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New Beginning's

Its been a habit of mine to try to always say
"I Love You"...
I know it doesn't take a long time to say,
but those three words mean
the world to me.
In that short sentence,
all of my feelings and emotions for you are contained.
The day begins with your smile,
and ends with your sweet goodnight kiss.
My life revolves around you,
and the air that I breathe when we are close.
Holding you in my arms, is nothing short
of wonderful.
Kissing you is beyond description....
making love with you sends me into another dimension,
higher than heaven.
So You see my love,
when I say "I Love You",
it means so much more to me
than I'll ever be able to tell you.
For always, Forever

When I needed someone
You came to me when I needed someone,
You didn't ask about trivial things,
You didn't care about material things,
You were interested in the person first...
Not what I was, but who I was,
Not what I want, but what we can share,
the things we can share......together Trust and truthfulness.
The necessary things for coexistence,
The basis for a relationship,
And mutual happiness...beyond forever,
And every day I thank God,
That you came to me when I needed someone
I will always want & need you in my life honey

The Endless Hug
Closing my eyes, I feel your arms around me,
Holding you close, just as it should be,
No other sensation can match this one,
Like the warmth of the heat from an internal sun,
Not letting go, forever it seems,
Just like it feels in so many of my dreams,
The beauty of touching you, holding on tight,
Praying it lasts, all day and all night,
Feeling safe and secure, not a care at all,
Oblivious to the stars or the rain that falls,
Something that feels this good cant be wrong,
But we both knew that I guess, right along,
Wanting time to stand still, as we've just begun,
Hearing only our hearts, beating as one,
Our bodies meshed together, warm and snug,
Enraptured in the beauty, of an endless hug....

SEPTEMBER 8th, 2004

Fall into my arms, let yourself go,
I feel your warmth, see your eyes aglow,
A smile that tell me that this is so right,
That you want to stay with me, day or night,
Don't leave my side, never release me,
Let me fulfill your dreams, it would surely please me,
The passion we have is out of control,
Coming from inside, deep in our soul,
Every minute of every day,
Stand by my side, please don't run away,
Hand in hand we can make it somehow,
Whether its down the road, or right here and now,
You have no idea of the joy that you give,
It gives me more reasons to go on and live,
The words are inside me to explain how I feel,
I cant find them right now, but be assured they are
You give me the courage to say what's inside,
I know that in you I can trust and confide,
Although we cannot always be face to face,
No one else in this world love,
could ever take your place
You are my life Honey
and with you is right where I want to stay
We will make it thru the rough roads
and never give up on one another
I Love You with all my Heart & Soul

I know we been going thru a tough time and
it sure seems like one bumpy rough road that
we been traveling down lately
and I know that life isn't a fairy tale world,
that nothing comes easily, nor is anything
perfect, including the both of us but
spending my life with you and loving one another
is all I want and hope that the love we have
for one another is strong enough to get thru
all of these bad times and find our way back to
the happiness we have shared in the past.
I have made this page for you and it comes
from the bottom of my heart and soul,
made with all the love I have within myself
for the way I feel about you..
Your my life I hope with all of my heart
that I will again someday make you happy
and that you don't give up on me, or on us,
and that we will have a long future and
marriage together filled with love & happiness
I Love You With All of my Heart...

Happiness Is Being With You
AngelEyes Card Shop
Ruth Ann's Moments of Memories

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