Hi My name is Tom Des Lauriers, and I am a graduate of   East Carolina University. I graduated with a MAEd in Instructional Technology - Computers in December 1997.  I also graduated from the
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
  with a BA in Elementary Education.   I also have an Associate of Arts degree from Coastal Carolina Community College.

I am a husband, father and a grandfather with three beautiful grandchildren. I have been married to the same beautiful lady for 30 years.   I am also a retired   Marine Corps Officer, after 21 years I decided that I had served my country long enough and that it was time to move on to bigger and better things.  I have two wonderful children.

My daughter is married to a former Marine Corps Sergeant, who  now works for a company called MGE UPS Systems, located here in the heart of the Silicon Valley.   They also have a Home Page, which I invite you to visit. He also is in the process of creating a new home page at Earthlink.net. They are now living in Seattle, WA., still working for the same company.

My son is severing in the United States Air Force and is married to a beautiful young lady from Jacksonville, North Carolina. They have been stationed at Andrews AFB, just outside Washington, DC. for the past four years. They were recently transfered to Sheppard AFB, located 4 miles north of Wichita Falls. They also have recently posted a (Gone for Now)Home Page which I invite you to visit.



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