity to express their own feelings in a unique way.


Another type of Japanese poetry is the Renga. Throughout history, Japanese poetry is continually changing. Over time, a technique developed so those two poets could enjoy creating one poem at the same time, this concept is known as the Renga. The idea behind the Renga is that one poet writes a section on his own ideas and the next poet adds the next section. Two poets combining their own ideas forming one poem, soon became a popular pass time and a form of entertainment. Many people think of Renga as playing a competitive game. In order to participate in this game-like fashion, being a fast thinker with a good sense of humor was a requirement. Renga poems are known to be longer than other types of Japanese poetry, and they can reach up to 100 verses. Renga poetry is a fun form of entertainment that anyone can enjoy.