Going My Way

They soon forget His works; they did not wait for His counsel, but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tested God in the desert. And He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul. (Psalm 106:15)

Going My Way is a 1944 Bing Crosby classic where he played benevolent Father O’Malley who did not abuse anyone but saved a convent from debt. Burger King’s advertising slogan is that we can have it our way. Even Frank Sinatra used to sing in his song My Way, “the record shows, I took the blows and did it my way.”

Sometimes God will let us do things our way, only to let us deal with the less-than-satisfactory consequences of our actions based on the flesh. When we insist on having something or seeing someone that God in His infinite wisdom has withheld to protect us because the timing is not right or God has something better or whatever, He steps back and says, “OK, have it your way, but since this not Burger King, you won’t have a Whopper of a time.”

The Bible says that because the children of Israel forgot His works, did not wait for His counsel, lusted exceedingly, and tested God in the desert, He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul and kept them wandering in spiritual malnutrition in the desert for 40 years. Because of their sins and rebellion, an 11 day journey to the Promise Land takes 40 years for one generation to pass away.

When God called Moses to deliver the children of Israel, he decided to do it his way by committing A Not So Perfect Murder. Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, but instead of consulting God he took matters into his own hands by killing the Egyptian and buried him in the sand. Moses “looked this way and that way” (Exodus 2:12), but he never looked up to God. God had to teach Moses that he had to take orders from Him.

After Moses tried to hide the work of his flesh, God allowed it to be exposed to show Moses that by doing things his way, he couldn’t keep a single soldier buried in sand, but was banished to the backside of the Midian desert for 40 years. But by doing things God’s way with his shepherd’s staff, he was able to part the Red Sea, deliver Israel from destruction and bury the entire Egyptian army including Pharaoh with chariots, horses and all. In the kingdom of God, there is only God’s way or the highway, but this highway will only lead us to either Mad Max or the Road to Perdition. Just Do It, but do it God’s way and not Nike’s way, so we can get on the Highway to Heaven without any help from Michael Landon.
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