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Free Traffic using Content

Every website owner wants their website or blog to generate targeted free traffic. But free traffic isn't really free. You have to earn all the free traffic that you get. Generating free traffic requires a lot of hard work and planning. You must pick a subject that you know well enough to generate at least 5-10 pages of material. Not just pages and material, but fresh, useful information that is keyword rich. For a website to earn free traffic from the search engines, it must have good keywords, good content appropriate to the keywords, and good focus. Generating all of that content takes work and time. The reward comes when the search engine's spider finds your page. The spider is going to read the text and count the total words and the number of each of the keywords and from use that information to rank the page.

free traffic tips

All other things being equal, the best content gets the best search engine rankings, the most imbound links, and thus generates the most subject relevent free traffic. And it gets better, the better your content, the more inbound links your page gets, and that contributes to the PR and search engine rankings, as well as generating free traffic of their own. The hard part is generating all of the required content. After all, not everybody can write that much relevent content. And to generate the PR and inbound links, as well as convince the search engines that your page deserves a high rank, requires a lot of good relevent content that is keyword rich. But if you want free traffic, you have to have the content.

Page Content and Free Traffic

The Key to getting a lot of targeted free traffic for your website or blog is the on page content. But not just any content, it has to be unique and useful, as well as focused on your topic. That means the text has to have a rich keyword content. If your content is keyword lean, the search engine will not rate your webpage as relevent to the topic, thereby ranking it very low on the listings, if at all. The higher the rankings, ie: first page, the more free traffic your page generates. All other things being equal, the page that is updated the most often and having the higher keyword density, up to about 6%, will rank higher in the search engines generating the more free traffic.

There is another reason to have a lot of good keyword rich content in your quest for free traffic for your page of blog. That is inbound links. A website owner who links to your page is telling his visitors that your page is worth visiting. The way your page becomes valuable is through its content. The content must be unique and helpful to your visitors, or else they won't come back. Worse yet, they won't visit the site that recommended your site. That is bad for the other site. Therefore, the other website owner won't recommend your page if it isn't helpful. And in order to gain a lot of free traffic, you need those inbound links. They generate free traffic on their own via click throughs and they raise your PR gaining even more free traffic. And this is the best free traffic possible, focused free traffic. They want to be here and were looking for information on the subject of your site. These are your natural customers, the ones most likely to want your services or information. This the kind of free traffic that you really want to visit your page.

Is there such a thing as too much free traffic? There is if the free traffic in question is uninterested int he subject of your page. Why waste your bandwidth on visitors that don't want what your page is providing? That is the main reason that search engine free traffic is the best. It is focused on the subject of the webpage. The problem is, you have to convice the search engines that the topic you are interrested in is the subject the page is focused on. For that, you have to optimize the page.