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Anna's Homepage


A Little About Me:

My name is Anna Marie. I am a freshman at Clarion University

My birthday is Dec. 6. I am

my major is elementary and early

childhood education. I work at

JCPenney's. I have worked there since July 2001.

I love: my friends, watching movies, watching

ice skating on tv, theater, food, sleepovers,

littlekids especially Jaden, road trips,

vacations, singing in my car, shopping, jokes,

NSM, laughing uncontrolably...etc

I hate: being alone, wet socks, misplacing

things I just had, stupid fights with your

friends, being in a fight with Carla, crying

uncontrolably, frustration..etc

When I am not working, I enjoy

hanging out with my friends. We usually eat out, rent a

movie, go shopping, or just sit around and talk. Some of

my really terrific friends include Carla, Lindsey, Elaine,

Shasta, Amanda, Erika, Nicole, Sarah, Brittany,

Heather, Billie Jo, Karin, Julie, Edie.

*Carla* aka Heartbreaker

~You are the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

We have too many memories...I would have never

guessed back in 9th grade that we would become

as close as we are now..Thanks~


~You know too much..but thanks for listening

I'm so glad we are rooming together~

*Elaine* aka Wayne

~I have known you like forever

Remember: the road between friends is never that long

Come over are always welcome~

Find out more about me on my 2nd page.

Pictures of me and my Friends

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  • The upper left picture is Elaine, Sarah, and Erika at a parade on the 4th of July.
  • The upper right picture is Brittany, Erika, Lindsey, and me hanging out at Eat-n-Park.
  • The center picture is Elaine, me, Carla, and Kristen at Elaine's house before going to see LFO
  • The lower left picture is me and Carla at a hockey game.
  • The lower right picture is Carla and I at my house before the Semi-Formal.

  • Links

    2nd Page

    Copyright 2002