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Update:=Jan 26, 2004 - I think I abandoned this site for quite awhile, so I lost track of dates for my artwork. I posted a couple of them in the Gallery section. They are still very old though, like in October, so I am still outdated, though I havent been drawing a lot lately anyways. Well enjoy what you have.

Update:=Aug 30. 2003 - I got !2! whole new update for you today! One new CG, quite different from the others, it's in the Gallery Section and finally, a new animation! It also only has 2 frames, but I'm a beginner, gimme a break. Find it at the bottom of the Gallery section.

Update:=Aug 26. 2003 - Yeah I got my G2 today. But anyways, I added a new Icon to the Icon Page. And soon, I am also gonna make small n short animations with my new little critters, the PeePee critters. Copyright! Ahha, a.k.a. Poolips Adventures. I'll get to that one day. To the left is a little drawing of Poolips.

Update:=Aug 24. 2003 - Hey, it's five in the morning and I'm up to bring you a update! A new CG is up in the Gallery Page. I worked on this CG a lot lot longer than any other! I drew it by hand first too.. and I didn't even make a proper bg. Oh, shoot me now...

Update:=Aug 20. 2003 - Hi, I added a new page, the Icons Page. Well, it may have other things too. I will try to make icons and display pics for MSN only. This is the only link for it right now. But I'll work on that another day.

Update:=Aug 11. 2003 - No, I'm not dead. I just want to note that I am starting to draw on paper again (after a long time of 'not drawing on paper since I got the tablet'). And I want to post some and edit some on the computer but I don't have a frikkin scanner so I can't do anything until I get it fixed up (So I do have one). I have a piano exam tomorrow, ike!! not that it matters. ike!!

Update:=Jul 14. 2003 - Alrighty! I changed the layout. So much faster to load. I also added a layout section in the Junk section so you can view the past layouts used for this site. Profile section is up as well, and there should be no other blank links or error pages now.

Update:=Jul 13. 2003 - New pic in Gallery section. And wanting to change layout.. soon to come. Maybe I'll work on it now. ^__^

Update:=Jul 10. 2003 - Drew a new picture, just finished it right now so I posted it, check it out in the Gallery section. I also change the junkart to junk, so if you click the junk link to the left, it should bring you to a junk of my art.

Update:=May 20. 2003 - Another new crappy one in CG section of the Gallery. Gaa!!! So tired.. no more for today.. bleh..

Update:=May 14. 2003 - One new Little Graphics in Gallery Section.

Update:=MAY 8. 2003 - Two new images in the Little Graphics section and 1 new one for normal CG. See them in the Gallery section. Whew, long time no update :P.. Drew 3 of 'em all today, haha.

Update:=APRIL 1. 2003 - Drew 2 more Little Graphics today. Go view them in the Gallery section.

Update:=MARCH 31. 2003[afternoon] - Here's a quick update! A new Little Graphic in the Gallery section. Something I did in 10 minutes, that's why it's little graphics! n_n'

Update:= MARCH 31. 2003 - Last update was November 16!!! LOL! Well, I made a new menu on the left. Now there are 2 menus! The images are clickable or just use the menu bar. New CG image and Little Graphic in the Gallery section. Also, ONLY THE GALLERY SECTION WORKS ON THIS WHOLE PAGE so everything else is blank right now. Some graphics in the Gallery has to be moved to the JunkArt section [<- That link right there is the only access! n_n'] Tata NoW!

Welcome! This is my site where I put all my art and crap [Just whatever I like]. This site was previously called "Azure" but I plan to change that, so it has no name right now! Oh yeah, besides my art, I'll also post my opinions of anything I want [like Anime, or just a drink or something]. Keke, doesn't matter! n_n' ...

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'nekoness' artworks ?Rita Wong (nekobus)