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I got this idea...that maybe people should read the witty things I say and do over the internet. So here it is:

babygirl72977 (12:40:12 PM): although I know what it is like to be riding the train at 90 miles an hour towards the brick divorce wall....once you see it coming, it's not stopping before you hit it

babygirl72977 (1:04:22 PM): Don't get discouraged by'll finish last but you'll have a hot blonde wife so keep your chin up

Jenw72977 (6:39:01 PM): I've had people dump beer on me...who cares

Jenw72977 (10:31:40 PM): yah well you hang out with me so that makes you a nerd too

babygirl72977 (8:40:54 PM): Had I known what was gonna happen...he woulda gotten shitty sex

babygirl72977 (8:27:17 PM): he called me once and texted me 3 times today...i feel overwelmed

babygirl72977 (5:42:00 PM): well hopefully by then I'll be grown up

babygirl72977 (11:47:28 PM): I just wanna know what to yell out ahead of time...instead of the last guy's name or something

Jenw72977 (6:54:39 PM): Just put a bag over their head and do your business

Jenw72977 (7:25:46 PM): You just gotta turn into an'll get all the chicks

Jenw72977 (6:58:40 PM): Well my goal is to hunt down tucker max and have sex with him

Jenw72977 (6:43:29 PM): yeah for me it is...the only sports I participate in are shopping and sex

Jenw72977 (7:03:50 PM): Yeah I don't wanna date him either but I soooo want to have sex with him

Jenw72977 (12:04:04 AM): I'm a Jerry fan...JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!

Jenw72977 (12:09:16 AM): the guys always say they are kidding when i threaten to take away the blow jobs

Jenw72977 (11:40:24 PM): Dude I am trying to have sex with you every night of the week lol

Jenw72977 (5:29:23 PM): i notice the girls are getting bigger and uglier

Jenw72977 (5:36:50 PM): so sex only with people that don't like ME

Jenw72977 (12:05:38 AM): you keep coming back for more Jen, eh

babygirl72977 : when i find out some guy is an asshole I whip him around for a couple weeks then stomp on his heart

Jenw72977 (10:32:27 PM): i'm looking for a guy that wants to spend time with me..ME...most of them just wanna spend time with my vagina

Jenw72977 (9:58:52 PM): I TAKE TUCKER BACK

babygirl72977 (11:59:29 PM): I'm cursing and swearing like a sailor and I'm having anger issues

Jenw72977 (10:09:59 PM): yes the torture will now commence

Babygirl72977_Broke_Girl: the way to my heart is through shutting the fuck up

babygirl72977 (10:02:19 AM): I realized I shouldn't be taking care of ventilator patients when I drooled toothpaste all over myself

babygirl72977 (9:06:49 PM): I wouldn't be so classless as to wear crappy underwear to a formal church wedding

babygirl72977 (10:42:45 PM): you heard me lard ass

babygirl72977 (11:31:45 AM): i should hope not...damn if I'm a whore then alot of people owe me a lot of sex dammit

babygirl72977 (6:43:11 PM): it but don't have much

babygirl72977 (12:43:04 AM): don't be dumb, get you some

babygirl72977 : guys just can't take no for an or otherwise

Jenw72977 (12:49:11 AM): don't ever say that to a girl again unless you are married to her

Jenw72977 (2:17:32 AM): I'm rice born and bred, and when I die, I'll be rice dead

babygirl72977 (12:21:11 AM): I think about the good times i can have NOW

babygirl72977 (10:11:07 PM): While I agree that we have many similarities, I could not make that judgement until I met you in the flesh, although judging by your pictures I would certainly hump your leg

Jenw72977 (1:17:17 AM): Yesterday I was in such a funk about the whole thing...but I just made out with a hot young guy for an hour so I'm back to normal again

Jenw72977 (1:20:21 AM): I gotta take that dude for a test drive

babygirl72977 (3:26:54 PM): this guy who was a dishwasher at the restaurant...pulled me aside one night...and said "Honey..I live by one rule...I don't chase em, I replace em." babygirl72977 (3:27:01 PM): It was the best advice anyone ever gave me

Jenw72977 (11:13:54 PM): You went to the freak side. Welcome to the club.