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02/24/2003 22:06:17 -0500

Welcome to ALIAS:  ROGUE, my Evo-Rogue website. 

All Rogue fans are welcome, but I kinda tend to specialize in certain Rogue

areas, Evo and pretty much general information being number one.  I just

 started this website, so please

be patient with me.  Enjoy X-Fans!


Aw, my website is born.  Be patient with me while I get everything set up.

Also, X-Men is airing on Fox tonight.  There's supposed to be some good X2 footage.


I finally figured out how to get this thing posted on the web! Sorry about the wait!

Click file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/My Documents/My Webs/all events.htm to enter into ALIAS:  ROGUE

You know you want to.