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free traffic tips
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Free Traffic Tips
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Topic: free traffic tips

I have recently joined a social networking group called  Unlike other groups such as myspace, yuwie will pay you for being active on it.  Also, there are groups/clubs that activly encourage you to advertize your website.  You can join, then join a club ( if it is an advertizing site of cource) and post an ad that day.  Feel free to join using the following link. Join Yuwie today. If you look in my clubs list, you will find Link Exchange, a club that allows you to add an ad if your are a member.

Posted by de3/freetraffic at 10:40 AM EST
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Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Free Traffic Tips
Now Playing: Free Traffic Tips
Topic: free traffic tips

Since both off page optimization and on page optimization both boil down to content, that would seem to make the quest to generate free traffic a lot easier. Unfortunately, most of us cannot or do not have the time to, generate all of the content that our site needs.  And how we get the information can be almost as important as the content itself.  If we get the content from a ghostwriter, there is the investment of the ghostwriter's fee.  If we get the content from an article directory, there are the costs of a backlink to the author's site, as well as making them into an expert.  In other words, we increase their credibility and decrease ours, not to mention lose some chances for the sell.

So what is a website owner to do?  While the best source of content for your site is you, if you cannot generate the content, or do not have the time to generate the content, you should hire a ghostwriter.  You could always work out a barter system of payment.  Perhaps a couple of links somewhere on your site, or perhaps trade something of value for thier content.  After all, a link as an other links is not going to cost your page as much as an author's link.



Free Traffic Tips

Posted by de3/freetraffic at 10:19 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 November 2007 10:31 AM EST
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Friday, 9 November 2007
Free Traffic Tips
Now Playing: Free Traffic Tips
Topic: free traffic tips

There are two main ways to optimize a website/page to gain higher PR's, better ranking in the search engines, and generating free traffic.  They are 1) on page optimization, and 2) off page optimization.  On page is simple, add new content or make other similar changes to make the page more relevent to the subject of the page as described by the main keywords.  That leaves off page.  That is a little harder.  in fact, it sounds impossible.  How do you optimize what you have little if any control of?

The main factor you are trying to optimize for is inbound links.  While you could find pages in a similar field and e-mail the owner asking for a link, that can be a time consuming and frustrating exercize.  After all, if they have a good listing in the search engines and you don't, why would they want a link from your page?  Why would they link to your page?  The only thing that could convince them is if there is something on your page that would be useful to their visitors on your page.  That can be either information or a tool.  That means content, which is part of on-page optimization.  therefore, the key to optimizing your page, and gaining a lot of free traffic for your page is content.


Posted by de3/freetraffic at 10:53 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 November 2007 10:17 AM EST
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Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Free Traffic Tips
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Topic: free traffic tips

It is really hard to earn a lot of free traffic when you are using a public computer.  For one thing you are fighting for access time.  For another, you have to fit your schedule around the acces point's schedule.  That can be really hard if you work a weird schedule, like nights. And if you have a free provider like I do with my main site, free traffic, it is even harder to earn free traffic. Still, it can be done. I have been getting about 50-60 visitors a day. I have had a PR as high as three, although latly it has suffered due to my work hours. (It is now only a one.) If I were posting three or four times a week, and were really agressive in my promotions, I would probably be getting at least twice as much free traffic, and have a PR of three or four. I lost about three hundred inbound links on both this blog and the main page due to not posting often enough, or surfing on Bionic hits often enough.   You all know my general opinion of traffic exchanges, right?  The free traffic isn't very focused, and you are lucky to even have your page read.  However, I do like bionic hits for the following reason, for every one hundred pages you view, you get to add one link to their surf bar.  And Not only there, but on the main intro page too.  That page can, and is, spidered fairly often.  The inbound links count and are followed.  Sign up and get some inbound links too.  Not only inbound links but a raise in your PR and search engine rankings.  And that is where the real free traffic is!


Posted by de3/freetraffic at 10:00 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 7 November 2007 10:30 AM EST
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Saturday, 3 November 2007
Free Traffic Tips
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Topic: free traffic tips

Sometimes it is really hard to work on a website every day.  Even knowing that that is the only way to earn consistant focused free traffic, it is sometimes all I can do to do something to promote the page.  But that is what it takes to earn the consistant free traffic you want for your page.  The search engines don't care if you worked 10 hours this week, or if you worked 100 hours.  they don't even care if you had a really bad case of flue.  When it comes to PR and the ranking your page gets in the search engines, thus detirmining how much free traffic the page gets, the only thing that really matters is how relevent is the page?  And relevency is measured by the content on the page, and the inbound links.  The importance of the inbound links is determined by the content on the linking page and the text in the link description.  The more relevent the  linking page's content, and the link description, the more relevent and thus important that link is.  The more votes, the higher the PR, but more relevent links count more,thus indirectly at least, generating more free traffic.


Posted by de3/freetraffic at 10:59 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 November 2007 10:18 AM EST
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Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Sometimes it is really hard to see progress toward the goal of free traffic for a website.   I mean, you see the hits increase and then decrease, or you see your PR stagnant for a long time before a minor change just to slowly slide back to the original PR, or you have your page's ranking in the search engines fluctuate.  While all of the above are normal, they arae frustrating.  Just remember the old saying,  "Winners never quit, and quitters never win."  If you stop working on the page, then it never will receive the free traffic that you want to have it generate.  However, if you keep adding new content to exissting pages, and add an occasional new page to the site, sooner or later, your PR and search engine ranking will rise.  And that will increase the amount of free traffic your page generates.

Posted by de3/freetraffic at 10:11 AM EDT
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Saturday, 27 October 2007
Free Traffic Tips
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Topic: free traffic tips

The ranking a webpage has in the search engines detirmines the amount of free traffic that page receives. The importance of the free traffic received from a search engine lies in the fact that the free traffic from the search engines is focused. That is to say, the free traffic is looking for the keyword that the webpage is being ranked for. That is the reason that the free traffic from a search engine is the most important free traffic your page gets.

To that end, you must generate a page that ranks well in the search engines if you want your page to generate a significant amount of this very important free traffic. There are two main types of optimizationf or search engines, on page and off page optimization

Posted by de3/freetraffic at 12:15 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 30 October 2007 10:04 AM EDT
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Thursday, 25 October 2007
Free Traffic Tips
Now Playing: Free Traffic Tips

Sometimes I feel like no matter what I do with or to my webpage, it will never get a lot of targeted free traffic.  It seems like there can never be enough hours in a day to work on my page to get it ranked and generating free traffic.  It seems like all of the modifications and increased content were wasted time.  Then one day, there is a big leap on the hits meter or on the page's PR and hope starts to grow.  Maybe it takes a bit and then another big burst of free traffic hits the meter.  Bit by bit, the free traffic starts to grow.  Maybe it takes a while to reach the numbers you like, but it gets there.  Every addition to the page, every new page generated, and every new inbound link is a step in the right direction, toward a lot of free traffic on your page.


Posted by de3/freetraffic at 10:10 AM EDT
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Monday, 22 October 2007
Free Traffic Tips
Now Playing: Free Traffic Tips
Topic: free traffic tips
Generating free traffic is simple, generate a lot of keyword specific content, get a lot of inbound links, get listed by the search engines, keep adding more content to keep the boatloads of free traffic comming in.  Its simple!  The trouble is, simple often isn't easy.  A lot of site owners can't generate the content.  A page has to earn the backlinks with the content.  The search engines like to only list the pages that they consider relevent.  And with out either a lot of inbound links or a good high listing in the search engines, a page just isn't going to get a lot of free traffic.  At least not keyword targeted free traffic.  After all, there still is the traffic exchanges.  The trouble with that is, its just a lot of random free traffic.  Most will not be at all interrested in your page.

Posted by de3/freetraffic at 11:42 AM EDT
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Thursday, 18 October 2007
Free Traffic Tips
Now Playing: Free Traffic Tips
Topic: free traffic tips

Any time that you post to your blog, you are adding information to it.  That adds value if the post is keyword relevent, or detracts value if not.  This adjusts the value of the blog PR and therefore the search engine rankings and the amound of free traffic the blog generates.  There is another factor in how much free traffic the blog generates, and that is a RSS feed.  The feed allows another site to add your content to their page.  If a visitor to their site likes your heading, they click on the link and visit your blog.  One more visitor, instant free traffic.  Also the link is one more vote for your blog.  Any link that is in the content of your blog is also, at least indirectly, also linked to by the page containing the feed. 

I have added to my main page Free Traffic Tips, a feed from a blog specializing in the uses of technology to gain free traffic. To bad this blog editor won't allow it to disply here as well.

Posted by de3/freetraffic at 12:13 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 18 October 2007 12:20 PM EDT
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