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I want to apologise now, my camera is fucked up and the pictures are blury BUT... i should be gettin the clips tonight or tomorow so expect one hell of a music vid!


Roadkill (champ) Vs Lil papa chico Vs Frosty
threeway deathmatch
World title

To watch the promo to the main event click here and scroll down to "Mindgames promo"

Well im gona start off by saying what a match... Already people have started to say that this has been the best deathmatch, match even in NLW and match of the night... i can tell you that it was the most painfull for me anyway...

all throught the match roadkill dominated, the begining lpc and roadkill doubleteamed frosty but frosty thought back.. heres the main points: The Assult driver from frosty to roadkill, the gutrench ddt onto LPC from roadkill that nearly broke his neck, roadkill havin his head slamed into pins, frosty sidewalk slamed onto lightbulbs, thumbtacks and barbed wire, lpc roadkill and frosty all hit with lightubes, frosty have a plate of glass smashed over his head, roadkill leg droping off the top of the rampway onto frosty whos on a table breakin one of his ribs and the table, frosty pilededriving lpc into the grave through a table, the table didnt break so roadkill swantoned him, roadkill pouring salt over frostys big cut on his back and the bump that finished it, frosty went for an arial move but roadkill pushed the ladder, frosty went flying through a lightube table roadkill picked up the 3 count and retained his title.

Injurys: Frosty had to have 10 stitches and glass removed from his back
LPC has a bad neck injury
roadkill has some welts and bad cuts over his back


Roadkill walking away after the match
Frosty havin his head slamed into thumbtacks
roadkill sidewalk slames frosty onto the thumbtacks barbed wire and lightulbs
Roadkill stumbles around with thumbtacks in his head
frosty under a peice of griding wrapped in barbed wire, roadkill hits a swanton onto it
frosty being helped out of the metal and barbed wire

Chris Nova Vs Destruction (champ)
Ladder match
Extreme title

Every one was curious aboiut this match, everyone wanted to see it, two totally different styles collide, Nova with his highspeed highflying technical ability and destruction with his powerful moves and technical ability..

results comming soon being typed by destruction NOW!

nova seemed okay he took a nasty fall at the end but was walkin after the match
mid match destruction took a nasty kick to his jaw and then took a kick to his stomach again which winded him no permanent damage both men okay.

Pictures :
elbow off the top of the ladder onto destruction

destruction chokeslams nova through a table

Reaper (champ) Vs Birdy
Welsh title

again a match we looked over which turned out to be a great match, subbmission NODQ... reaper knew he couldnt beat him till he submittied, birdy being the master of the submission, so he tried to use hardcore to put him away, a nice technical match some great verticle suplexes in there, reaper suprised fans when he got tossed down the bank through a table... birdy locked in a few submissions but reaper refused to tap, again some nice technical moves down in the warzone.. birdy put reaper on a table accross the grave climbed the ladder hit a lo down but reaper moved out of the way birdy went rightthrough the table, the fans went wild.. the match ended with reaper tryin to hit his patented bulldog, birdy reversed and hit a stalling buba bomb into the grave birdy pulled him out locked in the birdy mission and reaper tapped

none that i know of, birdy may of bruised a few rips from the lo down.. birdy looked a bit winded after the match and so did reaper

Birdy sets reaper up for an electric chair drop
back breaker onto reaper
landing a suplex
getting reaper up for a suplex
beutiful stalling verticle suplex

Bruce Dynamite Vs John Johnson
Singles Nodq

Bones got added to this match last minute to make it a triple threat....

good match bruce has come back to nlw .. heres the main points... bruce overhead tossing bones and him goin flying into a chair being held by john johnson.. bruce suplexin bones onto a chair, then sidewalk slamming johnson onto a chair.. Skin our special guest ref got knocked out when bruce has the 3 count that set him off hittin the dynamite punch on bones and then on johnson he then knocked every1 with a roadsign... he won the match by hitttin a verticle suplex on bones onto a chair crowd cheered bruce

Bones cut open his hand from a roadsign and may of injured his back on the chair
johnson seemed okay
bruce was also okay

Bruce attempts to hit a sidewalk slam on johnson
Johnson reverses into a stunner
chair shot from bruce