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Dragon's Homepage
To the History page

Thanks for visiting my home page. Here I will update you to the advancements in my history website, and write about random things on my website. This is also the place that I plan on using to place my favorit music on. Changing it when ever I see fit. If you have any questions or comments regarding this page or the history websiteclick here

The order I will cover the history is China, Japanese, and Korea. After I complete those topics I will add the history for other ancient civilatazations which I will list later on. When ever I complete a civilatazion I will add a series of hyper links that go to pages containing revelvant information for people who want to learn about the topics in greater detail that I am providing.
I feel so happy my hyper links now change colour!!

This music is Dies Ire,from either the 4th of 5th movement in the Motzart requiem