The Cookie Crew Proposal

I would like to use the Cookie Crew Program with my students in the sixth grade math group. This program will benefit the students because there are so many activities that go with the Cookie Crew that practice many different important math skills. The proposal is as follows:

       - I will walk with the students to ShopRite in 
         the shopping center where the students will 
         buy the ingredients needed to make the 

       - The students will then make the cookie   
         dough for the cookies and then refrigerate   
         the cookie dough overnight.

       - The following day, the sixth graders will 
         bake the cookies in the oven.

       - The students will sell the cookies during 
         snack time for $0.35 each or 3 cookies for 

       - When the students have finished their cookie 
         sales, each student will balance the profits 
         and expenditures of the Cookie Crew.   

There are many activities and skills that the students will be working on in the Cookie Crew. Many of these activities offer the students hands-on experiences to help the students meet their IEP goals. The students will learn to balance an account by reording the profits made from the cookie sales and the amount of money spent to make the cookies. The students will use those numbers to then calculate the amount of money left in their account after spending and depositing money. Students will learn how to shop on a budget. Students will have a certain amount of money that they can spend; they will need to estimate in the store, as they are shopping, to make sure they are not going over their budget. Students will make a list beforehand of items they need and look for sale items to help save money by looking through the ShopRite ads and looking for coupons. Students will identify how much money they would have spent if they did not buy the items on sale.
Students will have to watch how the cookie sales are going, record data and identify whether they need to increase or decrrease the amount of cookies they are making. Students will use the information that they recorded to make graphs ofthe cookie sales to show whether sales are up or down. Students will survey customers to see if they are satisfied wih the cookies or if they would like to see another kind of cookie. The students will use tally charts to collect their results and then create bar graphs from the tally charts to show the results from their surveys.
When making the cookies, the students will be working with and identifying fractions. Students will have to figure how much of a certain ingredient they need for one batch of cookies. If they are making three batches, the students will have to determine hoow muc of that same ingredient they will need. Students will have to determine whether they will have enough ingredients for the next time they bake or whether they need to buy it before the next time. Students will practice doubling fractions, adding fractions, reducing fractions, etc.
Students will have hands-on experience going to the store and counting out the correct amount of money needed to buy the supplies at ShopRite. Students will have to count to make sure they recieved the correct change from the cashier. Students will also experience working with money by acting as the cashier where they will need to collect money from the customers and count out correct change for the customers.
I feel that this is a very beneficial program for the sixth grade students in my math group. There are many skills that the students will be practicing and learning through the Cookie Crew Program.

These are the PA state standards for Mathematics