Hi My name is Tom Des Lauriers, and I am a graduate of   East Carolina University.
I graduated with a MAEd in Instructional Technology - Computers in December 1997.
I also graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington   with a BA in Elementary Education. I also have an Associate of Arts degree from Coastal Carolina Community College.

I am a husband, father and a grandfather with four beautiful grandchildren. I have been married to the same beautiful lady for 35 years.   I am also a retired   Marine Corps Officer, after 21 years I decided that I had served my country long enough and that it was time to move on to bigger and better things.  I have two wonderful children.

My daughter is married to a former Marine Corps Sergeant,  who  now works for Toshiba UPS   They also have a Home Page which I invite you to visit. They also live in Cypress Texas, just outside Houston.

My son is severing in the United States Air Force and is married to a beautiful young lady from Jacksonville, North Carolina. They are now stationed at Ramstein AFB   in Germany; only a few hours from Paris, France. They also have a Home Page which I invite you to visit.


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