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Dark Eldar Army No Name

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Archon (HQ) 1 6 6 3 3 3 7 3/4 9 5/2(I)+ 517
Independent Character; Fleet of Foot; Agoniser (x1); Splinter Pistol (x1)
  Combat Drugs At the start of the assault phase, choose as many of these as you wish: Assault 12" (pursue & fall back 3d6"), +1WS, +1S, Always strikes first, Re-roll misses in close combat, +1A. For each option chosen, roll a D6- on a double take a wound, on a triple you die. Muahahaha! [25]
  Shadow Field 2+ invulnerable save. If save is failed, field is destroyed. [25]
  Webway Portal Reserves may arrive through Portal. See codex for details. [50]
  Incubi Retinue 6 5 4 3/4* 3 1 5 1/2* 8 3+ [336]
Torm. Hl. & Punisher (x6)
    Drazhar, Master of Blades 1 6 4 4 3 3 6 2/3 9 3+ [90]
Fleet of Foot; Drazhar may change places with his Lord in the assault phase; Disembowler Blades
    Additional Warriors 2 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ [36]
Fleet of Foot; Splinter Cannon (x2)
    Raider 1 BS: 4 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 [60]
Skimmer; Fast; Open-topped; Dark Lance
      Horrorfex 18" R, Assault 1 Blast. Can pin unit it hits. Unit has a -1 modifier if under half strength, and -1 per model hit after the first. Must be fired instead of one of the vehicles other weapons. [5]
Wyches (Elites) 9 4 4 3 3 1 6 1/2* 8 6+/4(I)+ 213
Combat drugs: Make 1 roll at start of battle; Fleet of Foot; Haywire Grenades; Splinter P. & CCW (x7); Blaster (x1); Shredder (x1); Wych Weapons; Enemies never count as having 2 CCW's; Enemies with unmodified S<6 halve their WS
  Succubus 1 4 4 3 3 1 6 2/3 8 6+/4(I)+ [45]
Agoniser (x1); Splinter Pistol (x1); Haywire Grenades; Wych Weapons; Enemies never count as having 2 CCW's; Enemies with unmodified S<6 halve their WS
Mandrakes (Elites) 6 4 4 3 3 1 5 1/2 8 5+ 90
Always in cover; Special deployement; Fleet of Foot; +2 save mod when in cover. Still get 5+ when in open.; Splinter P. & CCW
Warriors (Troops) 10 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 105
Fleet of foot; Splinter Rifle (x7); Dark Lance (x2); Blaster (x1)
Warriors (Troops) 10 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 110
Fleet of foot; Splinter Rifle (x7); Dark Lance (x2); Shredder (x1)
Warriors (Troops) 10 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 100
Fleet of foot; Splinter Rifle (x8); Dark Lance (x2)
Warriors (Troops) 10 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 100
Fleet of foot; Splinter Rifle (x8); Dark Lance (x2)
Reaver Jetbikes (Fast Attack) 3 4 4 4 4 1 6 1 8 4+ 145
Jetbikes; Combat drugs: Make 1 roll at start of battle; May move 24"- save becomes Invulnerable, no shooting; Splinter Rifle / Special Weapons are Bike Mounted; Splinter Pistol; Splinter Rifle (x1); Blaster (x1); Shredder (x1)
  Succubus 1 4 4 4 4 1 6 2 8 4+ [45]
Splinter Pistol; Splinter Rifle
    #Reaver Jetbike Move 12". Alternatively, move 24"- save becomes Invulnerable, no shooting. Rider may only use 1 single-handed weapon at a time, no double-handed weapons. [0]
    Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit. [4]
Scourges (Heavy Support) 6 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 176
Jump Packs; Can always deep strike, even if not allowed; Splinter Rifle (x2); Splinter Cannon (x4)
Option Footnotes:
  Agoniser Wounds on 4+. No armour save. Vehicles hit glance on a 6.
  Blaster 12"R, S8, AP2, Assault 1. Treats armour > 12 as 12.
  Close Combat Weapon +1A if used with another Pistol or Close Combat Weapon.
  Dark Lance 36"R, S8, AP2, Heavy 1. Treats armour greater than 12 as 12.
  Disembowler Blades No armour save in close combat. Causes 2 wounds per hit. +1A (included on profile).
  Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit.
  Punisher +1S. No armour save in close combat.
  Shredder 12"R, S6, Assault 1 Blast.
  Splinter Cannon 24"R, S4, AP5, Assault 4.
  Splinter Pistol 12"R, S3, AP5, Pistol.
  Splinter Rifle 24"R, S3, AP5, Rapid Fire.
  Tormentor Helm 12" R, S3, AP5, Pistol. Head mounted (!).
Total Army Cost: 1556 Pts.
Models in Army: 77

Validation Results:
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
HQ (>=1unit <=2unit) 1 1 517 n/a 33%
Elite (<=3unit) 2 1 303 n/a 19%
Troops (>=2unit <=6unit) 4 2 415 n/a 26%
Fst. Atck. (<=3unit) 1 2 145 n/a 9%
Hvy. Supp. (<=3unit) 1 2 176 n/a 11%
Other (N/A) 0 n/a 0 n/a 0%
Equipment Summary 6 n/a 109 n/a 7%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.