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From the very beginning there have been Angels. Before humans were on the Earth there have been Angels. Religious writings from the dawn of time all mention Angels. 

What or Who are Angels? 

There are many different types of Angels, and they can vary from the merciful Healing Angels or the celibates Cleric Angels to the daunting Angels of Judgment or the fierce Reapers. An angel can be a pacifist or a fighter, a musician or a mystic, male or female, etc.

The information below has been reproduced in conjunction with the Worldwide Mediums website see links page for further information 


Abdiel - Angel of Faith  

Abdiel is first mentioned in the Bible where Abdiel is a mortal and resident of Gilead. He is said to be the angel who remains faithful to God during the rebel of the angels in heaven He forces out the rebel angels and attacks Satan himself with a 'mighty sword stroke.'

Adnachiel - Angel of Independence  

This angel holds dominion over the sun sign Sagittarius. He inspires independence and honesty.

Adramelechk - Angel of Fire   

One of two throne angels. He is referred to as both a heavenly angel of the Assyrians and a fallen angel

Afriel - Angel of Youth 

Afriel encourages newness and exploration, offering guidance to those who dare new thoughts. He inspires our spirits with hope, promise and a belief in the ideals of youth.

Ambriel - Angel of Communications 

Ambriel is affectionately guiding the human race toward a consciousness of inner truth. Traditionally Ambriel is a protective angel

Amitiel - Angel of Truth 

Amitiel is responsible for assisting with realizing the various levels of truth. She encourages us to find the truth in our desires and experiences and to use these truths as learning experiences rather than to be in denial.

Anael - Angel of Romantic Love 

Anael influences love, passion and romance. Also traditionally considered to hold dominion over the element of air and an angel of health and life.

Anahita - Angel of Fertility 

Anahita is a female angel whose reverence is to keep the earth and all of nature fruitful. She grants fulfillment so that we may harvest the dreams that we have worked hard for.

Anauel - Angel of Prosperity 

Anauel holds dominion over success and prosperity. She inspires a willingness to gladly share our wealth with others.

Ananchel - Angel of Grace 

Ananchel means 'grace of God', and she is here to offer us the experience of an open heart allowing the love of God to pour in. She awaits to bathe us in a state of ecstasy, when every cell in our body sings praises to God and every thought is turned Homeward in thanksgiving. Ananchel provides the state of grace which allows the angels to fill us with love, inspiration, wisdom and rapture. Ananchel assisted the Archangel Gabriel when Mary was visited and provided with the remembrance of her mission by surrounding Mary with a state of grace.

Appoloin - Angel of Destruction

This angel is considered a heavenly and fallen angel. His name means 'destroyer'. He said to be the angel who watches over the opening of hell's pit, waiting for Satan, so he may seize, bind and throw him into the bottomless pit. He was overthrown by Uriel and Raphael in combat.

Ariel - Angel of Nature 

Meaning 'lion of God', he is among the seven angels who rule the waters and is called "Earth's great Lord." He assists Raphael in the cure of disease. In Gnostic lore, he is an angel of the winds.

Armaita - Angel of Truth 

An angel who instills truth, goodness and wisdom to the human heart.

Asmodel - Angel of Patience 

Dominion angel over the sign of Taurus. Inspires patience, practicality and physical comfort.

Baglis - Angel of Moderation 

Baglis encourages harmony in our lives and develop inner power and the self-discipline we need to overcome addictive habits.

Balthial - Angel of Forgiveness 

This angel grants unconditional forgiveness and help to overcome jealousy and resentment.

Barakiel - Angel of Good Fortune 

An archangel of the order of Seraphim, his name means "lightening of God." He opens our hearts to playfulness and lightheartedness.

Barbelo - Angel of Goodness 

A female angel who inspires prosperity and integrity.

Barchiel - Angel of Compassion 

This angel holds dominion over the sun signs of Scorpio and Pisces. He encourages more compassion and inner strength.

Bath Kol - Angel of Prophecy 

Her name means "heavenly voice", she inspires the gift of clairvoyance and encourages truthful communication.

Camael - Angel of Joy 

Camael belongs to the order of Powers, his name means "one who sees God." This angel presides over beauty, joy, and contentment. This angel appeared to Jesus during his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Cassiel - Angel of Temperance 

Cassiel is one of the princes of the order of Powers. He is one of the rulers of the planet, Saturn, and associated with Saturday. He is also known as the angel of solitude and tears.

Cathetel - Angel of the Garden 

Cathetel inspires humans to love, appreciate and attune to nature.

Chamuel - Angel of Tolerance 

Chamuel is considered to be an archangel, his name meaning he who seeds God. He inspires us to realize that we must first love ourselves, in order to love others. He gently guides us to view our own shortcomings.

Charmeine - Angel of Harmony 

Charmeine wraps a deep feeling of harmony around us like a blanket of love from the Mother. She is charged with leading us on the journey to harmony through self-love.

Charoum - Angel of Silence

He inspires us to appreciate silence, the integrity to keep secrets and to be a good listener. Traditionally believed to protect the earth from floods and hurricanes.

Cherubim - Angels of Wisdom 

These angels belong to the First Hierarchy in the order of Angels. The meaning of their name, "one who prays" or "one who intercedes." They are the angels that were placed by God to guard the gates of Eden to prevent Adam and Eve from returning. They are the keepers of sacred wisdom.

Colopatiron - Angel of Liberation 

He inspires us to rely upon our own intuition. Guides us through struggles of freedom of all kinds: spiritual, creative, psychological and economic.

Dina - Angel of Learning 

This celestial being is said to be the angel who taught humans how to speak. He continually inspires us to culturally evolve and fills our hearts with love of learning.

Douma - Angel of Silence 

The angel of the stillness of death. Douma is also the tutelary angel of Egypt, prince of Hell, and angel of vindication. The Zohar speaks of him as having "tens of thousands of angels of destruction" under him, and as being chief of demons in Hell, all charged with the punishment of the souls of sinners. In Yiddish folklore, Douma is described as a thousand-eyed angel of death, armed with a fiery rod or flaming sword.

Ecanus - Angel of Writers 

Ecanus inspires writers with original ideas and encourages them to complete their tasks.

Elemiah - Angel of Inward Journeys 

Traditionally believed to watch over and protect those who travel by water. Guides us to retrieve insights from our subconscious minds.

Elijah - Angel of Innocence 

By Jewish tradition, this angel is a guardian angel to new-born children and to all who die at a young age. Also believed to be the Angel who created the "Tree of Life."

Forcas - Angel of Invisibility 

In occult lore, it is not indicated what rank Forcas once held in the angelic hierarchy, or to what order he belonged; but he is a fallen angel. In Hell he is a renowned president or duke; and here he devotes his time to teaching rhetoric, logic, and mathematics. He can render people invisible and restore lost property.

Forfax - Angel of Astronomy 

A great earl and president of the underworld in command of 36 legions of spirits. He gives skill in astronomy and liberal arts and manifests in the form of a heifer.

Gabriel - Angelic Messenger 

Gabriel, an archangel and one of the two highest ranking angels in Judeo-Christian and Islamic lore. Her name means "strength of God". She is a unique archangel in the sense that it is almost certain she is the only female angel in the higher echelons, although some believe there are no female angels. Gabriel fosters joy, truth, justice and love. She grants wisdom in interpreting our dreams and visions.

Galgaliel - Angel of Vibration 

Galgaliel governs the Wheel of the Sun. Ezekiel mentions Galgaliel in his vision of God as wheels within wheels that accompany God everywhere. Galgaliel governs the vortex of energy and vibration. He has the sacred duty of assisting when we feel blocked by increasing the vibration around us until the barrier disintegrates.

Gazardiel - Angel of New Beginnings 

As an angel who holds dominion over the rising sun, she encourages awakening and enlightenment. Guardian Angels - Your Special Angel An unseen hand, a guiding light, a specific angel is attracted and assigned to you. As your soul's spiritual mother, she holds the blueprint of your perfection and knows how you can best evolve. She protects you and brings messages of inspiration. She cannot alter your personal free will, but is permitted to influence you toward your higher good. She stays with you throughout your lifetime here and is dedicated to strengthening and encouraging you on your path.

Haamiah - Angel of Integrity 

Haamaiah guides us to make ethical decisions and enlightens us to the will to express our true selves and the courage to hear and understand other people's feelings

Hadraniel - Angel of Love 

His name means "majesty or greatness of God". He is the angel assigned as gatekeeper at the second gate in heaven. This angel's mission is to awaken our memory of eternal love.

Hael - Angel of Kindness 

Hael inspires art, beauty and kindness in mankind.

Hamael - Angel of Dignity 

Hamael presides over the sun sign, Capricorn, he encourages persistence, practicality and a sense of dignity.

Hamaliel - Angel of Logic 

This luminous one presides over the sun sign of Virgo, and aids us in increasing our abilities to think in an orderly and logical manner

Hamied - Angel of Miracles 

Hamied is a glorious angel of such white that only his incredible eyes can be seen shining through. Hamied carries the essence of the Christ Light. He watches over us, waiting for opportunities to create a miracle in our life. His mission is to spark the memory of our divinity through his examples.

Haniel - Angel of Harmonious Love 

Meaning "grace or glory of God", many believe Haniel to be an archangel. He inspires us to be balanced in a a loving relationship.

Harahel - Angel of Knowledge 

Harahel opens our hearts and minds to new ideas. A guiding spirit who enlightens that knowledge is useless without wisdom and that wisdom generates kindness and love.

Hayyel - Angel of Wild Animals

This angel protects the wild animals of the earth. Hayyel teaches mankind that just as angels were created to watch over humans, humans are to caretake and love animals.

Iahhel - Angel of Meditation 

As an angel who inspires meditation, Iahhel watches over those who seek a retreat from earthly pursuits in a responsible way.

Iofiel - Angel of Beauty 

Her name means "beauty of God". She helps us to recognize that everything that happens is divine, natural and beautiful in the eternal sense. Iofiel is here to help us experience a new depth of beauty. She assists us in attuning with our eternal self so that we may express the harmony that is our unique reflection of God.

Isda - Angel of Nourishment 

Isda provides nourishment for physical, emotional and spiritual fulfillment.

Israfel - Angel of Song 

This celestial being holds dominion over music, inspiring music and feelings of new hope and embodying the creative word of God.

Israfil - Angel of Judgment Day 

Considered one of the four archangels of Islam, the angel who will blow the horn on Judgment Day. Also an angel of music.

Izra'il - Angel of Health 

Also an Islam archangel, this angel brought God a handful of dirt with which to create Adam.

Jamaerah - Angel of Manifestation 

Jamaerah is responsible for assisting us in achieving our heart's desires. He opens up space for our visions to manifest in reality.

Jehoel - Angel of Presence 

Regarded as a mediator and considered to be "the angel who holds the Leviathan in check." Jehoel is the chief of the order of seraphim.

Jophiel - Angel of Enlightenment 

Some belief Jophiel to be an archangel. This angel inspires us toward awareness, enlightenment, open-mindedness and freedom of thought. He teaches our consciousness to discover the Light within.

Kakabel - Angel of the Moon 

Meaning "star of God", Kakabel is a powerful angel in charge of the stars and constellations. Considered by some as a holy angel and by others as a fallen angel. Kutiel - Angel of Water This angelic benefactor holds dominion over the art of finding water with divining rods.

Lailah - Angel of Conception 

Lailah is the angel of the night in Jewish legend. She is in charge of conception and is appointed to guard spirits at their birth. Another legend states that she fought for Abraham when he battled Kings.

Liwet - Angel of Inventions 

Liwet is a special friend of mortals who have original ideas, this celestial guides, inspires and encourages individuality and uniqueness.

Maion - Angel of Self Discipline 

Maion inspires self discipline, maturity and the ability to work hard.

Malahidael - Angel of Courage 

This angel presides over the sun sign, Aries, and blesses us with special protection and blessings. Inspires enthusiasm, adventure and liveliness.

Manakel - Angel of the Oceans 

This celestial being protects and guides the animals, fish and plant life that dwell in the sea. He encourages us to get in touch with our deep inner wisdom which some refer to as a psychic ability.

Melchisedek - Angel of Peace 

This heavenly being is the chief angel of the order of virtues. In angelic lore he is considered a celestial virtue of great grace whose function in heaven is like the one Christ has on earth.

Metatron - Angel of Thought 

His name literally means "the throne beside the throne of God." He is considered one of the most important archangels who led the children out of Israel and also stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac. Metatron helps us communicate with God and brings God's presence to us and opens up our hearts in order to better receive this guidance. Responsible for supervising the Akashic Records, a special archive where all our thoughts and deeds are recorded upon a screen of mental essence.

Micah - Angel of the Divine Plan 

Micah watches over spiritual evolution, seeking every opportunity to reveal God's Divine Plan and reveal the next steps of our life purpose.

Michael - Angel of Miracles 

Michael is an archangel who strengthens the spirit during difficult times or dangerous situations. His name means "he who is like God" and he is the chief over the dominion order of virtues, angel of repentance, righteousness, ruler of the fourth heaven and conqueror of Satan. It is commonly believed that Michael was the angel that Moses communicated with in the burning bush and that he also saved Daniel from the lion's den. He inspires truth, patience and love in the human heart. In Roman Catholic tradition, Michael is considered to be the patron angel of policemen, guiding and guarding them as they protect us. He is also thought to be the one who gently leads our souls to heaven.

Mihael - Angel of Loyalty 

As an angel of loyalty and fidelity, Mihael guides us to grow with these virtues, and leads us to friends who are trustworthy and loyal.

Mihr - Angel of Friendship 

This angel serves humanity by granting platonic love, friendship and companionship. He encourages us to heal friendships that have gone astray. Also responsible for bringing people together who have similar life aspirations.

Mumiah - Angel of Longevity 

Mumiah is traditionally believed to grant health, vigor and longevity.

Munkir & Nakir - Angels of Justice 

Munkir and Nakir are two blue-eyed black angels found in Muslim tradition. Their special job is to examine the souls of the recently departed to determine if they are worthy of a place in paradise.

Muriel - Angel of Emotions 

As an angel who holds dominion over the sun sign of Cancer , she encourages awareness and the ability to get in touch with our deepest feelings.

Nathaniel - Angel of Fire 

Nathaniel means "gift of God". He is lord over the element of fire, a powerful gift from God. He is constantly watching for spiritual fires of aspiration rising from earth. He transfers the fire aspect of divinity to our world where it transforms consciousness from the limited self to the eternal self by burning away misconceptions that would have us believe that we are separate from God.

Nemamiah - Angel of Just Causes 

 Some consider this heavenly being as an archangel, he is protective of those who struggle for justice and for the rights of those who can not defend themselves, such as children and animals. Inspires empathy in our hearts.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom 

Nisroc is known as "the great eagle". Carried on his wings of truth, we find the freedom to reveal our Eternal Self.

Omniel - Angel of Oneness 

Considered to be an archangel by some, Omniel grants mortals the ability to experience a feeling of oneness with all life. This unifying angel links us with all living things, allowing us to communicate easily with all of nature and the heavenly realm.

Ongkanon - Angel of Communication 

This angel is God's messenger who offers love and guidance as we progress on our journey. He often acts as an intermediary, bringing remembrance of our spiritual destiny, and his desire is to assist in the quest for truth. He enhances communication with family members through love and peace. He helps us to recognize our true feelings and communicate these in a positive manner.

Ooniemme - Angel of gratitude 

This angel is charged with bringing that glorious feeling of gratitude to us, which expands our awareness and opens us to receive further blessings.

Orifiel - Angel of the Forests 

This luminous one safeguards the wilderness and encourages us to protect the wild areas of the earth.

Paschar - Angel of Vision 

This angel guards the veil between our world and the heavens, between consciousness and unconsciousness, between awareness and illusion. Paschar sees the beauty of the visions in God's heart and projects these into our consciousness for manifestation.

Perpetiel - Angel of Success 

An archangel, this bright messenger grants success and victory. He encourages our hopes and dreams.

Qaphsiel - Angel of the Moon 

Guardian of the seventh heavenly hall. In ancient Hebrew charms, Qapfsiel is invoked to drive away enemies.

Queen of Angels - Regina Angelium 

In Catholicism, the queen of angels is the Virgin Mary. In the cabala, it is the Shekinah; in gnosticism, the Pistis Sophia.

Raguel - Angel of God 

Raguel is an archangel who oversees the good behavior of other angels, his name meaning "friend of God." He is also said to be an angel of earth, a guardian of the second heaven and is the one who brought Enoch to the heavens.

Ramiel - Angel of Thunder 

He is considered both a heavenly and fallen angel. This angel is in charge of the souls that come up for judgment on the last day. Ramiel is regarded as the preside over true visions and is the angel who interprets Baruch's vision. In the female form she is also regarded as the angel of joy.

Rampel - Angel of Endurance 

This heavenly being holds dominion over mountains. He inspires inner strength, stability and endurance.

Raphael - Angel of Healing 

This celestial being is traditionally known to be extremely healing to all living beings, his name meaning, "divine healer." Besides healing, this angel grants mortals many gifts, among them joy, love, grace and creativity. He encourages self-motivation in becoming who we are meant to be. Besides being ruler of the angels of healing, Raphael is considered regent of the sun, chief of the order of virtues, governor of the south, guardian of the west, ruling prince of the second heaven, guardian of The Tree of Life in the garden of Eden and an angel of prayer, love, joy, and light. He belongs to the order of cherubim, the dominions, and the powers. He is said to be the friendliest and funniest of all the angels.

Rashnu - Angel of Judgment 

According to the ancient Persian religion, Rashnu is the angel who stands at the bridge to heaven and passes judgment on those who may pass.

Raziel - Angel of Mysteries 

This archangel's name means "God is my pleasure" and inspires us to accept the mystery as a beautiful part of life, so that our minds can shine forth with new and uplifting ideas. He is also known as the angel of knowledge. A Hebrew tradition tells that soon after Adam was driven from the Garden of Eden, he experienced illness. Raziel gave Adam as book listing all the medicinal herbs for curing every possible illness.

Rehael - Angel of Respect 

This angel inspires humans to respect their parents and the wisdom of age. He opens our eyes and hearts to realize that all those who came before us are older and wiser than we are.

Remliel - Angel of Awakening 

Remliel is the angelic awakener whose goal is to bring us to God-consciousness and union with your Eternal Self. He supplies whatever we need to fight the battle between light and illusion, the flesh and the spirit. When we are ready for a spiritual awakening, our Guardian Angel calls to Remliel to watch over us during this period of purification and self revelation. Remliel provides the best conditions for our growth by helping us face the personal demons and illusions that have blocked us from experiencing God's love directly. He is charged with directing the expanding of our mental body so that its currents and frequencies are all turned Godward.

Rhamiel - Angel of Empathy 

Rhamiel brings empathy, understanding, caring and protection to mortals.

Sachael - Angel of Water 

As an angel who presides over water, we can appeal to this angel for clarity of thought, purity and serenity of heart. This calming angel grants tranquility to our minds and relieves fears and phobias.

Samandiriel - Angel of Imagination 

This divine being is an angel who holds dominion over imagination, to visualize, thus transforming our own lives and the world around us.

Sammael - Angel of Souls 

Sammael is considered both an evil and good angel, he is known as the chief ruler of the fifth heaven. He is known to be the angel sent by God to carry the soul of Moses at the time of his death.

Sandalphon - Angel of Power 

Sandalphon is a great angel prince. He oversees the many powers given to the Seraphim including strength, abundance, beauty and the joy of living. Sandalphon provides wisdom and self-forgiveness in accepting our many gifts. He guides us through our life story to feel what we need to do in finding the fears and imbalances which prevent us from accepting our personal power.

Sariel - Angel of Guidance 

One of the seven archangels, his name meaning "God's command", he is responsible for the lot of angels that violate God's sacred ordinances. Sariel is considered the prince of presence and an angel of healing. This celestial being is associated with the skies and holds dominion over the sun sign, Aries.

Shekinah - Angel of Unity and Unconditional Love 

A female angel who always stays close to humankind, inspiring mortals to be just and fair, bringing balance and harmony to our minds and spiritual being. Her name means "bride of the Lord" and she is charged with redeeming us from evil and leading us back to God so that we may be liberated and cleansed in the eternal light.

Shemael - Angel of Gratitude 

Shemael inspires feelings of gratitude and thankfulness, and by doing so, helps us grow closer to all angels. He fills our hearts with serenity and love of life.

Shushienae - Angel of Purity 

Shushienae is responsible for assisting us in achieving purity of body and mind by infusing us with her gentle, cleansing energy of love. She calls to the other angels at dawn to direct the flow of prana to nourish people, plants and animals, keeping them vibrant and protected.

Sofiel - Angel of Nature 

Sofiel fosters a love of nature in human hearts.

Soqed Hozi - Angel of Partnership 

Soqed Hozi is the keeper of divine balances, holding the balance of feeling and truth in our lives through our partners. This angel inspires and energizes intimate relationships and provides insight and courage when tough decisions need to be made about these relationships.

Sraosha - Angel of Obedience 

An archangel in Judeo-Christian tradition, the angel who set the world in motion, and the angel who carries the soul away following death.

Tabbris - Angel of Self Determination 

This perfect one presides over free will, self determination, choice and alternatives. He inspires the ability to see and choose creative alternatives.

Taharial - Angel of Purification 

We appeal to this illumined one when we need to purify or cleanse our spirits or our surroundings of negative energy.

Trgiaob - Angel of Wild Birds

This radiant angel holds dominion over wild birds, loving and safeguarding them. He inspires us to open our hearts to love and appreciate the beauty and wonder of birds.

Uriel - Angel of Creativity 

An archangel, his name meaning "fire of God." This celestial being kindles artistic fires in the mortal heart. Uriel is the patron angel of literature and music. He also grants the gift of prophecy and therefore inspires our clairvoyant and psychic abilities. He is the chief in the order of Seraphim and the order of Cherubim. Often identified as the angel who "stands at the Gate of Eden with a fiery sword."

Urim - Angel of Light

Also a cherub, his name means "illumination". He is believed to possess the virtue of casting the fate of men.

Uzziel - Angel of Faith

Uzziel means the "strength of God" that manifest the gift of God's essence and the power of faith in our lives. He desires to teach us to ignite the Ascension Attitudes of Love, Surrender and Gratitude. There is a story about Jacob wrestling with the angel Uzziel. Jacob was afraid for his life because Esau, a brutal man, was on his way to kill him. Jacob had a choice; he could find a clever solution as he had done many times before, or he could give up the struggle and surrender to God. All night Jacob fought the angel, symbolizing his spiritual battle, and came out of the struggle with a new name, claiming the power of his faith.

Valoel - Angel of Peace

This angel presides over peace, filling our minds with tranquility and contentment. He also inspires a sense of cooperation and calmness in conflicts within our hearts. Considered an archangel, he awakens us with a feeling of complete inner peace.

Verchiel - Angel of Affection

Verchiel presides over the sun sign, Leo, and offers the gifts of nobility and affection. He grants us a generous heart and special protection.

Vohamanah - Angel of Optimism

This angel encourages and inspires us to think positively and to maintain an optimistic outlook on life

Vohu Manah - Angel of Purity

His name meaning "good mind or good thought", he is the principle Zorastrian angel. This angel encourages pure thoughts.

Wisdom - Angel of Creation

Also known as Pistis Sophia. God orders Wisdom, on the sixth day of Creation, to make man of seven substances. Wisdom is the assessor on God's throne, the divine agent by which all things were created.

Xaphan - Angel of Invention

One of the apostate angels, now a demon of the second rank. When Satan and his angels rebelled, Xaphan joined them. Warmly welcomed because of his inventive mind, he suggested to the rebels that they set fired to Heaven; but before the idea could be carried out, Xaphan and his colleagues were hurled to the bottom of the abyss.

Yofiel - Angel of Divine Beauty

Also known as Yefefiah. The angelic prince of the Torah. Yofiel taught Moses the mystery of the cabala. In Aramaic incantation texts, Yofiel is one of the great archangels.

Zacharael - Angel of Surrender

Zacharael means "the remembrance of God". He assists in letting go and receiving the will of God. He helps us to recognize that our attachments in our physical lives are temporary. His mission is help us learn not to be owned by material things, but to use them for our highest good.

Zadkiel - Angel of Prayer

Zadkiel is an angel of charity, solace and gentleness. This loving angel radiates comfort to those who are afraid, wounded or grieving. He also kindles a desire for spiritual development in the human heart and is considered an archangel, governing over the order of Thrones and Dominions. He is present in the bible as the angel who prevents Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac to God. He guards the powers of invocation.

Zagzagel - Angel of Wisdom

Zagzagel is the angel of the burning bush who appeared to Moses and "led the flock along the side of wilderness". He is the chief guard of the fourth heaven and resides in the seventh heaven, the home of God. He teaches us how to listen and see inwardly.

Zuphlas - Angel of Trees

This being of light protects and guards forests and trees. He inspires stability, protection, strength and longevity.

Zuriel - Angel of Harmony

An angel who holds dominion over the sun sign of Libra, he encourages us to be more harmonious, sociable and appreciative of beauty. 





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