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The not-so-periodic periodical. Included are Volume 3 (the current) and Volume 1, originally printed in Bluepixystix All-Day, All-Night Dance Party. Noticeably missing is Volume 2, written for Bluepixystix' All-Day, All-Night Rave, hosted by the ill-fated Along with other tidbits of writing and some superb programming, Volume 2 disappeared when folded and took all its sites with it. Sugarhigh Times is apparently a 'blog'. I started it in 2000, so I think I was well ahead of this nightmarish band wagon.
New for Lapixystix' Ghetto-tastic World, I've taken lessons from surfing the web as a techno-pagan or neopagan or New Ager (or whatever other mildly offense term we've cooked up for ourselves this time) and designed a pagan area to help some tasks go a little...quicker. Current highlights are Big Pagan Lists, which I've compiled for great little references for designing spellwork.
I know for a fact that I am not a great artist. But I feel the need to create anyway and since I have no walls of my own to hang my various debachles, I think my website is truly the most appropriate place for them. So deal.
My true passion is writing. Just as I'm not a Picasso, neither am I a Stephen King. Actually, I find his writing mildly painful on the brain, so maybe I'm more like him than I thought. Maybe I'm even a little more pallatable. Anyway, here's some samples of past pieces as well as various current projects that may or may not find completion one day. Probably not.
You know, I should have just prefaced my entire website with the following statement: I suck at life. However, I used to suck a lot life. Here's the proof. Some old school poetry, resurrected from the depths of journal hell.
I love taking photos. And now I have two digital cameras so I can afford to take one around with me at all times because if it breaks, whatever. And I think all websites should have a photo section that no one will ever look at except the person who designed the site and a select few for whom the website was implicitly designed. I do have some pretty ones and a couple funny ones though, I swear!
There are a million other things I didn't have room for in my bottom frame. In fact, there's every chance that on smaller computer screens, what I currently have won't fit either. As to y'all with this problem, you can suck it. But the site is going to to look pretty on my screen, so I've been forced to make some cuts. Everything I've missed has been included here. How I've done on quizzes, bits of knowledge on other topics, the dreaded Links page, all here.