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About Myself
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About Me and My Parents:

My father came to Canada in 1992. My mother was born and raised in canada. They met in December of 2002, things worked out well between them and they got married on August 9th 2003, in Hamilton, Ontario. A year later in August 2004, and while my parents were having dinner, my mom felt stomach pain. My parents found out that my mother was pregnant.

9 months later, my mom was suffering a lot, and I refused to give up and was too comfortable to come down. My parents decided to get me out, with the help of the Dr. and induction, I was still able to show them who's the boss. I kept fighting to stay in there, but that April 10th morning at 4:20 Am, I heard the Dr. say to my parents: "ok, that is it, I think we've waited too long, we must do C-section". I thought to myself C-Section, hmmmmmm I am sure I can hide somwhere and stay in there for another few weeks. I was wrong, after about 30 minutes, I felt something weird grabbing me by the head. Then I saw lights and people, lots of people and one of them had a smile from ear to ear, and I thought to myself who is that guy smiling and jumping. Then I realized that this is my father, the guy who kept nagging for 9 months. So I said what the hell I'll smile back, maybe he will stop bothering me. I was wrong again, he is always there, making weird faces and sounds. I am now 1 month old, and my mom takes good care of me, and I let them sleep few hours during the night.











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