" How's Your Lips? ... "

Role-Play Number: 03 Current Record: 00 - 00 - 00
Next Match: Vs Nobody
Achievements: None Yet ...

Foward: Five World Title Reigns ... Three United States Championship Reigns ... Two Intercontinental Title Reigns ... Eight World Tag Team Championship Reigns ... Has never once submitted ... One Royal Rumble Victory ... One Time King of the Ring ...

All reasons why Bret Hart is the best wrestler to ever step foot through those ropes. A man who used to be loved by any fan who knew what wrestling was. A man who is still loved by many, a man's who's return to the ring is the biggest in this HISTORY of professional wrestling ...

But now he is not on a mission for people to like him. He is on a mission to the top of the company that once made a mockery of his ability. To the company that was nothing but politics ...
Bret Hart's career has been plagued with controversy ... from the infamous Survivor Series in Montreal, Canada against Shawn Michaels ... to never being invited by Vince McMahon to attend his brother's funeral ... the hatred as built up this long ...

And now he finally has his chance. His chance at Redemption. His chance to shut all his critics up, to silence all those who hate Bret 'Hitman' Hart. And his chance is in none other than Vince McMahon's World Championship Wrestling ... but will Bret still be plagued by his hatred toward Vince and toward the United States ....

There is only one thing that nobody can ever take away from Bret ... and that is that he is the Best There Is, The Best There Was, And The Best There EVER Will Be!

Bret Hart: " Hey buddy, watch where you're going! "

Random American: " You bumped into me pal, why dont you watch yourself! "

Bret Hart: " Ignorant American son of a bitch, doesnt even know who I am ... "

Scene: Bret continues walking down the street as the guy looks at him with a nasty look on his face.

Bret Hart: " So right about now, you all are wondering if it's true. If it is true that you are looking at the one and only Bret 'Hitman' Hart, and let me reassure you, this aint no damn dream. This is reality. I am back ... and to say with vengeance is putting it lightly. If you're thinking who in there right mind would hire me? A wash out ... someone with a chip on their shoulder ... someone who wants to extract revenge for the wronging six years ago in Montreal, then that one man is none other than .... "

Scene: Another guy bumps into Bret Hart as he kind of shoves off of him and looks pretty pissed off.

Bret Hart: " This is the same old shit ... everyday that I live with since 97'. The haunting of being screwed ... the haunt of never being able to get my say on the matter. But that time is no more ... Vince knows what he did ... and now he knows why Im here in WCW. It's not because I want to be in this shithole ... wrestling for all these fans who used to love me. Who used to respect me, but now respect those who are nothing but American trash like Undertaker, The Rock, and especially Shawn Michaels. But there time is fading out because I've made my way back into this business. And Im not just coming to put my foot in the door, no, no, Im going to kick the door right in. Im going to take the damn thing right off it's hindges, tearing this place upside down, gunning for one man each and every week ... Vince McMahon! "

Scene: Bret then begins to walk down the steps of a subway as he has a grim look on his face.

Bret Hart: " This is the prime example of what Vince McMahon and America turned the World Wrestling Federation into once I was screwed out of my championship. The championship that I made history with before anybody else. It represents filth. That's all McMahon is about ... filth. And Im sick and tired of it Goddamnit! So you can bitch, you can moan, you can run your mouth about how I should be retired somewhere in Canada, but when I step into the ring with your sorry ass, whether it be Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, The Rock, or any of these pieces of trash on this roster here in World's Crappiest Wrestling ... you will realize that I aint washed up. You will realized that I can hang where the so caled 'Big Boys' play ... because I still am the Hitman. I still am the Best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Nothing is going to change that. No screwjob, no 'Bret Sucks' chant, no bullshit politics can change the fact that Im the best in this damn business ... and Im going to show that to the world, and all these ignorant Americans when the time comes. "

Scene: Bret then begins to walk across the floor, toward the train that is waiting.

Bret Hart: " Time is running out until I get back into that ring. You can judge the fact that Im not ready in your heads if you want, but I know that Im ready. And I have one thing in my mind, and that is breaking Vince McMahon's legs. Breaking his back. Proving to him that you dont screw with a Hart, and live to tell about it. I've waited long enough, six years since everybody turned their backs on the man they 'ONCE' loved in this business ... but Im a new man now ... whether you love me or you hate me ... you will learn to RESPECT me ... because Im the BEST and there aint a damn thing anybody can do about it this time around! So McMahon ... when the time comes around ... you will be EXCELLENTLY EXECUTED! "

Scene: Bret then gets on the subway as the doors close and the camera slowly fades out to black as Bret Hart returns to the ring December 20th! My God what a night that's going to be!? What's going to happen December 20th!?

Excellenty Executed: Your Name Here