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The Ethics of Humanity:
• A man is measured by his words, his deed, and his heart, not an accident of birth or circumstances.
• The ability to reason separates man from beast.
• Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
• All men are brothers.
• Freedom is earned with dignity and justice.

Many followers of the Road of Humanity come to it on their own after struggling with the realities of their Cainite nature. They affirm believe in their own humanity and hold to it tightly, usually after a harrowing experience with their own capacity for monsterous behavior and the power of the Beast, which serves as a moment of truth. A neonate who kills savagely to sate his hunger, a fledgling who seeks revenge for a petty slight; these Cainites look at the blood on their hands and reject the monsters they have become. Others come to the road more gradually and are taught its precepts by their sire or another teacher .

The Road of Humanity claims that all men as brothers and that each shoud be measured according to his or her words and deeds. Therefore, the adherents of the road accord their greatest teachers and philosophers the respect they are due, and they tell tales of the paragons of human virtue that seek (and sometimes find) the secret of Golconda. But they have not formed any broadly recognized hierarchy. Instead, the Prodigals associate with one another through a network of largely egalitarian guilds and fraternal orders. Some influential teachers and philosophers of the road gather students around them to form schools in the Greek tradition, but such groups are usually small, dedicated to study, debate and the ancient maxim "know thyself." While lyceum gather to debate, other sects of the Road of Humanity take a more active role. Some offer succor to the newly Embraced, while hunting down those lost to humanity. Others follow the Brujah ideal of a society in which Cainites and mortals exist together in peace, and they do what they can to make it come about. There are even tales of vampire hospitalers and physicians who treat injured and sick mortals, reclaiming their humanity through their mercy .

Normalcy. The humanity Prodigals hold in their hearts keeps them from seeming so strange and frightening to mortals .

Road Virtues:
Conscience, Self-Control

Path of Breath: Act as a man to be a man; breathe, work, revel and live. Path of Community: Alone you are damned; in company you can be saved. Path of Vigor: To stop is to wither and die. Move and you shall live.

Roleplaying Tips:
Although you are changed, transformed in body by the Embrace, you are still human. Your mind and soul are your own, and you will not surrender them to the Beast. You can still reason, and--more importantly--you can still feel and follow the dictates of your conscience and know remorse when you falter. As long as those things are true, you will never be the monster that others say you are.

Hierarchy of Sins Against Humanity
Rating Minimum Wrongdoing Rationale
10 Selfish thoughts Thought is as good as deed
9 Minor selfish acts Compassion separates us from the beasts
8 Injury to another person (deliberate or otherwise) Follow the Golden Rule
7 Theft or robbery Respect the property of others
6 Accidental violation of another (eg, drinking a vessel dry from starvation) Ignorance does not excuse cruelty
5 Wanton Destruction Man creates; the Beast destroys
4 Impassioned violation of another (eg killing in frenzy) Those who act as beasts become beasts
3 Planned violation of another (eg murder) If you surrender to the Beast, you become its slave
2 Casual violation of another (eg wanton killing, feeding past satiation) Others are worthy of your respect
1 The most heinous and demented acts Are you man or beast?

Roads and Discs
