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RAW No #: 001___Live From:  Madison Square Gardens, New York City
Star Of The Show: Scott Steiner

Edge    Vs.   Booker T
WINNER: Booker T

 Matt Hardy    Vs.   Rey Mysterio
WINNER: Matt Hardy

Hollywood Hogan    Vs.   Johnny The Bull Stamboli

Val Venis    Vs.   Jeff Hardy
WINNER: Jeff Hardy

[[Fade Up WWE logo]]

[[The scene fades up from static with previous WWE matches and scenes of celebration. We see many superstars in moments of joy and anger.. just then.. the scene changes..

A video package plays the opening....

Forget the lies, the money, we're in this together and through it all, they said, nothing's forever... and they refuse to see the change in me, why won't they wake up? Come on, Come On, Come On... let's get it one!

Move to the music, play that fucking music, move it to the music, YEAH! (Get It On) Move to my music, play that fucking music, live through my music, yeah!

Move to the music, move it to the music, yeah! Move to my music, live through the music.. YEAHHHHH!

The video fades into a shot inside the arena and we see a view of the sold out audience. Eventually the camera settles and looks towards the entrance way as.... ]]


[[Gold pieces spray down from the Titan area as Christian walks through them spreading his arms. The Fans are booing like crazy as Christian makes his way to the ring, nodding his head and smirking at the fans. He walks up the ring steps and enters the ring, taking his top off and smiling profusely... is Christian out here ready for a fight!? Why did he take his top off? This is confusing, Christian grabs a microphone from the ring announcer and stares into the fans, pointing to his peeps.. the fans boo further, totally not impressed with him....]]

'Peep's Champion' Christian: Hey their all my peeps in New York City ** Fans Boo ** Sh-Yeah! Anyway.. I thought I'd come out here and grace all you people with the presence of a future Champion! Doesn't that SO totally rule!? ** Fans Boo ** Meh.. You know, tonight I go one on one with the FAKE People's Champion... the Fraud, The SO un-cool, Rock ** Huge Pop ** Bah!! What do you people know!? Can you not see what's in front of your face? The Rock is a fraud, copying my nickname, my gimmick.. he's not the People's Champion, he SO totally doesn't care about the peeps! Where as my heart BEATS for the peeps! It SO does! Rock, you think you can turn my peeps against me!? That SO isn't cool, that's like.. real geeky dude.. I mean, I haven't known anyone to reek of SO much Suckitude since you were World Champion.. that is SO totally true! I mean, I've seen some awesomeness in my time and alot of it's come from me.. but you, you just reek dude, your such a geek-a-souras-rex! ** Fans Boo * Right Rock.. that's it, I've had enough.. I'm calling you out! Sh-Yeah! Get your ass out here right now! Face me and The Peeps!!


[[The Rock's music blares into the arena and to the huge approval of the fans. Suddenly, out from behind the curtains come a little man, bald, with a tattoo on his arm and wearing mini-Brahma Bull pants! The fans boo like hell as the little guy makes his way to the ring, and slides in, going to the top rope, smelling the air.. Christian stands back, looking worried.. trying not to laugh..]]

'Peep's Champion' Christian: Oh no Rocky.. you accepted my challenge, I SO thought you wouldn't! Haha!

[[The Mini-Rock gets a microphone, bringing it to his mouth slowly, like The Rock would...]]

'The Great Rip Off' The Crock: Finally... The Crock, Has come Back to New York City!! Christian, The Crock says this... ** The Fans Boo ** Ah Shut the hell up jabroni's... I'm The People's Chumpstain.. show me some respect Or I'll.. I'll.. I'll sing you to death! ** Fans Boo ** Since The Crocks Baby Left him.. He found a new place to dwell, It's on the corner of Jabroni Drive at the Smackdown Hotel!! ** Fans Boo ** Look at the tongue.. Look at the tongue... Now Listen up JABRONIES, I've come out here to lay the Smackdown on ya... 

'Peep's Champion' Christian: Dude, shut the hell up.. you suck!! I asked you out here for a fight, chumpstain! Not for you to sing us a freakin' album! 

'The Great Rip Off' The Crock: You call yourself Vitamin C?...They don't want any of you.. THEY WANT SOME OF ME! THE GREAT FAKE! THE PEOPLE'S CHUMPSTAIN!! IF YA SMELL... 

'Peep's Champion' Christian: Whoa dude! Puh-Lease don't start with that crap.. Christian isn't done with you, SO totally not! Sh-Yeah! You know dude, all these woman here want me ** Fans Boo ** They all want and need their weekly dose of Vitamin C... what the hell do they want with you? Some Vitamin Wee? Well Wee man... I hate to say it, but I SO totally have to.. heh... Dude, how big is your man-hood? Like 4 centimeters? DUDE, I'M SO HUNG LIKE A HORSE!! Sh-Yeah!

[[Christian suddenly attacks the little guy with a huge kick to the gut.. punching him to the canvas... as he begins his assault, stomping down on the wee man.. to the ring sprints The Rock, having seen enough already, chasing away Christian... he stands over the midget... taking off his T-Shirt and throwing it into the crowd... he runs to one ropes, jumps over him, then to the other and coming back... landing The People's Elbow on the little guy.. Christian backs up the ramp laughing as Rock stares him down intensely to a huge amount of cheers!]]

[[We just then flicker on the Titantron to see something filmed earlier on today.. Vampiro was training in the ring when on the Tron came Raven.. both men exchanged words before Alexis and Julio came running down to attack him... Vampiro battled back, eventually clearing house and sending his buddies on their way.. that sets us up for our first WWE Match..]]

Raven   Vs.   Vampiro
The match starts with both men going toe to toe, ending with a Suplex to Vampiro. Raven continues his early domination, throwing Vampiro into the ropes and on return, planting him with a huge Tilt-O-World Slam. Raven goes to the outside, dragging Raven with him towards the entrance ramp. The battle continues on with both men slugging it out and Vampiro fighting his way back into it. Raven sneakily grabs a nearby shovel and attempts to smash Vampiro in the head with it, but he ducks.. Dropkicking Raven into the grave.. both men are down, not moving. All Vampiro has to do, is to put three shovels of dirt on Raven and he's Buried Alive.. yet he cannot, both men are down. The referee executes his 10 count to 7 before Raven is up and out of the hole.. The Macabre Jester is also up, both men slug it out yet some more in this brutal match. They fight from one end of the stage to the other, almost knocking each other off it. Raven almost goes first, ducking a clothesline and having a go at one of his own. Vampiro also ducks and punches Raven away from it, scooping him up and slamming him head first into the stage. Vampiro is controlling now... a few minutes of action with technical locks go by before both men are back over towards the grave... Raven picks up the shovel... attempting to end this.. when.. Vampiro scoops him up, connecting the FINAL NAIL in his coffin.. sending him to the grave below.. he somehow manages to get to his feet and use the shovel to BURY HIM ALIVE... VAMPIRO WINS IT!
WINNER: Vampiro

[[Kane is shown walking through the backstage carrying his duffle bag. He makes his way to his lockeroom and enters... suddenly, in front of him is standing Paul Heyman.. Heyman smirks evilly...]]

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Kane... Kane... Kane.. it's so good to see you, how is it going?

'The Big Freak'n Machine' Kane: What do you want Paul?

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Hold on a second Kane.. that's no way to talk to the WWE Owner.. is it?

'The Big Freak'n Machine' Kane: I couldn't give a damn who you are... I don't want you in my lockeroom, so get your ass out, I have a match to prepare for...

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: I understand that, really I do... but their is a couple of things you should know.. firstly, I own this lockeroom and just because it has your name on the door, it doesn't mean you own it.. I'm paying for it and for the time being, it's mine... in fact, I'm paying for you, which makes.. heh, you.. MINE! Get me? Right.. Secondly, I have a proposition for you, something to make you think.. now are you going to come in and talk this through? Or shall I leave, unhappily.

'The Big Freak'n Machine' Kane: Okay, sure Paul... we'll talk.. 

[[Kane enters the room and places his duffle bag on the bench.. Heyman is shown smirking as he shuts the door and the scene fades out to the ring.]]

Brock Lesnar   Vs.   Scott Steiner
Both men ripped it up in the early going, making us sit on the edge of our seats. They battle it out left and right, knocking the crap outta each other until finally, Brock decks Steiner with a clothesline. Brock soon has him back at his feet, but Steiner fights back, throwing him to the outside and following.. both men lock up on the outside, having Steiner throw him into the ring post, on return connecting a huge Neckbreaker. The fans cheer at Steiner as Lesnar hold's his head in agony.. the referee begins the count out as Scott rolls into the ring and then back out, picking Brock up and slamming him onto the announce table.. the referee can only watch as Big Poppa Pump climbs onto the apron and stands their, taunting... he flexes his muscles before flying off with an Elbow drop, crushing Brock Lesnar, driving his elbow deep into Brock's heart and breaking the announce table. The referee starts another count, making it to 10 and counting them both out. WHAT!? A DOUBLE COUNT OUT!? Paul Heyman then comes out onto the stage and down to the ring, whispering something to the referee... he then says something to Finkle who then tells us this match has been made into a ANYTHING GOES match... Brock and Scott slowly make their way to their feet, slugging it out before making their way back into the ring, they slug it out before Stacy puts Brock off by flaunting her ass at him.. leading to Steiner connecting a Belly To Belly Suplex and locking in the Steiner Recliner.. Brock immediately taps out.
WINNER: Scott Steiner

[[Aftermath: Scott Steiner celebrates his victory, snatching the European Championship off of the referee and stumbling around the ring, Stacy is ecstatic, cuddling the new Champion.. just then, Brock Lesnar gets to his feet, staring down Steiner.. both men go nose to nose.. fucking hell, were gonna explode right here... WHAM, LEFT, RIGHTS, LEFTS, RIGHTS.. SCOTT FUCKING STEINER IS GETTING A BEAT DOWN AT THE HANDS OF BROCK LESNAR!! Scott takes a hot shot, swinging with the European Title, missing... Brock takes the opportunity, ducking the shot and scooping him up... 


 The fans boo heavily as Brock picks up the European Championship and celebrates with it.. Stacy Keibler checks on her man as Paul Heyman comes out onto the entrance ramp, smirking.. what the hell does this idiot want now!? Stacy gets up, getting in the face of Brock... Brock smiles, pushing her to the ground and laughing.. She gets up again and slaps him.. only to be picked up and... F5 of her own!! Brock LAUGHS in hysterics as Paul takes the microphone outta his back pocket and begins to speak...,]]

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Brock Lesnar! THE NEXT BIG THING!! Haha... I knew I brought you into this business for a reason and damnit, you are THE BEST! I've seen many beasts come and go.. but never have I seen anything like you... you just decimated Scott Steiner!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF A FEAT THAT IS!? [[Brock Nods]]... IT'S NOT OVER BROCK.. YOUR GOING TO CONTINUE AS THE NEXT.. BIG.. THING.. If my life depends on it, THESE IDIOTS will see you decimate and destroy.. Scott got lucky.. but as the same time... he got unlucky... Brock..  it may be a bit early to be naming matches.. but at the Pay Per View.. you will face off against Scott Steiner... it will be... SCOTT STEINER.... VERSES BROCK LESNAR... IN A EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP... NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH!!!!

[[Heyman leaves the stage area and we fade out with Brock Lesnar smirking with Scott Steiner's European Championship!]]

[[The scene fades into the backstage area with The New Age Outlaws, getting a few sodas. Billy suddenly looks at his ass in the mirror and along comes Scotty 2 Hotty. catching him!]]

'2 Hot' Scott Two Hotty: Uh Dude... you looking for poop or something?

'The Ass Man' Billy Gunn: What the hell!? Get lost you sick freak!

'2 Hot' Scott Two Hotty: Me sick? I'm not the one infatuated with asses.. am I?

'The R-O-A-D Dogg' Jesse James: Haha Billy.. he got you a good one bro..

'The Ass Man' Billy Gunn: Shut up Jesse, Before I completely lose my temper..

'2 Hot' Scott Two Hotty: Scary.. stupid idiot..

'The R-O-A-D Dogg' Jesse James: HEY! Scotty, I found it funny as first.. but Billy's right.. your not joking, your just being an asshole...

'2 Hot' Scott Two Hotty: Damn, you are stupid aren't you? Of course at first I was just messing with him, but look at him, he's almost crying about it..

'The R-O-A-D Dogg' Jesse James: Now you've done it..

[[Billy squeezes his can and drops it on the floor, suddenly attacking Scotty, throwing him into a wall.. Scotty 2 Hotty soon battles back but is finally overcome when Road Dogg gets involved and it turns into a two on one.. both men beat him down until along comes Rikishi, chasing them both away and attending to his fallen buddy.]]

Randy Orton   Vs.  Shawn Michaels
Randy starts off in the beginning, dominating Michaels, throwing him into the ropes, on return hitting a clothesline. Orton beats away at him like a crazied maniac, trying to show everyone that he is the DESTINED! He quickly stops punching away at Michaels and gets him up, whipping him to the corner and connecting with a big Body Splash and a kick to the gut... HBK is slumped in the corner. Orton climbs up, taking 10 precise shots at his forehead eventually busting Michaels open. The youngster has used such force that with fists, he has busted him WIDE open. Randy grabs him outta the corner, flipping him to the canvas with a Snap Mare Take Over.. running the ropes, coming back and connecting a Dropkick.. HBK is squirming in agony, rolling around the ring, holding his back... The Destined, just smirks before sliding to the outside, grabbing a chair and putting it in the corner.. the referee notices it but gets distracted by Orton.. what's his game plan? Wait.. It'd Ric Flair.. he's sitting in the crowd wearing a wig and beard.. he jumps over the barrier and slides into the ring, grabbing the chair and smashing it over Shawn Michaels as he gets to his feet.. the prone body of HBK falls to the canvas as Flair leaves the ring and Orton stops distracting the referee.. pulling up Michaels and... RKO... he connect---- wait... Shawn twists out of it... SWEET CHIN MUSIC!! He covers and gets a three count.. by god what a match..
WINNER: Shawn Michaels




[[OH MY GOD!? Its Degeneration X's music.. and what the hell is this... Orton has by now left the ring and HBK is stumbling around, looking on in shock as Mr. Ass, Road Dogg and X-PAC.. X-PAC!? WHAT THE FUCK IS X-PAC DOING HERE!? The Fans are cheering like fucking crazy, DEGENERATION X ARE BREAKING THE FUCKING HOUSE DOWN!!! All Three men make their way to the ring, posing as they go, wearing their DX T-Shirts... Road Dogg gets a microphone.. as Billy and himself Pose.. X-Pac stands underneath them and flies into the air with the crotch shop, shopping X fireworks into the arenas roof... ]]

'The R-O-A-D Dogg' Jesse James: Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls... CHILDREN of all ages, Degeneration X would like to proudly produce to you.. the B to the Ass, Mr. Ass.... and the X to tha P to tha A to tha C... Roll it once again with that hip hop beat!

[[The fans fucking love it, you can hardly hear anything over them... X-Pac grabs the microphone ]]

'X to tha P to tha A to tha C' X-Pac: Shawn... were not out here to spoil your party or anything bro.... we just wanted to Introduce to you, the new era of Sports Entertainment... DEGENERATION X!! Oh yeah baby! WERE BACK! Shawn.. me and guys, we have an awesome proposition for ya... how about, you join us man... you've always been a Degenerate...your attitude, behavior... you just don't give a damn, much like us.. so how about it.. would you, join... DX!?

[[Shawn is still dazed, grabbing the microphone again, stumbling back towards the ropes and looking like he's about to speak, but he doesn't, dropping the microphone and making his way to the backstage area... DX looks on as a cautious Shawn Michaels backs up the rampway. ]]

The Undertaker   Vs.  The Hurricane
Undertaker severely dominated the early going, pounding on Hurricane like he was nothing but a piece of crap... we saw many maneuvers from The Big Man.. all old school, from chokes to armbars and armbars to Suplexes... The Undertaker knew and had them all in his arsenal. Hurricane though, tried to fight back, raking the eyes of The Phenom, causing him to have a laps in vision for a few minutes and then, jumping to the top rope, flying off with a Crossbody.. could this be the turning point!? No.. as Undertaker twists him around and slams him hard to the canvas. The Deadman attempts a cover but only gets a 2. This Hurricane is one tough bastard, getting to his feet along with Taker and receiving yet some more beatings... The Undertaker, isn't done of course, picking up into a Flapjack and dropping an elbow to the sternum.. he finishes off with a long lasting choke, rolling his eyes back in his head and standing up, pulling the Superhero with him.. he goes towards the ropes, but Hurricane fights out, punching and kicking at Undertaker, finally knocking him to the ground.. He sits up.. Hurricane runs to the ropes.. dropkick... Taker sits up again.. what the fuck.. Hurricane goes to the top rope.. flying off... UNDERTAKER CAUGHT HIM WITH A BIG BOOT FROM SIT DOWN POSITION... Hurricane stumbles back, Taker gets up.. Hurricane runs at him, he reverses, scooping him up and... Tombstone... he covers and gets the three count.
WINNER: The Undertaker


[[Paul Heyman's music hits and out comes The WWE Owner, walking to the ring cockily... he enters, prancing around like an idiot, getting huge heat before grabbing a microphone and beginning to talk..]]

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Shut off my damn music!!! Well... hello their people... welcome to the Dubbya, Dubbya, Ee...... brilliant huh? You guys and girls have seen some of the greatest action any promotion can deliver.. and you saw it here... in the Dubbya, Dubbya, Ee... how does that make you feel? Scrap that.. how does that make me feel... damn sure great I can tell you. Anyways, I'm not out here to make sure you idiots are enjoying the show, hell no... but I do want to say a few things..


[[Paul Heyman looks shocked as Stephanie McMahon's music hits and out onto the stage she comes, brandishing the IC and Tag Team Championships.. one over each shoulder, she enters the ring and grabs a microphone.. Paul almost chokes, he cannot believe it...]]

'The Dominate Female' Stephanie McMahon: What's wrong Paul? Surprised to see me? Heh.. I knew you would be.. so... what am I doing out here huh? I mean, I'm not scheduled, I'm not WWE Talent.. hell, I'm not even apart of this company.. right? Well.. no.. your wrong! - Fans seem shocked - Hey Paul... why don't you tell these people the deal we had.. go on.. why don't you tell them - Paul shakes his head as to say 'no' -.. Fine.. I'll do the honors.. Well People.. Paul's a guy with heart and integrity.. I can tell you that for sure.. without a damn doubt... but their is one thing he lacks.. something he needed to build such a big corporation... He needed money.. and well, with such bad business deals going on between my dad and brother, he wasn't about to be screwed over.. so he came to me.. Stephanie McMahon.. are you stupid Paul? I gave you just under half the money needed to build this business and in return, you'd give me revenue.. more money, a profit, you'd re-buy me out with what you've earnt and give me a 20% increase.. that's amazing, such a brilliant offer and you know what... I liked it alot, we signed the contracts and everything, including clauses that my father and brother would not be allowed ANYWHERE near the business... that's all good, but I did talk to my pop.. and he had an idea... how about... what he and my brother did... an hour split.. - Fans Cheer -.. So Paul, how about that?

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Stephanie, we shook hands... we shook on the fact that you wouldn't appear on Television.. yet your here and you want more!?

'The Dominate Female' Stephanie McMahon: NEVER.. trust a McMahon, Paul... you should know that!

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Obviously... Steph.. your going to fight me either way.. if I say no, your going to stick around and if I say yes.. it could be good for business... so I'm going to do, what's good for business.. so.. if you want.. let's get this party started.. but under MY.. conditions..

'The Dominate Female' Stephanie McMahon: Fire away..

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Later on tonight... me and you will meet privately in the backstage area.. and at the end of the show.. there will be... a HUGE divide within the WWE....

'The Dominate Female' Stephanie McMahon: Well then Paul... until Later on tonight... goodbye..

[[Stephanie's music hits as she struts out of the ring and to the backstage area...]]

[[Triple H, Randy Orton and Ric Flair are walking through the backstage when suddenly, Randy is stopped by The Rock... what does The Rock want?.]]

'The People's Champion' The Rock: Hey Jabroni, The Rock saw you get your ass handed to ya by Shawn Michaels.. THE ROCK thought you were a legend killer... The Rock thinks you talk a bunch of monkey crap, jabroni!

[[Randy moves into the face of The Rock, but HHH pulls him back...]]

'The Game' Triple H: Calm down Randy, let me handle this... Heh, Rock.. you've got some balls man.. haven't you? I mean, you come over here, knowing that your about to get in the face of the Evolution, and don't even stutter? That's some feat Rock.. it's a shame though, a damn shame.. because you won't make it to the finals of this tournament so I can kick your ass!

'The People's Champion' The Rock: Ohhh.. is that so Triple H? Well man, The Rock's disappointed too.. but never mind.. if you want to go one on one with THE GREAT ONE.. so bad.. then we can do it, uh, right here.. right now... The Rock isn't cared Triple H.. in fact, The Rock says this... one on one, two on one, or even all three of you candy ass jabroni's on one.. The Rock will STILL, lay the Smackdown on ALLLLL your candy asses..

'The Game' Triple H: Tell you what.. 'People's Fake'... you next week on RAW... take on young Randy here one on one and if you win.. then I'll think about going one on one with you.. how about that?

'The People's Champion' The Rock: Heh, Listen you stupid monkey ass son of a bitch, The Rock doesn't give a damn about Randy Orton or Triple H, inside the ring.. The Rock wants you.. either of you, both of you, it doesn't matter... right here, right now.. so you stupid pieces of trailer trash.. The Rock says... JUST.. BRING IT!

'The Game' Triple H: Randy.. now you can beat his ass...

[[Orton strikes The Rock with left and right hands, beating him into the wall area.. he's dominating when Rock laughs off his punches, ducking a shot and throwing him into the wall.. HHH grimaces in anger before running at The Great One, clothesline him to the floor.. Flair joins in as The Evolution stomp down on him.. just then, into the scene runs John Cena with a chair, whacking out Ric.. The Game then backs off... raising his arms as officials come and break everything up.]]

Mr. Ass   Vs.  John Cena
Both men locked up with alot of Interference from Road Dogg.. Billy eventually got the upper hand, beating down Cena for best part of the early going, slamming him with a Jackhammer and covering, only getting a near 2 count. Road Dogg and X-Pac look on in aguish as Mr. Ass throws him to the ropes, on return attempting a clothesline.. but he ducks, running off the ropes, flying through the air and connecting a huge Crossbody decking one half of the New Age Outlaws... He covers, but only gets a 2 because of X-Pac interfering, pulling him outta the ring.. Mr. Ass distracts the referee for a good 10 minutes claiming to of hurt his leg when down to the ring bolts Rikishi... fending off Road Dogg, throwing him into the steel steps.. Scott Two Hotty follows, but instead going after X-Pac... beating him over the barricade.. Cena slides back into the ring, dazed and hurt, stumbling around and... FAME ASSER!! CONNECTION! He covers, but Hotty pulls him to the outside.. the referee is to distracted by the cut on Cena's head to notice Rikishi setting up the Steel steps and Scotty on the ring apron... I cannot believe what is just about to happen.. he has him in position for a Rikishi Driver as Scotty comes flying off the top rope.. WHAM... Road Dogg intervenes with a huge clothesline stopping Rikishi from connecting... Mr. Ass somehow gets back into the ring and walks strait into an F-U.. but Mr. Ass somehow slides off, kicking him to the gut and hitting the one and only for the pinfall.

[[Matt Hardy is sitting in the backstage area watching the monitor when Jeff comes over.. both men stare each other down for a little while.. ]]

'The GOD of Extreme' Jeff Hardy: Well big brother.. long time no see.. not that I'm bothered..

'Version One' Matt Hardy: Little bro.. your defiantly lacking some Mattitude..

'The GOD of Extreme' Jeff Hardy: And that's a bad thing?

'Version One' Matt Hardy: Of course it is.. you could join Shannon and be my follower...

'The GOD of Extreme' Jeff Hardy: I'd rather get cheered by this stupid ass fans..

'Version One' Matt Hardy: That's not my little brother talking.. that's somebody in denial..

'The GOD of Extreme' Jeff Hardy: Denial of what exactly?

'Version One' Matt Hardy: Denial of your love for Mattitude..

[[Jeff shakes his head in disbelief... before smirking evilly.. ]]

'The GOD of Extreme' Jeff Hardy: Tell you what Matt.. I'll join Mattitude... how about that?

'Version One' Matt Hardy: Really!? That's brilliant... Okay, firstly my Mattitude Follower.. we need to get you kitted out.. let's go!

[[Matt and Jeff walk off to a loud amount of cheers... ]]

Mike Sanders   Vs.  Goldberg
Mike Sanders dominated every damn piece of this match, decimating poor old Goldberg. He wanted into the next round so  bad that he took Da Man to the limits in a performance which lasted minutes. He setup Goldberg for a Jackhammer, somehow getting him into the air when he realized that he was being brought down.. he somehow reversed it to make his opponent get the brunt of it... Goldberg soon fought back, attempting a spear, but Sanders move, hitting the 3.0 Neckbreaker and picking up the 1-2-3 win.
WINNER: Mike Sanders

[[The Undertaker is seen walking through the backstage area with Mideon and Viscera... he seems to be in a world of his own, leading his troops when the camera hears some sort of grunting.. then in a sudden shock, we notice a black body bag being dragged along the floor.. someone is inside, but who!?]]

'The Phenom' The Undertaker: Viscera, please take care of our guest.. we've yet to dispense of him correctly.. the creatures of the night are waiting.. if he arrives in bad condition, we will have trouble convincing them to take his soul...

'The Following Power' Viscera: Sorry master.. I apologize from the bottom of my lifeless soul.. haha...

'The Phenom' The Undertaker: Indeed..

[[The Undertaker walks off leaving Mideon and Viscera staring each other down..]]

'The Second Disciple' Mideon: You need to perfect the evil laugh..

'The Following Power' Viscera: Does this look like a joking matter Mideon? Now hurry up, bring the body...

[[Mideon drags the body bag across the floor entering a dark room.. inside candles are lit.. and we just about see a cross.. they unzip the body bag... AND OH MY FUCKING GOD.. IT'S SHAWN MICHAELS!! THE MINISTRY HAVE THE FUCKING HEARTBREAK KID... Undertaker helps pick him up as the scene fades to commercial... when we return, Michaels is strapped onto the cross as Taker begins his ritual ceremony.. ]]

'The Phenom' The Undertaker: Creatures of the night... feast on the body of this mortal... disease his carcass and tear apart his heart.. steal his soul, reap his mind... CREATURES OF THE NIGHT.. I COMMAND YOU... TAKE THIS MORTAL!!

[[Suddenly, into the room busts police offers with batons and shields, beating down both members of the ministry as they try to attack... All three are eventually arrested and escorted out of the arena]]

Kane   Vs.  Rob Van Dam
Rob Van Dam battles away against this monster, taking the early advantage before throwing him into the ropes, delivering a huge clothesline, not taking him off his feet, but stumbling the big man. Kane continues to get beat upon before finally hitting the ground after a huge Split legged clothesline. Van Dam is getting huge boos from the audience after every move he makes, stomping down on Kane and getting the big guy to his feet. The match continues on with more left and right hands, following up with a Big Boot from Kane, who somehow got back into it, giving RVD more than he bargained for... both men take it to the outside, wanting some more of the action when finally.. Rob uses the barricade to his advantage, tripping Kane head first onto it... with The Big Red Machine bent over the Barricade, RVD went to the ring apron, said 'ROB VAN DAM', followed by an up yours then a huge cartwheel kick to the back of Kane. The referee applies the 10 count in which stops at 6... Kane is the one who somehow surprisingly got back into the ring and went back to the outside, rolling in RVD... both men attack out at each other whilst their, with RVD ducking a clothesline and walking strait into a Chokeslam... Kane lifts him up high into the air... KICK TO THE FACE.. Rob drops out of the CHOKESLAM... sweeping out Kane's feet. jumping into the air, using the turnbuckle.. split legged Moonsault.. he covers picking up the 1-2-3.
WINNER: Rob Van Dam

[[Kane leaves the ring in devastation, making his way to the back, officials stare at his ugly face.. when suddenly, he explodes, punching out referees and backstage workers, leaving them in heaps across the floor... he walks through the carnage like a man possessed, looking for the first superstar he can find and oh shit, he finds Raven who is also pissed off, both men trade left and right hands as Raven takes control, kneeing Kane in the gut, taking him by the hair and bouncing him off a nearby desk.. he's controlling the fight and is doing it in style, taking him towards a nearby glass window and throwing him threw.. Kane lands in a heap, cut up, busted, battered.. but he sits up, glass falling off him, blood pouring out of his arm, back and heads, he laughs.. getting to his feet and walking over to Raven, punching down on him, laughing at the same time.. this man is a fucking monster, he picks Raven up, ramming him head first into the nearest wall, keeping him on his shoulder and ramming him again, fucking atrocious. Raven falls off, dropping to the floor.. no normal man can take that sort of punishment.. and what's this.. Kane drags him across the floor by his leg, taking him through two double doors and into the parking lot... he takes Raven over towards a nearby stretch limo, throwing him onto the windscreen.. he climbs onto the top of the limo, denting it slightly with every step.. the limo driving doesn't have a clue what's happening as Raven slowly crawls onto the top of the limo... The Driver is crapping himself and accidentally steps on the gas, accelerating out of the arena and onto the main road.. Raven and Kane are battling it out ON TOP OF A MOVING LIMO, WHAT THE FUCK! THIS IS FUCKING DANGEROUS, STOP THE DAMN LIMO.. SOMEBODY STOP THIS!! Raven gets the upper hand, taking Kane towards the back end of the limo and almost knocking him off, but somehow he keeps his balance, battling back against the odds, picking Raven up and.. CHOKESLAM!! How the fuck is Kane even doing this on top of a moving Limo... He picks Raven up as the driver comes to a sudden holt, throwing both men off the side into some nearby street cans and trash... he speeds off as Raven lays unconscious and Kane sits up.. smirking evilly... the scene fades out. ]]

Chris Jericho   Vs.   Stone Cold
Chris Jericho starts off with the slight advantage, knocking down Austin at every run attempt.. eventually whipping him to the ropes and on return, planting him with a huge dropkick. The Rattlesnake is still very dazed, coming off that move and getting to his feet, he walks strait into Y2J, who lifts him up and connects a Suplex.. taunting to the fans. Could we see a win for Y2J here tonight!? He covers but Austin kicks out at 2, somehow getting to his feet with help from Jericho, he battles back with shots to the mid-section, throwing Y2J into the ropes and catching him with a Lou Thez Press... it could be all right their.. he beats away at The Ayatollah before running to the ropes, hitting the forearm drop deep into the gullet of Y2J. The fans are chanting 'Austin, Austin' as he pulls Jericho up and drops him with a Jawbreaker, covering but only getting 2. Both men slowly get back up, taking their time to re-cooperate... once at their feet, Y2J attacks with a clothesline which Austin ducks, spinning him around into a kick to the gut, finishing off with a massive Stunner and a pinfall for the 1-2-3.
WINNER: Steve Austin

[[Aftermath: Austin is ecstatic, celebrating on every top rope before finally asking for around 4 beers, catching every one.. he opens one, pours it down himself, trying to drink as much as he can.. then as Y2J gets up.. hands him one.. both men stare each other down as they open their cans and toast each other.. just then, MIDDLE FINGER.. STUNNER!! Austin stuns Jericho for a SECOND TIME, celebrating further.. just then, through the crowd comes none other than Christian, to the aid of his friend, he slides into the ring and decks Austin with an I'm Prettier.. helping Jericho to the backstage area. ]]

[[Paul Heyman is in the backstage area, just about to get ready for his meeting when suddenly up to him comes The Coach.. angling for an interview..]]

'The Coach' Jonathon Coachman: Paul.. can I get a quick word..

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Eh? Okay.. hurry up..

'The Coach' Jonathon Coachman: Thanks.. uh, the question of everybodies mind, apart from the split, is how the World Championship Tournament will continue..

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Haha, I have to admit, I didn't see that one coming.. well..  Austin, Rob Van Dam, Kane and Mr. Ass have all gone through right?

'The Coach' Jonathon Coachman: Yes sir, yes they have..

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Good.. because once the final two are threw.. we will have the 6 in which at our PPV.. 'INSULT TO INJURY'... will face off in a HUGE ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH for the World Championship..

'The Coach' Jonathon Coachman: Are you serious!?

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Do I look to be joking Coach? All were waiting for is either Rock/Christian/Triple H/Angle and we will have our final two...

'The Coach' Jonathon Coachman: Any other special announcements?

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Uh yeah.. whilst I'm here... at the PPV.. you will see Scott Steiner taking on Brock Lesnar, defending his European Championship in a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH! The Intercontental Championship will be on the line when Undertaker and Shawn Michaels face off... and a match I've just recently decided on.. after much deliberation.. next week on RAW.. you will see.. RANDY ORTON GOING ONE ON ONE WITH THE ROCK! Now Coach, I have a meeting to attend to..

'The Coach' Jonathon Coachman: Folks, if that isn't a clue then what is? How could Paul Heyman make a match between two guys who he doesn't know that are on his hour.. could we have just been told a little piece of information? Stayed tuned to find out!

[[The scene fades to a WWE Desire commercial..]]

Kurt Angle   Vs.  Triple H
Kurt Angle and HHH battled it out in what was the second best event of the night. We saw much action in this match up with Kurt Angle taking the early of the match with many great maneuvers. We went from armbars to head scissor take overs.. and Kurt continued his early domination half way through the back, beating on The Game in the corner, taking him out of their and hitting a huge dropkick. It was defiantly a tough battle.. eventually we came to a point where both men had hit a double clothesline knocking each other down. After a count, we were back with it, at square one again, this time with HHH taking the advantage, Randy Orton and Ric Flair then slinked down to the ring, watching as The Game decimates his opponent with hard placed right hands.. he throws him to the outside and distracts the referee giving Flair and Orton the chance of a double team, which they do greatly and move away, dropping Angle onto the barricade... HHH Finally comes to the outside perfectly placing his every shot on our Olympic Hero before throwing him into the steel steps... Flair grabs a chair and tells Orton to climb on the apron and distract the referee, which he does... whilst this is happening.. Flair runs into the scene, flying through the air like Superman, planting the chair deep into the skull of Kurt Angle, Flair lays low as HHH takes him into the ring and gets him up... wait, whilst HHH is wasting time, Angle is up, ANGLE SLAM!! No... Triple H drops out, kick to the gut... PEDIGREE!! He covers and picks up the 1-2-3.
WINNER: Triple H

[[The Hurricane is walking through the backstage when out of no-where comes Booker T.. driving by in his mini-car.. accidentally knocking down Hurricane.. The Book drives off as The Hurricane lays their hurt.. what the hell was that about?]]

The Rock   Vs.  Christian
The cage lowers locking both men inside in what will be one hell of a match.. Christian attacks from behind, knocking The Rock into the corner, beating down on him with left and right hands before taking him out and flipping him over with a snap mare take down.. he locks in a headlock submission, squeezing Rock's head.. That could and should be hurting like hell.. Rock battles back to his feet though with elbows, hitting every shot deep in the gut of Christian before bouncing off the ropes, coming back and decking Christian with a massive clothesline. The Brahma Bull is on FIRE pulling his opponent up and whipping him face first into the cage.. Rock wants to inflict punishment on him and is going totally the right way about it, throwing Christian for a second time face first into the steel cage.. Christian bounces off again, turning around and walking into a ROCK BOTTOM!! NO!! Elbow shot to the back of the head... and another, and another, by god Christian is battling back, he fights out, grabbing Rock and throwing him into the corner, running with a big splash, taking him out and DDT! Rock is down! Rock is down! The fans boo as Christian gets him back up.. throwing him face first into the cage, busting the People's Champion wide open.. and I mean wide open.. Christian is in shock at the bloody face of Rock when Glass Shatters and to the ring with a steel chair runs Austin, knocking out the referee guarding the entrance to the steel cage and ripping off the padlock.. Christian has no-where to run and tries to jump onto the cage, attempting to escape.. but Austin is quick, smashing him with a chair, bringing him down to the canvas... Christian is almost begging him to leave him alone.. 
WINNER: The Rock

[[Aftermath: Austin helps him up.. KICK TO THE GUT.. STUNNER!! Christian falls like a piece of crap... Rock slowly gets to his feet, stumbling around and noticing that Christian is down.. he stands over his head, throwing off his armband.. HE RUNS, AND AGAIN.. PEOPLE'S.. ELBOW!! He covers.. One... Two.. Three!! Austin celebrates again along with Rock when all hell breaks loose and to the ring bolts HHH, he enters the cage, going toe to toe with Rock.. Austin doesn't get involved but just watches on as both these men battle it out... suddenly, here comes Randy Orton, sliding into the ring and trying to help his pal.. Austin says enough is enough, attacking Orton.. Christian is by now up, helping out Orton.. by god, we have 5 men battling it out in the middle of the ring.. and wait, what's this.. it's.. it's.. Mike Sanders... Rob Van Dam... Mr. Ass.. in succession they all run down to the ring and get involved.. we have a huge fucking brawl on our hands.. Suddenly.. Sanders takes control with a chair, knocking out everyone... he stands tall, chair raised high as we fade to the backstage area... ]]

[[After that amazing action.. we cut back to the closed meeting with Paul Heyman and his attorney seating opposite of Stephanie and hers... the private meeting has finally finished, now the public meeting may begin.]]

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Well... haha, this turned out to be pretty good, didn't it Steph?

'The Dominate Female' Stephanie McMahon: I think we made a mutually good business deal.. yes!

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Hmm, well.. ladies first..

'The Dominate Female' Stephanie McMahon: Thankyou... okay ladies and gentlemen, superstars of the WWE.. I would like to officially name the Hour 2 Superstars, controlled by myself, Stephanie McMahon.. they are... in no certain order...

Chris Jericho
Mike Sanders
The Undertaker
Steve Austin
Rob Van Dam
Charlie Haas
Jamie Noble
New Age Outlaws
Johnny The Bull w/ FBI
Shawn Michaels
Too Cool
Hollywood Hogan

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: It looks like a good line up.. but lemme introduce to you.. the line up of ALL line ups.. THE HOUR 1 ROSTER.. represented and run by myself, Paul Heyman... we have..

Triple H
The Rock
John Cena
Jeff Hardy
Booker T
Scott Steiner
Brock Lesnar
Matt Hardy
Randy Orton
Val Venis

'The Extremist' Paul Heyman: Heh, Stephanie.. it's good doing business with you.. but.. uh.. their is a problem.. I mean, yeah you made some valid points when you gave what I told you was half the money we needed to run the business.. but that's just business men for you.. you see, I took your money and implied to you, that you would be half owner, silently, picking up the profit... knowing if you'd come back, I'd have something up my sleeve.. you see.. you don't own 50 percent.. but 25... and the other 25 percent.. belongs too... and I'd like to introduce him formally... the NEW CO-GENERAL MANAGER OF HOUR 2.... ERIC... BISCHOFF...

[[Paul drops the piece of paper face up and walks out of the room laughing... we fade to a split screen.. one of the fallen picture and one of Stephanie McMahon's disgusted face...]]

[[Fade Out WWE logo]]