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Barbed Wire Match - World Championship
The Rock   vs.    Chris Jericho

Tonight.. is THE NIGHT for two men, two hard working individuals who have given everything they own to this very company.. tonight is their night and they have still a job to do. The Rock... Chris Jericho.. two amazing superstars who have fought their way through the rankings in an attempt to become Championship Wrestling Federation World Champion, owning the most prestigious prize in sports entertainment, the big one.. the one that every company has to offer, yet for Chris Jericho and The Rock, it means so much more.. it means Prestige... Respect... Championship status.. tonight we will find and crown our world champion.. the scene flashes between pictures of the feud building between Rock and Y2J until... 005... 004... 003.... 002.... 001... 000!! Boom, The arena is in pitch black and suddenly fireworks go off, lighting up Y2J with his arms spread underneath the Titantron.. the fans burst into boos as Jericho spins around on the spot and taunts his way to the ring.. this is the second time the fans have seen the Champion tonight and by god its deafening with boos in here.. Y2J walks up the ring steps and climbs onto the turnbuckle, dropping inside the ring, not wanting to hurt himself on the barbed wire... "If Ya Smell... What The Rock.. Is Cookin!!!" The standing ovation is deafening for the People's Champion... The Rock... Rocky makes his way to the ring with a purpose, walking up the ring steps, climbing the turnbuckle from the outside and throwing his arm into the air.. he smells the electricity and drops into the ring, running at Jericho, HERE WE GO!! Rock attacks like a venomous snake, smashing a battery of right and left hands at Y2J, smashing him into the corner, spitting on his hand and.. no, Jericho ducks, beating away at Rock, lefts, rights, this is fucking amazing, the electricity is fucking huge... both men start going toe to toe, their is no clear advantage as they tumble towards the ropes, still fighting with left and right hands... wham, Rock decks Jericho, but he's strait back to his feet, turning around, running at Rock again, this time getting tooken down harder with a huge right hand soup bowl.. Rock begs Y2J to get to his feet.. screaming 'COME GET SOME' and Y2J does, bolting at Rock like a thunder bolt, attacking yet again, dammit this match has been all about left and right hands, look at the electricity in the middle of the ring as Y2J picks Rock up and plants him with a Suplex, floating over into a cover... One.. Two.. Kick Out! Not Yet Chris.. no way, Not Yet! Jericho is back up, pulling Rock up and whipping him into the corner, following with a shoulder barge and a couple of left hands before whipping him across the ring to the opposite side, following once again with a huge kick to the gut.. Jericho is loving it.. slapping Rock round the face.. Oh shit, ROCK OPENS HIS EYES WIDE... BIG FUCKING MISTAKE.. ROCK STARES DOWN JERICHO IN A FIT OF ANGER.. Jericho is scared, confused.. SHIT.. LEFTS, RIGHTS, LEFTS, RIGHTS, SPIT ON THE HAND.. LAYING THE SMACKDOWN ON EM!!! GOODNIGHT.. Jericho flies to the canvas, rolling onto his knees, shaking his head and getting back to his feet.. The barbed wire looks nasty and I'm sure were gonna see some of it.. I'm sure of it... Rock grabs Y2J, pulling him into a DDT.. he covers... One... Two.... Kick Out! The Rock should of known that Jericho wont be done yet... no-where near it.. up he gets, pulling Jericho up with him, throwing him to the ropes... AWW MY FUCKING GOD.... THE BARBED WIRE!!! THE BARBED WIRE!!! JERICHO LANDS BACK FIRST ON THE BARBED WIRE... IT DIDN'T HOOK INTO HIM, BUT CUT HIM UP.. THAT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING.. JERICHO Stumbles forward, holding his back and screaming in agony.. Rock stalks... he stalks... ROCK BOTTOM!! ROCK BOTTOM!!! THE ROCK CONNECTS!! He covers.. ONE...... TWO...... THRE-KICK OUT!! So fucking close!! THE ROCK ALMOST HAD IT DAMMIT!! Jericho is bloodied up and their is blood all over the ring... The Great One gets up, pulling Jericho up with him, staring into the audience with evil eyes.. he's set him up.. it's gonna be another Rock Bottom... no.. Jericho battles out, elbows to the head... he fights outta it, landing a right hand on Rocks jaw before lifting him into the air and connecting a Powerslam.. awesome... Jericho isn't done.. will he tempt it... he runs to the ropes.. but stops.. hell naw.. he wont try it... Rock is up though.. and Jericho doesn't realize it, turning around and... ROCK BOTTOM!! NO!! Jericho ducks it... kick to the gut... POWERBOMB!! CHRIS JERICHO PLANTS HIM.. both men are down.. by god what a match, we've seen it all tonight, from the ring being broken to barbed wire busting someone up! Both men are stirring... wanting to get up... 10... 9... 8.... 7.... 6.... 5.... 4... They're up... left hands by The Rock, Right hands by Jericho, both men pound away at each other again... whip to the ropes, Jericho whips Rock in.. but Rock reveres.. whipping Jericho, Y2J reverses, pulling Rock in and... Flapjack!! Chris Jericho wound it up and smacked it down!! Pure skillful wrestling!! Chris grabs his legs, locking it in and turning him over.. WALLS OF JERICHO!!! Will The Rock tap out... he has to.. surely... he just fucking has to! If he grabs the ropes, he'll cut himself up... Rock works and works, finally making it towards the ropes.. he has to grab out otherwise its over... he wont grab will he!? 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' HE DOES!! ROCK GRABS THE ROPES, CUTTING HIS HANDS TO PIECES.. FUCKING HELL!! THE ROCK CAN'T BELIEVE HE DID IT.. NOR CAN JERICHO, PULLING ROCK BACK INTO THE CENTER OF THE RING... AHHHHHH.. ROCK IS SCREAMING.. HE SURELY HAS TO TAP OR GRAB THE ROPES AGAIN.. BUT WAIT... Rock turns.. he's trying to turn it over... he does.. kicking Jericho out and into the ropes... oh my god, not again, Jericho this time cuts his chest... their is blood over the barbed wire, the ring ropes... the ring canvas itself... The Living Legend doesn't care, pulling Rock up... kicking him to the gut... pulling his head between his legs... POWERBOMB!!!... Wait... he isn't done, lifting him back up and... A SECOND POWERBOMB!! DOUBLE POWERBOMB!! Chris Jericho connects.. running to the ropes, jumping off.. LIONSAULT!! FUCK THE BARBED WIRE.. FUCK IT!! JERICHO COVERS... ONE... TWO..... KICK OUT!!! IT WAS ALMOST A THREE COUNT... Y2J CAN'T BELIEVE IT.. Rock is down but not for long as Y2J pulls him up, whipping him to the corner, Rock bounces off, bouncing back with more left and right hands, but wait, Jericho ducks... BREAKDOWN!! BREAKDOWN!! FUCKING HELL, OUT OF NO-WHERE.. COMPLETELY OUT OF NO-WHERE.... He doesn't know where he is, trying to get up but falling strait back to the canvas! Both men are down.. WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS... "CLOSE YOUR EYES... COME WITH ME" blats into the arena... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.. IT'S STEVE CORINO!! STEVE FUCKING CORINO... WHAT THE FUCK!? THE CWF HALL OF FAMER IS HERE!! HE RUNS TO THE RING WITH A KENDO STICK IN HAND, ROCK IS UP... HE TURNS AROUND STUMBLING... KENDO SHOT THE HEAD... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON... JERICHO GRABS HIS LEGS... WALLS OF JERICHO!! NOT LIKE THIS!! WALLS OF JERICHO TO THE ROCK... THE ROCK TAPS!! THE ROCK TAPS!! BLOOD PORING DOWN HIS FOREHEAD.. FOR FUCK SAKE.. THE BLOOD IS PORING... THE ROCK HAS BEEN SCREWED... CHRIS JERICHO IS THE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING FEDERATION WORLD CHAMPION!! WHAT THE HELL IS GONNA HAPPEN NOW!!! STEVE CORINO RE-ENTERS THE RING WITH THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP... I DON'T GET IT.. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!? WHY DID HE HELP JERICHO!? CORINO HANDS THE TITLE TO JERICHO... NO! WHACK.. STEVE KNOCKS OUT JERICHO WITH IT!!! CORINO IS GOING CRAZY, STOMPING AROUND THE RING... He calls for a microphone...

Steve Corino ' The King Of Old School ': Jericho.. I left the #1 Contender To The World Title.. well you know what? I am gonna work my ass off to earn my chance again.. so Jericho remember that The King of Old School is gonna be right behind you chasing that WORLD TITLE.. AND GOD DAMN ITS GOOD TO BE BACK.. AND DAMNIT ITS GOOD TO BE KING!!

 Just then... "No Chance' plays into the arena and out onto the entrance ramp comes Vince McMahon with an evil look on his face, dammit he's pissed off.. he has a microphone in hand and what the hell is this.. he has another Championship over his shoulder...

Vince McMahon ' CWF Hour 2 Owner ': You think that was a smart move Steve? Huh!? Well you see this baby on my shoulder.. huh? Well let me tell you Corino, I won't let Hour 1 get one over me.. they think that they deserve a World Champion, well SO DO I DAMMIT!! ROCK.. YOU WERE SCREWED!!! SCREWED BY THIS IDIOT... and when you awake, you won't awake empty handed because you are the HOUR 2... SMOKING SKULL CHAMPION. Now each hour has a Champion!! HOUR 1 HAVE NO CHANCE IN HELL OF GETTING ONE UP ON VINCENT K MCMAHON!!

Winner and HOUR 1 CWF WORLD CHAMPION: Chris Jericho...


Confetti strips fall as the scene fades with Steve Corino holding the kendo stick in the air and Vince McMahon standing on the entrance ramp with The Rocks Smoking Skull World Champions.. each hour has a World Championship, but CHRIS JERICHO won it and will continue the old legacy of the CWF World Champion... what a night, what an event... Scene fades.