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Annie's Detroit Red Wing Page

Hi! I'm Annie, and this is my page. 'Course by now you know it's a Detroit Red Wing Page! If you didn't know that you probably wouldn't have come here! I just started this page, so it's not as good as the official Detroit Red Wing page, but it's another page in the world for the Detroit Red Wings! Oh yeah!

I also am in 2 huge webrings that I hope will get my page more hits so I can get my page critiqued. I am a beginning html programmer and it would be great if someone could make me a graphic, since I dont' have the time to go get AdobePhotoshop, or enough money to blow on it. I'm hoping for a pair of rollerblades and hockey sticks so I can go play with my dad at the nearby park. I can always take my sticks to the mall and cruise there, but it's closer to just drive 15 miles. Well I have to go find some more web rings and some more listings so I can stick out! Go Red Wings!

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This Site Is Owned By
Annie Filla

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