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Sorry I haven't updated in a while.  CHAPTER 11 MANGA IS HERE!!!  You can't find this translated chapter even at Lelola!  Digital Archive is the only place that has it ^^.  See, I haven't been slacking for the last week...hehe.  Also, I added the news archive, even though I don't update that often, but still, there's old news in there.  The top page banners aren't working...stupid Angelfire.  I'm really getting sick of this server.  Oh well, what can you do??




The new pic and quote of the month are up.  The quote is from the last episode of Zero Two ::sniff:: ::sniff::.  It's when Yukio Oikawa begins to give up his life energy to protect the digital world from all evil.


"Hold on to your optimism, your dreams, and especially your friends Cody... Perhaps if I'd have been more like you, I could have had adventures too!"


Dang, that episode was incredible.  The new pic is of the new Frontier kids and their Beast hybrids. ::smiles::  I can't wait for the new season to hit America!





I finally fixed the Navigation Bar.  Now the links go to the right pages, but there's still a lot of info missing that I have to upload for the pages.  I'm still really sick and I've been working on Digimon manga lately.  I've almost got Chapter 11 done!!  Jeez, these websites take A LOT of work.  Well then, I best get cracking.





I'm back from DC and it was so much fun.  HOBY is great!!!  Newayz, I'm really sick and I had to go to the emergency room last night...errr this morning.  Hopefully I'll get better soon.  On a good note, I updated the D-Day episode guide!!  It now goes to the first episode of part 2, episode 9.  Dai's finally here!!!  I also got a new award from FANimation Magazine.  ::smiles::  Go Digital Archive!...hehe.  Lataz.



We're back up, with a newer look and everything.  A lot of things aren't up yet, but I'm going to Washington DC next week, so I won't be back till next Friday.  See you all lataz.


• • • NEWS ARCHIVE • • •

Digimon, Digimon Adventure, Zero Two, Digimon Tamers, Digimon Frontier, etc. is all property of TOEI Animation, Akiyoshi Hongo, Saban, Bandai, FoxKids, ABC Family, etc.  Digital Archive is only a fansite and is no way affiliated with the previously mentioned people and/or companies.  Layout (except for page title banners) ©2001-2002 by Digital Archive.  Page Title Banners ©Microsoft FrontPage.  D-Day, Dark Flamegreymon, Singemon, etc. are all property of Digital Archive.  Original Character designs for D-Day are the property of the creators of Digimon.  All submissions are property of Digital Archive, and proper recognition will be given to the original contributors.  Sorry, everyone, I know this sounds really technical and everything, but I really don't want to get sued ^^.  Thank you.

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