Merrell Home Page

My Cat

picture of my cat

my favorite dog

picture of ol' big herm

My favorite dog is herman, a silly looking mutt with the body of a golden retriever and the legs of a basset hound.

Dogs are fascinating animals. So are cats and iguanas; but this a dog page, not a cat and iguana page.

The Most Popular Dog Breeds

According to Sleeping Dogs, Inc., the most popular dog breeds are:

lil' Herm
A Small, active breed of hunting dog.
Any of several breeds of dog that were trainded to retrieve game animals.
A short-haired dog characterized by a large head, a strong jaw, and a thickset body.
A large, agile working dog originally developed in Scotland as a sheepdog.
A nonsporting dog with a dense coat that can be clipped in a variety of styles.

My Favorite Dog

My favorite dogs are mutts. They are smart

My Mom's Favorite Dog

My mom's favorite dog is dead. It was run over by the milkman.

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