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Starfleet Defiance

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Contacts: Ross Mcmillan and Frank














































01 June 2001 , 2001

Ross= Dominion Wars has gone Gold and in stores now. a patch for the Multiplayer will be out soon. Go buy the game now its out and is looking great.


Ross= Hey guys im really sorry i have had exams on and continious asssessments, im looking for somone to take over the page and clan for about a month or 2, after this they will be given half complete control of the web site and clan. They will be given admiral position. Email me if you are interested, also you must have basic web page building skills, thanks bye 2001

Frank= Hey all ive updated the Cardassian page.> April 25 , 2001

Ross =

>Ross = Hi Ive been playing the beta alot and the game does ahve alot of potential, i cant go into anything as that would be breaking my NDA but if you would like more info email me and i could put u in touch with ppl. And if you would liketoo put your link on my page email me at and me and frank will decide what too do thanks bye

April 24 , 2001

Ross = I was chatting too mike and he has allowed me too add some pics too my site i just gotta send them too him first for approval so soon youll get never seen befour pics that i have made :) they shoul d be here within a week hopefully.

>April 13 , 2001

Ross = Not much new news, im sure most of you know about the movie that DW has made but if you dont just click on the link at the top of the page too take you too the offical site. Two of the clan members now have the beta, no info will be allowed for anywone so dont ask sorry. If you are getting the beta and dont have it yet (like me) then all you can do is site down and wait for the bloody thing too arive :).

>April 10 , 2001

Ross = There is a new clan page its not as good as the other one but DW is unable too update it at the mement so this will have too do, if you wish any changes then please email me at thanks bye

April 07 , 2001

Ross = I have changed the page again, I didnt really like my last look, I was given the opertunity too give some people in my clan a beta copie of DW Beta, so if I contacted you and you sent the NDA Expect it soon. I have also added too links at the bottom of the page, one is the unofficial Dominion Wars site, and the other is a cool site that makes its own star trek games, its worth a good look.

Ross = There is now an email link too me and Frank, ive lost franks email address so I will get it off of him today, for the moment both emails go too me. And yeah I didnt really like the new way so guess what i done it again, hope you like this one better.

March 30, 2001

Ross = I am concintrating more on the clan these few days and recruiting people. Now starfleet defiace has 2 leaders. Admiral Funkyscot and Admiral Dominion wars. Im admiral Funkyscot. I am in the chat room every time I am on and whisper me too let me know you are there. If you want too join the clan leave a post on the message board. Thanks bye Ross

March 27, 2001

Ross = Now there is a chat room that you can talk too me or other fans of DW. Just go down too Other stuff and there it is. Also im pleased to say that out clan has merged with operation defiance to= the new name is Starfleet Defiance. That is our clan name, I will totaly redo the clan page with my new Admiral dominion wars. So expect the clan page to updat soon.

March 25, 2001

Ross = Brilliant news ppl I have asked Mike 7 questions so far and he has answered if you wish to read these questions and answers go to Q&A2 at the bottom of the page. I will be asking more questions soon so im looking for ideas so email me them at

March 25, 2001

Frank= Hey all this is Ross's new helper. I'll be helping Ross with a few changes here and there around the site. I'll be makign daily updates hopefully starting later today. Anyways off to work on the site. Also the Cardasian page is up!

March 25, 2001

Ross = I know this is a Dominion war page but ive posted my Star trek voyager story here that I wrote. If you want go check it out. Its under other stuff near the bottom of the page, it has all merged together but it should still be ok. I will post a non merged one on my message board bye.

March 26, 2001

Ross = I have updated the Klingon ships page, go check it out. Also I am still looking for clan members i will add teh rest of you that have emailed me later this week, ranks at begining are given on a first come first serve basis. Obvioully this will change when the games comes out. And on how much you help me.

March 25, 2001

Ross = Well im happy to introduce Frank who is now the new helper of my web site. He is going to help me alot with alot of things. We hope to make updates daily and get you the news first bye.

March 24, 2001

Well as you can see The people at DW have given me this cool clip. And also they have agreed to answe 13 of my questions i have sent 7 away still got anothet 6 to go so email me with your suggestions. Plus a new sections has been added Clan page go check it out.

March 23, 2001

Well Someone in dominion wars may agree for me to ask him 13 questions on what ever I want. Im looking for suggestions so please send me an email at

March 23, 2001

Good news people. I have been asked by Dominion wars to be involved in the Beta version of the game. I have started a clan anyone who is interested please leave message at the message board. I may have a few copies to give away depending no how many i get of course. For clan purposes

March 22, 2001

22 March The Dominion wars main page has been updated with a lot of cool stuff. Go check it out its brilliant. Just click on one of the links either at the top or bottom of the page.

March 13, 2001

March I am going to try and add the dominion ship page but I've got a lot of work to do today, i've got to get ready for a pretend appraisal interview that I am getting assessed on. So if i've got time ill update my site thanks for coming bye.

face="Arial">Hi as you can see i ve competely changed my web page, what do you think better or worse, leave a post saying what you think in my message board thanks. And sorry I did'nt have time to update my site, as I was studding a lot but I have made some new additions to the Dominion ship page that will be updated soon.

March 12, 2001

March I am going to try and add the dominion ship page but I've got a lot of work to do today, i've got to get ready for a pretend appraisal interview that I am getting assessed on. So if i've got time ill update my site thanks for coming bye.

March 12, 2001

I have asked the creators of dominion wars to release the demo before the game is released, but they said no. So I am makking a putition to put to them so if you want the demo to be released before it comes out head over to my new form now. Thanks bye

March 11, 2001

This is the second day the web page has been up and as you can see I have already added more pics, and a federation ship 1&2 page, there will be a total of six ships available in these pages by the end of today. I am also going to add a Klingon ship page, cardassian ships page and a Dominion ship page. If more other ships arive in the game i will add a other ships page. I was thinking of adding a weapons page pics when all you see in this page is weapons being used by ships. What do you think? And a Q&A page that includes




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