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25th January

Better Results soon!

Frosty, Nova, Birdy, Spike, LPC, Jeffries, Bones, Fugitive, Terrorist, Destruction

Superstar enters every two mins, To eliminate oponant you need to (i) Pin (ii) Force oponant into Submission
Winner faces current World champ at scarred for life

the winner of this match would face the nlw champion at scarred for life.
the first superstar to enter was frosty, 2nd was LPC. Rumble kicked off with frosty pullilling piledriver-ing
lpc. Frosty then got out the roadsign and bashed lpc's brains. Next to enter, and also making his return, was the terroist, who hadnt been seen since august '02, stormed down to the ring but met an impaler from lpc and a piledriver from frosty to eliminate the terrorist. Frosty then picked up lpc and delivered and death valley driver onto a mountain of thumbtacks cutting lpc's back in half. Next to enter was bones, who had had an impressive match ealier on, delivering a twist of fate to frosty. then down the ramp came the living legend jim jeffries but with him he brought his sidekick sparky. delivering a scissors kick to lpc and double teaming bones and frosty they soon started to dominate the ring. as jeffries grin got wider, down the ramp came the monster that is spike. f5'in all 4 of the superstars out of their boots. next down the ramp came destruction goring the life out of spike and taking the even bigger man down. Frosty then hit his devastating
tiger driver almost eliminating lpc. next to charging to the ring was the fugitvie but was soon quickly eliminated with a swift f5 from spike. bones walked into a taco bell from lpc almost eliminating him but frosty breaking up the pin. lpc then rammed frosties head itno the thumbtacks as revenge from making him bleed.
frosty was soon busted open as blood started to pour down his head. Next to enter was nova, arrogantly strolling to the ring. roadkill came from behind and hit his highway to hell on nova. on the other side of the ring jeffries slipped and a pin went in his hand which quickly saw bones get the 3 count. birdie then picked up bones and delivered and hellacious croc hunter which most certainly eliminated bones from the rumble. a scoop slam on lpc saw nova hit his 5 star frog splash elminating one of the main favourites to win the rumble.
as lpc was escourted to the back spike delivered a death valley driver onto frosty through a thumbtack table. elminating another one of the firm favourites to win the rumble. birdie quickly snapped spike into his bird mission which eventually the pain was just too much for the big man and tapped. nova chucked the bin to sparky who wasnt even an entry in the rumble and almost took his head off with a van daminator with the bin, the back stage crew carried of sparky because he was unconcious. this left nova and birdy who have had some great technical matches in their time. which some great reversals, good high flying and faced pace motions gave a great technical ending to the rumble, because of the hardcore in the early stages. eventually birdie whipped up nova into his birdy hawk for the 3 count which meant birdy will be facing the champion at scarred for life in march.

Thanks to LPC for the results..

- Frosty Piledrives LPC
- Sparkey has Frosty in an anklelock
-Frosty lifts LPC for a plex
- Frosty has his head rammed into tacks
- A thumbtack roadsign


Reaper Vs Roadkill
World Title

Roadkill Wins Via Interfereance from LPC , Johonson becoming the referee,
Some nice moves, a nasty code blue, and some cool sitout pedigrees.


The Rockstar, Farmer Giles and still working on it Vs
Roadkill, Reaper and Chris Nova

Interfed match started as an all out war, WCWe outpowered NLW... hitting some devestating powerbombs and HighAngle spinebusters onto NLW.. NLWcountered back thought.. afew WCWe members tried to make Roadkill tap out, he has never tapped in his whole wrestling carear and didnt now... In the end i think it was Farmer Giles who ended the match, Hitting a huge highangle spinebuster onto reaper.. after the match Roadkill and nova tossed all of the WCWe members down a hill...

- WCWe enter the NLW arena
- farmer giles and still working on it double powerbomb Nova!
-Roadkill DDT's the rockstar
-Still working on it powerbombs roadkill

-the rockstar Chokeslams Reaper
- Farmer Gile's Super Spinebuster
- Still working on it stunners Nova
- Reaper Swings around still working on its head


Lil papa chico Vs Chris Nova

Cool match again, Some awsome kicks.. Basicly at the end SPIKE returned f5'd nova and lpc and placed LPC ontop of Nova for the 3 count.


- LPC drop toe holds Nova

- Nova hits the 5* frogsplash on LPC
- Nova hits a Huge Legdrop
- Spike F5's Nova


Zetsumei Vs Kizu Vs Fugitive Vs Rage
Cool 4way, some awsome moves again, Rage legdroping Zetsumei off the top of the ladder,
in the end.. Zetsumei assult drivered Kizu throught a table for teh 3count.


- Zetsumie armdrags Rage

- Rage Hits a backbreaker on Kizu
- Rage DDT's Kizu
- Fugitive, Rage and Kizu exchange Punches
- Fugitive scoopslams Rage
- Zetsumei Assult Drivers Kizu through a table
- Zetsumei Assult Drivers Kizu through a table


Bones Vs Destruction
Bones accompinied to the ring by roadkill.. Destructions dominated the whole match,
at the end roadkill came into it and attacked destruction , Bones got the 3 count!


-Bones swantons Destruction
-Destruction F5's Bones
- Destruction Suplex's Bones
