Pet Tips

Here you will find tips to help with your furry friends

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~ Easter Lilies are lethal to cats! Many kinds of lilies—including Easter lily, tiger lily, rubrum lily, Japanese show lily and some species of the day lily—can cause kidney failure in cats if ingested. All parts of the lily are considered toxic to cats, and the consumption of even small amounts can be life-threatening

~ Trying to round up pet hair off of carpet or floors, rubber gloves can help make the job easier

~ A teaspoon of olive oil on your pet's food every day will give your pet a glossy coat of fur and help to stop dry skin itching.

~ How to get a cat to swallow a pill:
1) Hold her body under one arm and open her mouth with both hands
2) drop pill as far back in her throat as it will go
3) rub underneath her throat until she swallows it

~ Don't leave dryer sheets around where your pets can get to them! They will make them VERY SICK!

~ The best way to rid your pet of Fleas is to use a Flea Comb. Comb your pet, remove everything from the comb and drop into a cup of warm water with some dishsoap. The fleas can't breath and will die. It will take several thorough combings to rid your pet of all of the fleas and eggs but you will not need to use toxic sprays, dips, powders, or collars!

~ Remove pet hair from Furniture by rubbing a dryer sheet over it.

~ Quick Cleanup Cat Litter - Line your litter pan with a plastic kitchen garbage bag before adding the litter. When it's time to change the litter, simply lift out the bag, tie it off and throw it all away.

~ To cut down on the odor from your cat's litter box mix in some baking soda

~ When cleaning up cat urine - DON'T use anything that contains ammonia. The ammonia only attracts the cat right back to the spot to pee again.

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