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07-31-03 - Johnie
   Hmmm.. well I continued my digital camera escapade today, was rather succeful with some stupid shots. Tuesday I visited Camp Jordan, for the softball game, saw so many old friends, HAD A BLAST! But every picture we took looked dumb lol, whihc is great! Im defintely not photogenic.. why hide it, I look dumb, I know... I can deal! Still working on the site, it's coming along... Oh... did i mention i had a BLAST at Camp Jordan!? heh, yup.

07-28-03 - Johnie
   So, tomorrow is my road test... my 2nd time. Billy passed his a week ago, was his 2nd time also, I just hope I can do the same... I REALLY WANT MY LICENSE !!! *sniffle*... So i think i will go out and practice the routes like 2 hours early.. LOL.. i just REALLLLY want my license. The test is tomorrow at 10am, and if i get my license i plan to go to Camp Jordan to visit everyone there and go to the game tomorrow night vs. PW. IM PUMPED CANT YOU TELL!? SUPER PUMPED!
   So yet again... I went to PW early, and talked to Sarah, she mentioned I should get a hair cut... Now I havent cut my hair for like 4 months, i used to have a buzz-like cut where i cut it every 2 weeks. I always wanted to grow it out, but she got me thinkin! So yup.. after i GET MY LICENSE *gulp*, i gonna go cut the grass... :D

Girls do that... Why must they have all the control? <~thought for the night