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The Ultimate Digi-Trivia Guild Site

gobimon Welcome to the site! And please follow the rules and be courtious or face the wrath of Gobimon! mwahaha!

(Yes, and doesn't she look wrathful?)

Back to the Guild!

Trivia Contests

Read the Rules (please?)

Picture Contest

Caption Contest


Digimon Quotes

Digimon Gallery

Fan Art

Neopets Fan Art

Guild Shop

Guild Allies

Ultimate Digi-Links

Banners and Things

(Black means unfinished)

Which Digidestined does Sora go with best?

She's too good for them
She doesn't deserve any of them

Current Results

Welcome to the Ultimate Digi-Trivia Guild site!

Did you know you are only allowed 1400 characters on the front page of your guild? Ugh! That is the work of the devil, is it not? Therefore, in order to have everything I want for this guild, I must make the site for it. This is it! Welcome and enjoy your stay.


Okay... it's clearly been a while since I've updated, but there's new art in the fan art section. Not just any art mind you, but wall paper! Yes! OKay now read carefully. If you want to use the wall paper on your website you can use the tag in the text bow below the thumbnail. It's the url of the image on the server that allows foreign image hosting so it should show up where as the angelfire image would not. got it? good. :)

New addition to the Digimon Fanart section.

Happy Holidays! Okay, I put up another pic in the neopets art section, and I'd like to encourage anyone esle who has art to send it to me. :) (my e-mail is below) Or neomail me the address or whatever. Also, Send in quotes, trivia questions, Digimon Art, digimon Pictures, and stuff.

Quotes section is up.

Hi! Fan art is now good to go! Gallery should take (slightly) less time to load now! And there's a neopets art section too! ^_^ I may add to it... ;)

Okay! Trivia section updated! wohoo! I have a 4 day weekend coming up so keep an eye out for eye popping new features. Hopefully they will atract more members. Also, I added a new question to the contests page and put in a nice prize for my evil question. ^_^

Lotsa purdy images added to gallery ^-^ As well as html codes for banners. I *think* they work anyways...

Contact me

If you have questions about rules or whatever, comments about the guild, the site or anything, or have to flame me horribly for being an evil Digi-Fiend, please neomail DC. It is true that I am Galelie but I only will log into that account if I need to get NP for prizes. I will get to you much more quickly if you neomail D-crystal. In extreme cases, (As in you need to ramble on for a looooooong time) you can try to eMail me at and I'll get to it much later but you might prefer it. If you e-Mail me you must remember to include your Neopets username or else I won't know who you are.


I do not claim to own Digimon. Nuff said.

I have stumped
people this month.

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