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The Worlds Beyond

As some of us belive there is another a final resting place when we die. Where our souls go when all is said and done. But this may not have been so. Considering that before...we as man really could follow and write down what we encountered the greatest battle of all occured upon the face of this planet and forever changed our fate to the one that we are in today. At least if one is to belive in such things. In the great kingdom whence the creator of all things did reside an angel rebelled agaisnt his creator along with his supportors. This angel was Satin himself. Cast down into the firey depths of the darknest of all worlds possible he and his own found refuge in this place.

The demons are cast into darkness, yet to be able to see it they became it. To the Devil, the realm of flame and shadows is but a plaything to his will. To his plans he put far too much wanton desire to be effective at first, but created the tools of the darkness, lies, deceit, thievery, etcetera. Mankind became the battlefield between the darkness and hate that the fire within the great demons heart had already fueled trying to bring God's creation, as children of the darkness. While above, God gave to mankind the creation upon all was based using the holy spirit and his own hand to guide those closest to him in order to bring at least a part of his people back to him. In this did come the great battles of the faiths where many sought to either side without knowing it. For every religion it stands either to the heartless fires of the dark prince or the allured light of the great creator.

As the two whom were lead astray ventured forth from the great paradise that was given them into the harsh lands abounded by the punishment theat they earned in the eyes of god. The devil did come again as they set up their life to touch the heart of their son Cain. he whom was weak to the dark princes touch fell easily to his power and slain his own brother to win favor within. From jelousy that the dark one had spawnd himself. In this was the first man truely corrupt. And so where legends made of his kind and his kids from the children of the dark prince.

And when god awoke upon the day of which he was betrayed he sought out adam and eve fidning them hidden behind a bush. Calling rhem to come out though he already knew what happened. He asked them why they chose to clothe themselves and why they hid from him. Adam and eve confessed to eating the fruit of the forbidden tree. Adam because Eve did and he loved her. And Eve because the serpent had tempted her to do so. And so god went to the serpent knowing already whom it was and to him gave the punishement that for his role in tempting Eve to take of the forbidden fruit that forever shall they be forced to dirt around in the dirt and grime of the world on its belly for all eternity.

And so it comes to pass by the belife of some that these two factions do constantly battle beyond our area of comprehension. So we must tarry here and wait or for those that are strong enough to remember we can travel back to what we knew and to what there is beyond us. For many if this is all true are the battlefields and many are the places and times we may reside. There is no limit to any of us for all came from the infinite. And the infinite has no limits.

Insight. The trip one takes when they really want to know what they think. Or to gain their own. Thank you for comming. -Keith Kronner-
