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Akety Dia

"I would die a thousand deaths before I let you harm another."

Player:Katie (
Name:Akety Dia
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Light blue

Physical appearance:
Her hair is braided and falls to the middle of her back. There are a few locks hanging in front of her eyes. There is a scar on the right side of her face, right over her eye. Her face is somewhat round but not pudgy. She is strong, for her age. She is lean and tone.

She is quite hard-headed. . She is very smart, and quick to learn new things. She longs for a companion, a friend. She loves to watch the guys as they work. (She is not looking for a relationship at the moment.)
She herself is not one to step up and say 'hello' first. She is quit shy. In a small or large crowd if she is the center of attention, she gets really quite.
She loves to sit and 'talk' to animals, and does not care if they can understand her or not

She is good with a staff and quick with a dagger. She is pretty good in battle, she knows basic fighting and defensive skills.

She is very easily intimidated.

She is Landborn. She was raised in a small town by her Grandmother who is around the age of 70 and worked long ago as a tailor. Her Grandmother lived with Akety's family.

When Akety was only 3 years old, a gang attacked the family, wanting money from long ago. Her Grandmother took her out of the household when the gang came,but not before their boss was able to get a hold of the little girl. He slashed the girl's face with a blade. Her Grandmother was able to grab her and run. Akety's Grandmother tended to the little girl's wound, but it didn't matter it still left a scar above her eye.

The Grandmother feared that her little Granddaughter couldn't stay there, but where else could she go. She ended up staying there anyway. The leader didn't show up for a long time. Hoping he had forgotten about it the grandmother went and raised the little girl. Her grandmother told her what had happen to her parents when she was a little bit older. Her grandmother told her that there was a man that may come and talk to her
"Hon, please promise me that if anyone comes and talks to you don't know....leave. Don't trust anyone"
Akety nodded not really knowing what her grandmother was talking about she went on with her little life.

She left home at the age of sixteen and spent a year moving around, every night looking for a place to hide from the night. She has not had the opportunity to make any enemies, so she thinks. Two years ago, she wandered in to a warren, which to her seemed like as good a place as any she'd been to. She strolled in, very carefully looking around. She saw a crowd moving somewhere so she followed out of curiosity. They entered a large cavern with some eggs -- dragon eggs. To her surprise a guy walked up to her and told her a bunch of stuff about her having affinity and she listened to what everyone was saying about dragons hatching. Puzzled, she shook her head and waited. After a few minute everyone got excited and she got up to see. The eggs were cracking. She watched as one by one a dragon would hatch and leave with someone. There were only a few people on the sands now and they were going fast. One egg was left and there was still a small crowd of people there. She sat and looked, waiting to see what was going to happen. Finally it started to crack and a little black dragon popped out. Akety titled her head at it, as it stumbled out and waddled to her and sat next to her. [Hi, my name is Ishtar.]

Akety looked at its huge blue eyes and squinted. [Ummm, I am Akety.] She was a little stunned about this whole thing.

The little dragon rolled her eyes. [I am your dragon, your soul-mate.]

She smiled and thought to herself I finally have a friend. She patted the little dragon on the head.

Ishtar reared back. [That don't mean you can treat me like a pet.] she smiled.

Akety laughed.

"Dawn Brings a new day, and a new day brings hope."

Name :Ishtar
Sex: Female
Color: Black

She is as friendly as her rider and very willing to be friends. She thinks her rider can be very silly at times. Ishtar is very protective of Akety and will go to any extremes to protect her. She trust her rider to the end and will do almost anything Akety asks of her.
She can also be very nasty at times when she is ticked off. When she gets really mad her eyes will turn a Ice blue, her pulps will not be visible.

She breathes ice rather than fire. Used to walking on the ground she is very good at getting around, either by flight or walking.

(The Pictures I found, they are not mine...go to these site. Drakken| Elf wood|Digit counter|Backgrounds Archive )