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My Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Neopets-The Best Virtual Entertainment


Page Title, Example: 'ClipperzNeo Neopets'

Yo whats up welcome to ClipperzNeo.This is a good site for Neopets cheats,codes,tips and joint. I am currently new to web building and I am trying to make the best out of it.Well I will soon need if you think you got what it takes drop me a note on Neopets.
New To This
I am new to this so I will need lots of time for doing this and trying to make this a great website. Well there isn't much here but if you keep coming back you can see the website grow!
So you want to know about Neopets? Neopets is a fun, entertaining,and also can be a educated website. It teaches you the basic steps on owning a pet and you also have things to do on your spare time! Just step right in and you will enjoy it from that very moment!
Under Construction
You can see right now I am under HUGE constrution with this page. It will take me just about 1-4 months to have this website completed so please be patient!
-Please No Copying -Please link me back if you use any of my graphics or cheats -Instead of taking my ideas give me some!

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