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Kimisi deprem tahmin edilemez diyor, kimisi tahmin edilebilir diyor. Ben şahsen, çok kesin olmasa da depremin gelmeden önce sinyaller gönderdiğine ve bunları alguılayabilen uyanık ve akıllı insanların depremi tahmin edebileceğine inananlardanım. Deprem habercisi sinyallerin farkına varanlar topluma haber vermelidir. Bu sayede can kaybı azaltılabilir. Belki yararlı olur diye, son günlerde popüler olan Sn.R.Dengiç'in Deprem Bulutları'ndan "Deprem Tahminleri"nde bulunduğu site ve karıncaların davranışlarından deprem tahminine çalışan site ile, İngilizce sitelerden 5 adedinin adreslerini ilgi duyanlar için veriyorum:

Deprem Tahmin Siteleri 

Deprem Tahminleri (R.Dengiç)

Karınca davranışlarından deprem tahmini - Kardebil

Eathquake Clouds and Short Term Prediction 

Earthquake Prediction by Ian Montano 

Earthquake Warning Research 

Earthquake Prediction Online 

International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics (IIEPT)

Earthquake Prediction Research Center - University of Tokyo, Japan

International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Sciences - Russian Academy of Sciences

The Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction - Japan

Earthquake Prediction: The Scientific Challenge - National Academy of Sciences

Earthquake Prediction - The University of Arizona

Earthquake Prediction History - USGS

Predicting Earthquakes - USGS

Use of Probabilities for Earthquake Prediction - American Geophysical Union

Earthquake prediction based on electrical signals recorded on ground surface - Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration  Athens, Greece

Predicting Earthquakes - Greece

Unusual Animal Behavior & Earthquake Prediction - David Jay Brown

Earthquakes, Gases, and Earthquake Prediction - Thomas Gold, University of Cornell

Eye-witness Accounts of Several Major Earthquakes  - Thomas Gold, University of Cornell

Journal of Earthquake Prediction Research -Russia

 Earthquake prediction in China

Methods of Earthquake Prediction 

Meeting the Challenge of Imminent Earthquake Prediction - Chinese Science News

Deprem Anasayfası